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"I don't like you leave me alone"


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Well that girl that lost interest in me said that to me last night, because i kept bugging her to hang out, not repeatedly but through out the last couple days, everytime she would have an excuse or a response like "idk i'll see if we can hang out today", and i asked what she was doing on sunday and she said "studying" and then i said "why dont we hang out after you get out of school on tuesday?" and she said


"i dont like you leave me alone" and i said "alright thats cool take care"


So i havent contacted her since then, i deleted her number but i still have her on facebook which i dont use that much and she hardly uses it also.


My brain is saying to leave her be, and get on with life, but my memories and emotions wan't her back to how it was even though it was a short month.......I know i bugged her and she was too nice to tell me to leave her alone before but she finally told me what i needed to hear and i should just move on but i cant.....

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I know i bugged her and she was too nice to tell me to leave her alone before but she finally told me what i needed to hear and i should just move on but i cant.....


You have to, you don't have a choice.


You should delete her from facebook as well.

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Well i know but i guess im dumb for looking at her photos and how hot she is, she is the prettiest girl i've been with, i think since im not used to dating hot girls im trying to hang onto this one even though she is in a different phase in life than i, she's into parties and being single and stuff and i like being single too but im not a party boy, im cool watching movies with a girl while cuddling, but i was too nice for her.


It's funny though because a post i did awhile back was about a girl that i was in teh freindzone with and after things ended badly i kept trying to get her to be my friend again and that was like last september and she shut me out her life and i got on with life and stopped bugging her, she even moved back to her city in new jersey, and out of no where she texted me yesterday saying "hey" so i guess once you don't care some people from your past come back again.

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Unless you want a restraining order and a stalking charge on your record, I suggest you find a way to leave her alone.

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I am not trying to be condescending but that's what happens when you play out of your league.


If you think this girl is incredibly pretty and hot - you will just have to lower your standards for the next girl.


I am going through the same thing right now, attempting to play out of my league and it's not working out for me either :(

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I don't think she is out of my league, shoot i had her attracted to me within 5 minutes, but since it's my first time actually getting a girl that i thought was hot, through my own actions, i found her kind of special and she was real cool down to earth, but just had a different life style than mines, i don't think anybody is really out of anybodies league, to say that is like accepting failure or something, so nah im not gonna go after subpar or ugly girls, but if i like something ima try to get it. you shouldnt settle either

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no i liked her also because she was smart, had a strong focus on school, knows japanese and was trying to teach me, and she was pretty interesting, but it was just a bonus that she was pretty and phillipino lol since i've never dated one, i always wanted to, and i just liked how laidback she was, but other then that she just wants to be single and party it up, which is cool, i should be lucky that im single so i can focus on my lfie instead of worrying about one girl, better ones will come and go, i guess if i would have met her later, things prob woulda worked out but she's not even 21 yet she's 20 so she's going to be hitting the clubs hard.

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Bullet dodged. Set your sights on the next potential. Who she is will be far more important than her looks and IQ in a LTR. Elemental compatibility. For dating and casual sex, go for the gusto. Enjoy :)

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I don't think she is out of my league, shoot i had her attracted to me within 5 minutes, but since it's my first time actually getting a girl that i thought was hot, through my own actions, i found her kind of special and she was real cool down to earth, but just had a different life style than mines, i don't think anybody is really out of anybodies league, to say that is like accepting failure or something, so nah im not gonna go after subpar or ugly girls, but if i like something ima try to get it. you shouldnt settle either


Ah, you are still young. In today's society there are leagues when it comes to pretty much anything: looks, power, money, education, confidence etc. Many studies have shown that people tend to choose a partner of similar attractivness to them.


From what I have observed in couples in everyday life (when taking power and money out of the equation), when one partner is a lot better looking than the other, the better looking one tends to lack confidence big time.

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meerkat stew

Hold on a minute.


"I don't like you, leave me alone," is this verbatim? exactly as she spoke it?


If not completely verbatim, if she used other words, agree with the others.


If that's exactly what she said, though, and she's older than ten, there's more here than meets the eye IME.


Cool it off for a month without contacting her at all. Approach other women you find attractive in the meantime. Then approach her casually and say hi one day and smile, then walk away. I have a hunch if you do this she may come around. Maybe not, but worth a try. The key is to keep yourself busy with other prospects until then.

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Honestly, I wish that as soon as a guy loses interest in me he would say "I don't like you, leave me alone". I would absolutely LOVE it.


No more obsessing, no more waiting for texts, no more over-analyzing. If all people did just that, LS wouldn't even exist. I can not stand uncertainity and false hope.

