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rejected proposals - does it really happen?

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it seems most people wait to propose until they're 99.9% sure they'll hear "yes". any "no" stories? does that even happen?



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I proposed once -- many years ago. I was so in-love and I thought we would be great together. We got through our disagreements just fine and seemed to always mesh & had been together for a couple of years. We'd talked about marriage and long-term goals, kids, etc.


I bought the rings. I created a perfect romantic setting. I got down on bended knee. I talked about love and life not being whole, blah blah blah. I said "will you merge your life to mine, and allow me to spend the rest of my life loving you?" and opened the ring box. Dead Silence. Continued Dead Silence. Throat Clearing. My heart dropped right out of my chest and went splat in my ankles. "I'm Flattered..." was the response. I was devastated then, didn't think I would ever recover. I'm so glad that it didn't work out--I can't imagine not being married to the person I'm with now. :)

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I've said no on a couple of occasions. In one case, it was a longtime bf. He was ready; I wasn't. But in other cases, it was more or less out of the blue.

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Someone I met on a bus proposed to me but I'm fairly sure it was to evade imminent deportation. I said no. I also had a weird "if we are single by the time we are ..." sort of arrangement when I was very young which in retrospect was me being to cowardly to say no.

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