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Told MM about my pregnancy

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Do y'all read what Noelle posts or are you just posting to each other?


She has gone away for a few days doesnt want to hear any more left her laptop behind.

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Interesting. Didn't you say your parents dont know? ok...

Interesting indeed. Interesting how the drama seems to escalate in every post.
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Hi Noelle,


I would say this baby is one special baby, his or her tiny little life facing so much opposition...yep this is a special baby. I am glad you are getting into safety...take care Noelle


Agreed, PIH!


You two should be ashamed of yourselves.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Fallen Angel, this is undoubtedly the best post on this thread!!!!!


Do y'all read what Noelle posts or are you just posting to each other?


She has gone away for a few days doesnt want to hear any more left her laptop behind.


I so agree with these posts.


Give the girl a break. :)

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Do y'all read what Noelle posts or are you just posting to each other?


She has gone away for a few days doesnt want to hear any more left her laptop behind.




Why attempt to squelch the LS posters..


I have seen threads where the OP's are gone for days and posters carry on the discussion ..


2nd time you have said this on here. Did it ever occur to you that OP will read posts upon return.

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You three should be ashamed of yourselves.



Ashamed of themselves for what?? Shame because they don't share your opinions. All of this thread is about opinions. Many opinions are in the guise of encouraging her to have abortion, or chase her off to a "counselor" for "clinic" referrel as her doctor did.


Where was the shame when in Noelle's last post, she tried to defend herself from a poster (no. 225). After that poster gave their demeaning statement, no one was telling them to be ashamed of themself, just encouraging them.

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Interesting indeed. Interesting how the drama seems to escalate in every post.


Of all the drama going on on LoveShack, I have not seen others use that word "drama" so loosely as they are to Noelle and the concerned posters.

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You two should be ashamed of yourselves.


Excuse Me???? I think that should be the other way around.

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Ashamed of themselves for what?? Shame because they don't share your opinions. All of this thread is about opinions. Many opinions are in the guise of encouraging her to have abortion, or chase her off to a "counselor" for "clinic" referrel as her doctor did.


Where was the shame when in Noelle's last post, she tried to defend herself from a poster (no. 225). After that poster gave their demeaning statement, no one was telling them to be ashamed of themself, just encouraging them.

I have not stated my opinion of what she should do, so you have no way of knowing what my opinion is! Wanna know why I haven't shared my opinion? Because that's not what this thread is about.


The OP has asked for support in how to deal with MM. She has not asked if she should get an abortion or not. Trying to guilt this girl into having the baby because you are against abortion is no more helpful than those telling her to just get rid of it. Re-read her Opening Post. Respond to it appropriately. Leave your agenda somewhere else.


If you want to discuss whether this OW or any other should keep their babies, start your own thread. Geez, I've never been to a forum that was so bad about off topic tangents.

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Excuse Me???? I think that should be the other way around.
Goodie. Another off topic post that is of no value to Noelle. :rolleyes:

Weren't you two the ones responsible for getting her other thread locked down? Isn't that what you should be ashamed of yourself for? Locking that one down, and working your best on this one? Yeah. Shame on you!

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Goodie. Another off topic post that is of no value to Noelle. :rolleyes:

Weren't you two the ones responsible for getting her other thread locked down? Isn't that what you should be ashamed of yourself for? Locking that one down, and working your best on this one? Yeah. Shame on you!


Oh look, its the internet police :rolleyes:


I trust you grasp the irony of criticizing others for not helping N in your last few posts?


When N comes back, this thread can get back on track - until then, wait.


Is that ok NancyBotwin? Does that meet with your approval? :rolleyes:

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The OP has asked for support in how to deal with MM. She has not asked if she should get an abortion or not.




This thread is an update.


Her original thread was asking if others had had a child with the MM.


I would consider the most valued posts on here to be that of the testimonies of women who have given birth, being single mothers. And I have noticed that most of these women have in fact, been overcomers.

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You two should be ashamed of yourselves.


Dear M. Bot:


I am not ashamed. Not in the least. I have held my tongue and said very little on this thread, out of respect for the OP. I requested early on that others do likewise. They did not. Where was your shame then?


I held my tongue when M. Spain suggested that this poor young woman should have kept her legs together, and complained about the welfare/tax dollars that would be spent to rear her child. Where was your shame then??? I held my tongue through horror stories of single mothers rearing children under the most dire of circumstances (none of which even remotely applied to Noelle) Where was your shame then?


It is my opinion that every life conceived is planned by a power greater than ourselves, and it is my belief that every child IS special. Some children may seem more special to YOU, because of the fortunate conditions surrounding their births, but I can assure you, that IS NOT the determining factor. If that were the case, then we would have to say that the children born to poor and single parents should all be eliminated at conception. Do they NOT have a right to live, to have life, because they come from a less privileged home? Is their life less valuable or worthwhile, because their mother was poor and single? Do THEY not have a right to live, and a chance to make something good of their lives? If they don't "make good" by someone else's standard, is that proof that they should have been terminated?


What about children from rich families who don't turn out well? Does anyone suggest retrospectively that spoiled rich kids should have been aborted?


There are a substantial number of children from my culture who are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Often, they may have never known their dad, may have been reared by grandmother, auntie, or a kind-hearted neighbor. Are you saying THEY should have been aborted, that their lives are not special??? Hang your head in shame!


I, for one, was born to an alcoholic-addict. I had an absent father. I grew up in horrible conditions, married an abusive older man, had a baby at 20, and found myself on the street with no job, no car (in a city with no public transportation it was a big deal), and $5 to my name. Did I mention that I am bi-racial, and only finished the 11th grade? (because of the terrible conditions at home). I got a job as a night waitress, walked across town to work every night, with my baby in a loaned baby buggy. She slept in the manager's office while I worked. I was fortunate to be smart and not afraid of hard work. I could also type and spell. I worked my way up, and by the time my daughter was 5, we had a decent place to live, I had a decent car to drive, and I could afford to send my daughter to a nice private kindergarten. My daugter attended private schools for 11 years, graduated from one of the top ten private universities in the nation, and is a well-respected medical research scientist - whose work may one day save your butt. Or may have already.


Yes, I worked hard - very hard. But isn't anything worth having, worth working for?


Oh, and although there is no shame in doing so, as an adult I never once received welfare, foodstamps, or other government handouts. And we never once had to drink or bathe with water from a horse's hoofprint.


I started a business when my daughter was in grade school, started it really with nothing, but have now been in business for 27 years, providing jobs, education and opportunities for the community. I have been invited to the Governor's mansion on numerous occasions, and to the White House. I have served on boards and committees of a number of charitable, and/or public service organizations. I am not bragging. I believe the Power greater than us all protected, guided and helped me, because I was planned in His eyes.


And, btw, I feel I have more than repaid the tax dollars used in rearing me.


So, no, Ms. Bot, I am not ashamed to suggest that, should Noelle decide to keep the baby, it will be a very special baby! Perhaps you should be ashamed to think otherwise. It is that very thinking that makes it harder for those children born with "less than."

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Oh look, its the internet police :rolleyes:


I trust you grasp the irony of criticizing others for not helping N in your last few posts?


When N comes back, this thread can get back on track - until then, wait.


Is that ok NancyBotwin? Does that meet with your approval? :rolleyes:

How unfortunate it would be for Noelle if another one of her threads got shut down.
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How unfortunate it would be for Noelle if another one of her threads got shut down.


Yes, it is unfortunate, and it's only because there are a handful of people here who have no class, no manners, no empathy, no flexibility, no compassion, etc. I could say no intelligence but then I would be getting into the personal attack category.

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