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Well I believe that communication was a big problem from the get go because she doesn't like confrontation or talking on the phone, she is so used to texting people, and that's what got me in hot water, because i would text back and forth with her every day and try to keep it up all day, i probably became boring because of that, because even when i was busy i would still text her,


and it took her forever to finally call it off with me after i questioned her because she was saying "idk" and even after she gave me a little false hope by giving me nonsense answers when i would try to hang out with her, and she said "i dont like you leave me alone" verbatim but through text message, i haven't texted her today, ill try not to for awhile, but i don't wanna date her after she's had other guys besides me, when i want her now. I guess im sort of jealous. but let's see what happens.

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Cracker Jack

Dude, we went over this in your last topic. You still can't seem to understand that you're wasting your time here.


Delete everything. Don't text her, call her, or anything. You have to move on.

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This girl is trouble man. Does ecstasy all the time, parties and raves a ****load. She definitely does the x because she likes having sex while on it. She also definitely hooks up with random guys a LOT while on the ex. She is not girlfriend material and making her into a girlfriend is a bad idea. I would not want to sleep with this one on a regular basis either based purely on her lifestyle - there is no way she is ready to be faithful etc.


being responsible with school, lol. Either you understand responsibility or you don't. Responsibility isn't this thing you can do in one area of your life and not another. You either ARE responsible or you ARENT. like you can't say I'm VERY responsible during the week, but every weekend I snort a ****load of coke. News flash - you aren't responsible!


Chasing her is silly, as well as trying to turn her into your girlfriend. She isn't ready for it, you shouldn't have gotten invested in her at all. Would never call this one two days in a row...


edit: I personally don't delete all contact information usually, but for this one you need to. Remove all temptation of trying to get with her. She isn't interested - you should be happy!

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Well that girl that lost interest in me said that to me last night, because i kept bugging her to hang out, not repeatedly but through out the last couple days, everytime she would have an excuse or a response like "idk i'll see if we can hang out today", and i asked what she was doing on sunday and she said "studying" and then i said "why dont we hang out after you get out of school on tuesday?" and she said


"i dont like you leave me alone" and i said "alright thats cool take care"


So i havent contacted her since then, i deleted her number but i still have her on facebook which i dont use that much and she hardly uses it also.


My brain is saying to leave her be, and get on with life, but my memories and emotions wan't her back to how it was even though it was a short month.......I know i bugged her and she was too nice to tell me to leave her alone before but she finally told me what i needed to hear and i should just move on but i cant.....


"I don't like you. Leave me alone" is pretty much as straight-forward as it gets. Leave her alone.

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It's pretty much a step before getting a restraining order.


Please don't contact this girl again EVER.

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Well i still haven't texted her, and i am not hurting as bad as i was, im getting in a better state of mind. I don't plan on getting her to be with me again at that level, but im gonna try to do something i never did while dating her or even after we stopped, try not to contact her for a week, and then just say something like "hey just taking some time out to atleast say hello, hope your having a good day." bam i don't want anything from her. but who knows i might change my mind and keep on having no contact.

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Well i still haven't texted her, and i am not hurting as bad as i was, im getting in a better state of mind. I don't plan on getting her to be with me again at that level, but im gonna try to do something i never did while dating her or even after we stopped, try not to contact her for a week, and then just say something like "hey just taking some time out to atleast say hello, hope your having a good day." bam i don't want anything from her. but who knows i might change my mind and keep on having no contact.


I smell DENIAL...

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Well i still haven't texted her, and i am not hurting as bad as i was, im getting in a better state of mind. I don't plan on getting her to be with me again at that level, but im gonna try to do something i never did while dating her or even after we stopped, try not to contact her for a week, and then just say something like "hey just taking some time out to atleast say hello, hope your having a good day." bam i don't want anything from her. but who knows i might change my mind and keep on having no contact.


don't text her something lame like that, if you're going to text her.


frankly I agree with the rest of the lot that you should let go and stay nc with her. I also agree with you that you killed any attraction by texting her all day and just being so available.


stop being so nice to her and go do YOUR thing, while meeting new girls along the way.


just chalk this one up to experience and slow down next time.

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Conflictedguy: Ya now i realized that was my huge mistake by being so available all the time, but that is her main way of communicating since she never had minutes on her phone we'd be texting all day every day, and there were a few times when i felt like i didn't want to text anymore because i didn't have anything to say over text i rather work my magic in person.


I have this fear when im dating a new woman, im always good for about three weeks but then i feel if i contact them less that their going to stop liking me and possibly go out with other guys or just flat out leave me with no explanation, like a fear of loss. How can i fix those insecurities so i don't come off as a clingy, desperate dude. I've screwed many dating situations being that way, because im always doing what i think they'd want me to do instead of doing what i want to do.

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