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hey, im a registered user who needs to be unknown ao im not seen by others.



I have a friend that has a bf, who might be cheating with a girl that i know and LIKE, should I try to get my friends bf to set me up with this girl so that he stops cheating?

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Originally posted by whatupyo

I have a friend that has a bf, who might be cheating with a girl that i know and LIKE, should I try to get my friends bf to set me up with this girl so that he stops cheating?



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And what would that accomplish, besides making things more complicated than they sound already?


I've just read your post several times over and I'm still confused - I think. :confused:

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I will assign fake names to the people.



my friend=Tanya

Tanya's bf=Bob

his friend=Jess



Tanya and Bob are dating. Tanya thinks Bob is cheating on her with Jess. I LIKE Jess. Should I ask Bob to set me up with Jess, so that it would be harder for him to cheat on Tanya?

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  • 4 weeks later...

and if he's really cheating, why would you want to "date" Jess. Even if you like her, you know shes with a guy who cheats on his girl..





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