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Where to go?

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I'm in kindof a new situation and don't know what to do. Anyway, this girl started talking to me on a dating site and told me she lives near me. One day, driving to work, I saw her walking to the train station and stopped to talk with her. I gave her a ride up to the train station and I got her #. I text her a couple times, we decided to hangout after I finished work today. So after work, I shower and drive to her house. I pick her up, and we go to macdonalds and get icies, sit and talk for 2 hours. After we talk, me and her drive to a book store and buy books we wanted. Then we drive to her house and I sit with her in her basement playing video games and talking for 4 hours. Finally, I leave.


Anyway, at first I thought she was kinda ugly from her dating site pics, and only wanted to be friends. But as we talked more and i spent time with her (round 8-9 PM, after like 4 hours together) I started to think she didn't look that bad, and had a nice personality which mirrored mine, but was kinder and different in a good way. I feel kinda strange right now and am not sure how to act or to tell her I wanna be more then just friends (I mentioned us as "friends" a couple times, so ****). Me and her are maybe gunna go see Inception together on Wensday, so what should I do? I admit though that she doesn't have that good of a body, and I have a bad habit of looking over other more hot body build girls even when I'm with her.

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if you were with a beautiful girl would you still check out other babes? i just think women are beautiful and i'm sorta interested in women's fashion but i'd be looking even if it weren't for that. but that is all superficial. if i'm with someone i really like and have fun with and can talk to and listen to i usually start to notice every adorable thing about them. the girls who resemble whatever your physical ideal is get pushed out to being some kind of alternate reality and you are traveling through the world hand in hand as two unique souls with your atypical beauty. but that's just me.

it depends on what you need in a relationship right now. if having someone to talk to and play videogames with is what you needed, then take it slow with this girl. there's no rush if you're already compatible as friends and can make plans together, y'dig? i'd say don't plan it out, just go to the movie or whatever and see how you feel. hope that helps :)

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