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Should I take this friendship up to a higher level?


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[color=darkblue]Hello. My name is xBeautifulMindx and I'm lost in a pool of emotion. Ever since I can remember, I have never had the best of luck with guys. Most of the guys I have liked, I never talked to. Mostly because of being shy, quiet, and guys didn't quite find me attractive. As I said before, I barely talk to guys, even as friends. Then last year I met this guy in one of my classes. I remember from the past years that I had saw him in the halls and I thought he was cute. I knew his name, but I never knew him in person until last year. About a month or so after school had started, we began to talk in class along with three other kids. It was a small class, a total of maybe 13 people. Everyone had their own little groups that they talked in.


Anyways, he was a guy that I always 'faught' with as fun and I would always smile around him. I only liked him as a friend, though. Then later, my feelings grew to a crush towards him. This guy... he's not your average guy. He's funny, sweet, kind, and likes you for you and not your looks. Towards the end of the school year, he found out I liked him. Of course, I was a tad bit nervous around him after that, but it seemed like nothing had happened at all. Then... I moved and stopped liking this guy during the summer.


When I found out I wasn't going to same school anymore, I e-mailed everyone, including him, that I knew from there to let them know. He e-mailed me back, saying he was sorry that we weren't going to be in any classes together. We sort of talked through e-mail after that and then later on, we started to talk through AIM. I have moved a total of 3 times in my life, each time I kept loosing my friends. But I didn't loose him or my best friend, Brit. It was just recently I started to really like this guy. I went to go see his band play and after seeing him, I knew I was going to start liking him again. My feelings were deeper, though.


That's when I started to get confused. He hugged me twice and gave me his number. Now, I'm not the type of person what would talk on the phone nor call anyone up. So I haven't really called him... yet. But anyways, where I am getting at is that I think he likes me, but then again, I'm not sure. Brit had asked him if he liked me, out of her own curiousty, he told her but she promised not to say anything. But she did tell me five words that he said about me. "Trish is hot and cool." That got my heart pounding. I was like, then he must like me, right? But what if there was a but in there? I asked him one time if he wanted to go to the movies. He said 'ya, sure' but we never made an exact date. Maybe that's my fault. I'm not quite sure if I love him, but I know I really like him. He's been on my mind for two weeks, non stop. Now it's getting close to Valentine's Day. I really want to ask him to the movies.


But I'm scared to. Should I find out if he likes me or not first by asking him myself or should I just ask him out?


The thing is, if this relationship goes to a higher level, what if it doesn't work out? Will we still be friends?


I'm not usually the one who goes up to a guy and tell them I like them and ask em out. But he's someone that had help give me confidence in myself. I'm more outgoing because of him. I'm more braver because of him. I don't want to loose him as a friend but then I want to move up to a higher level...[/color]

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In my experience, I've never been able to maintain a long lasting friendship with someone that I used to be friends with and then dated. That's not to say that we didn't remain on friendly terms, but it's a far cry from the friendship that we used to share.


As for your situation, it seems to me that you're ready to see if this friendship of yours is ready for a new level. I think that the both of you should commit to a date and time to see each other. Take it from there to see if you're both ready to be in a relationship. You'll never know unless the both of you actually go on a date and hang out with each other to see if you can mesh well together.[color=green][/color]

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Thanks for the advice, Thor. Yesterday I had asked him if he liked me as a friend or as more. He said he liked me as a more than a friend but is bad at relationships. That was the last thing he said to me before signing offline. I'm not sure, does that mean he doesn't want to be in relationship and should I wait or should I go ahead and ask him out?

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To me, it sounded like he had some insecurities about being in a relationship whether it be with you or someone else. I think he was throwing out a "security blanket" of a sort. If you do end up going out with each other then he'll have something to fall back on if it doesn't work. It's fully up to you now if you want to pursue this or not, but just know that since he's already said something somewhat negative about being in a relationship that being in one with this guy may not be all that great. Of course, you'll never know unless you give it a try.

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But then again, the relationships he was in with this one girl never worked. It could be because she wasn't right for him... but maybe you are right. I'm going to give it a try, though. To see if it does work out. Maybe it will.

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