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female friend of six years feels for me?

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hello LS, I wanted some advice about an incident that happened yesterday with meeting with a good friend of mine I havent seen in almost 2 and a half years.


Well first of all, we have been friends since I was 19(26 now) and she 17(24 now). In our early years, we would hang out quite often. Going to movies, going out to eat, going to concerts, etc. Always just having friendly conversations about our lives, relationship probs etc, we just got along really well and felt a connection but we would never really talk about it. Though when it would come down to heavy drinking(not all the time), she would tell me how much of a good/sweet guy I was, would put her arm around me, make out with me..she even told one of our mutual friends that she really liked me. I actually even told her I liked her and wanted to take things further back then but she wasnt feeling it...


I figured this was all drunk talk so I brushed it off and got use to this way of thinking of hers. This would go on for a while till eventually one of us would get in a relationship and wouldnt hang out/talk as much.


Now, She has been with her current boyfriend for almost 4 years and we have always kept in touch but not as much as we use to. So last night, there was a party at our mutual friends house and I went to go say hi and catch up since i hadn't seen her in 2 years.


As soon as I get there she already had a few in her and was buzzed. She started hugging me lots, even went into the bathroom with me and started talking to me about her problems with her current man and was hugging me and once again saying how Im such a sweet/great guy and would make a good boyfriend. It seemed like if she was waiting for me to bust a move but I know her current bf and I have respect so I didnt do nothing....was I in the wrong? we kinda stalled, then exited the bathroom and continued talking about old times...


So before I left, i was outside saying goodbye to her, she gave me a long hug and held on for a while, gave me a kiss on my cheek and I mentioned shes prolly not going to remember seeing me tonite since she was drunk. She said she wouldnt forget this night, and she mentioned that she didnt forget the fact that she had feelings for me back then and sometimes still thinks about me and her. So once again, I said my goodbyes and brushed it off...since she was under the influence.


This is not something that is driving me crazy or anything(just more on the curious side). I always did like her, but I never put myself/feelings for her out completely because in my mind, I never thought she still felt that way about me. but what do you think LS?

Edited by drewdude
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I'd tell her, hey - let me know when you break up with your boyfriend.


Exactly. Tell her to get her life together then she can come contact you. Trust me, you dodged a nuclear bomb by brushing her off. The last thing you need is to get into a love triangle.


I suspect she might be thinking the grass is greener with you. So say she makes the jump, and in 2-4 months when the newness wears off she'll realize expectations almost never meet reality and she'll disappear faster than the fat kid in dodgeball. Think about this as well. She's risking throwing away 4 years with someone for you. What do you think she'll do to you? When someone is easily willing to cut and run to another person, generally that's repeatable behavior on their part.


She sounds like she's a branch swinger, and she won't jump until she knows she can catch the new branch (ie you). These people are usually the most destructive in your life and you should take caution with them

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I understand, I dont want to be a rebound. Like I said, this is not something that is driving me crazy or anything. I know better than to jump into anything super quick like that. I am just wondering, with all that shes said, do you people of LS think she feels something towards me? or is it all just drunk talk?

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