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Risk the Friendship

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We ahve been friends now for three years, and have been very close friends for the past twelve months. Never, ever have we progressed to the next level.

It is strange, but I think about her I dont think of sex first. I say that it is strange being that guys are supposed to need sex to feel in love. But I think about all of the other beautiful parts of a relationship before the idea of sex even appears in my mind. I think about taking care of her, of her family. Watching TV with her parents and laughing away the hours. Cooking for them all, and having them accept me as part of the family.

Is it stange for a guy to think this way?

We Text and talk regulary through the week, and we talk about all aspects of life including our families. Our friendship has growen so much deeper and there is love between us. However, when I talk with her, look at her or even think about her I see and picture deeper love. There is so much closeness between us, and sometimes there may even be a little flirting. But I cannot tell which way I am to go.

In one light I can see us being oh so happy together. Sharing all, and spending our lives together.

Another, I see us being the best of friends, always and forever.

And in the third picture I see throuble. I see myself admiting to her how I truely feel. I see myself telling her that not only do I love her, but that I am in-love with her. And then I see her leave. I see her being oh so shocked by what I tell her, that she can no longer even remain friends. I see myself loosing the best friend that I have had in oh so many years. I see her breaking my heart.

With all of the above floating around inside my head over and over again, I am begining to go crazy. I cannot stop the thoughts, and I cannot stop my feelings.

To stay happy in our friendship?

Or, to risk it all and end up with everything that I have ever or could ever want, or loose everything..?



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