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mean and unfaithful girl?

Great GUY

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Hello everyone,


I have been in this relationship with this very giving woman for about 7 months now. In the past 1 month things have gone downhill, and fast. About a month ago, I was very ill and had to be hospitalized. I was so ill I couldnt even pick up the phone to call her, or anyone for that matter. If youve been that sick, you know what im talking about. Well, she got mad at me for not talking to her for 2 days. YElled at me and told me I dont care about her, but I was the one that was sick. So, I went to her house a day later. As soon as I got there, she told me she had to go pick up her roomates friend. THe roomate didnt have transportation so i was like...ok cool. I said "who is this guy that you are picking up?" and she would only say "its only a friend of hers". Well, 2 days later, she tells me it is HER ex boyfriend that she dated only a couple months before we met. (Apparently her and her girlfriend have the same interest in men) WEll, needless to say I got extremely upset that she lied to me after i asked her more than twice who she was picking up. I got even more upset when i went over to her house one night, unexpectedly, and found them both "chillin" out together while her friend who is supposed to be dating this guy was gone to work. I am not implying they are still interested in eachother, or anything was going on. She says there are no feelings there, but I of course told her it made me uncomfortable and just asked for her not to be around him when hes there if possible. Yet she still keeps his company. Not to mention the man has been rude to me and lied about something I said to him in anger to make me look bad. Moving on..I fell down my stairs the other day. I had a slight concussion and was out cold for about an hour. I woke up in the hospital around 1030pm unaware of anything but the pain i had in my ankle and head. I promised her that night that i would call her, before any of this happened of course. Unfortunately, I could not call her until the next evening. The first thing she said is "are you lying to me?". Not "oh my god are you ok?"...but accused me of b.s. because I , quote "let her down". I had some serious headache action going on so I let her go, not but 2 minutes does she call me back and tell me I "broke my promise to her because I didnt call". I am sitting at home in pain on pain killers and this is all i am getting? People, help me understand what the problem is here...please. I need to know if this person is just wayyy to needy or is selfish and worth holding on to.


She has absolutely no family here. Her mother died a couple years ago and she still is mourning that. The rest of her family and her do not even talk,most of them on bad terms. I on the other hand, do what I can when I can for this girl, and all I ever get is "you dont act like you care" and "i dont think you do enough" and " i dont think you want to be with me" and "I dont think i am the girl for you because I need this and you cant give it to me". I could go on and on. I just need someone else to tell me what I already know I guess. Oh, one more tidbit that might help as a character reference, she is into drugs and does marijuana on a daily basis. would this have an effect on why she treats me like this after all I try and do for her?


thank you all for your advice


-Great guy

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You really want to know the problem???


The problem is you can't dump her fast enough. There are no physicists available this time of morning to give me a scientific equation to get the lady OUT OF YOUR LIFE fast enough for you. That is the problem.


The other problem is YOU. I am unable to contact Freud in the afterlife to ask him for the underlying reasons why a nice guy like you would continue to give even an ounce of time to the most selfish, self centered, uncaring woman in the universe.


This girl has problems with warts on them. Yes, she has had some loss but we all have that. But that doesn't mean that she has to go around sucking everybody's blood and being so uncaring and without understanding of other people's plights. If she wants people to be kind and understanding towards her problems, she needs to show an ounce or two of same for other people, especially her boyfriend.


Furthermore, if these drugs are found on this girl by the law while you are in her presence, YOU will be taken into custody, photographed, fingerprinted, etc. along with her. Then it would take a while for you to prove you had no involvement with her drugs.


You wonder why she's still chillin' and chummy with her ex...can you say DRUGS???


Now, do you understand why it's a problem that we can't get you away from her fast enough. I even feel I need to get a faster Internet connection so I can get this word to you quicker.


To answer your final question, yes, the drugs could be a reason for her behavior and could eventually be a reason she could try to slug you in the head with a hammer while you're sleeping. Our laws do not recognize drugs, alcohol, or any other substance as a mitigating factor for wrong behavior. It is a grave injustice to yourself (and her too) to continue to tolerate her behavior for any reason. Drugs, the loss of her mother, or nuclear war are not acceptable reasons for showing you such a horrifying lack of sensitivity and consideration in the light of your illness, accident and hospitalizations.


As a parting gesture, if you really must be a nice guy, give her a gift certificate to a drug withdrawal clinic or other appropriate mental treatment facility.

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Thank you tony. What a relief to hear what I already knew, I am tired of second guessing myself. I know things were not right but kept putting up with it. Thank you for your matter of factness. You are a great advisor and from what I can tell give great in your face advice.


thanks again


great guy

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  • 2 weeks later...

This woman has only hit physical maturity. Emotional maturation appears to be quite a ways off.


Dump her


She's only playin games w/ your head.

Hello everyone, I have been in this relationship with this very giving woman for about 7 months now. In the past 1 month things have gone downhill, and fast. About a month ago, I was very ill and had to be hospitalized. I was so ill I couldnt even pick up the phone to call her, or anyone for that matter. If youve been that sick, you know what im talking about. Well, she got mad at me for not talking to her for 2 days. YElled at me and told me I dont care about her, but I was the one that was sick. So, I went to her house a day later. As soon as I got there, she told me she had to go pick up her roomates friend. THe roomate didnt have transportation so i was like...ok cool. I said "who is this guy that you are picking up?" and she would only say "its only a friend of hers". Well, 2 days later, she tells me it is HER ex boyfriend that she dated only a couple months before we met. (Apparently her and her girlfriend have the same interest in men) WEll, needless to say I got extremely upset that she lied to me after i asked her more than twice who she was picking up. I got even more upset when i went over to her house one night, unexpectedly, and found them both "chillin" out together while her friend who is supposed to be dating this guy was gone to work. I am not implying they are still interested in eachother, or anything was going on. She says there are no feelings there, but I of course told her it made me uncomfortable and just asked for her not to be around him when hes there if possible. Yet she still keeps his company. Not to mention the man has been rude to me and lied about something I said to him in anger to make me look bad. Moving on..I fell down my stairs the other day. I had a slight concussion and was out cold for about an hour. I woke up in the hospital around 1030pm unaware of anything but the pain i had in my ankle and head. I promised her that night that i would call her, before any of this happened of course. Unfortunately, I could not call her until the next evening. The first thing she said is "are you lying to me?". Not "oh my god are you ok?"...but accused me of b.s. because I , quote "let her down". I had some serious headache action going on so I let her go, not but 2 minutes does she call me back and tell me I "broke my promise to her because I didnt call". I am sitting at home in pain on pain killers and this is all i am getting? People, help me understand what the problem is here...please. I need to know if this person is just wayyy to needy or is selfish and worth holding on to. She has absolutely no family here. Her mother died a couple years ago and she still is mourning that. The rest of her family and her do not even talk,most of them on bad terms. I on the other hand, do what I can when I can for this girl, and all I ever get is "you dont act like you care" and "i dont think you do enough" and " i dont think you want to be with me" and "I dont think i am the girl for you because I need this and you cant give it to me". I could go on and on. I just need someone else to tell me what I already know I guess. Oh, one more tidbit that might help as a character reference, she is into drugs and does marijuana on a daily basis. would this have an effect on why she treats me like this after all I try and do for her? thank you all for your advice -Great guy
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