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yoga during your period

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Can anyone advice on this:


I have heard several times that a woman is not supposed to do inverted yoga poses when having her period. However, I have never heard any medical explanation for this. A google search only brings answers such as "it depends on the type of yoga you are doing" or "it depends on what your body tells you" or something along those lines - i.e. not very helpful. I do yoga at home so don't have an instructor to ask. Does anyone have some information on why this is not supposed to be good for you?

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You Go Girl

I'd go with the what your body tells you advice with any exercise during menstruation, or not.

I used to do some yoga and am not sure what inverted positions are. I'd like to get back into it.

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I see absolutely no reason to avoid inverted poses while on your period. I think the idea is outdated and is similar to the idea that you can't swim while on your period.

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I've been practicing yoga for years, and never once have I heard you shouldn't do inversions during your period. I can't even think of a rationale behind it, actually.


I actually find yoga to be really helpful with cramps, so if anything, I would recommend more yoga, rather than less, during this time.

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Vascular congestion.. ?


That was funny! WOW. People write about this stuff...


She's right about one thing, though. Some women don't have normal energy levels during their periods, and in that case, could be more prone to any kind of sports-related injury. I SUPPOSE.


I've never not exercised when I had my period. True, my energy may not be at optimal levels, but I prefer to move every day, even if it's not at my normal level or intensity.


Inversions are my least favorite part of practice, however, so I might use this an excuse next class. :D

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I'd go with the what your body tells you advice with any exercise during menstruation, or not.

I used to do some yoga and am not sure what inverted positions are. I'd like to get back into it.


It's the ones where you're up side down (e.g. standing on your head).

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Thanks everybody, I guess I now have confirmed that there is no consensus and no 'hard evidence' to suggest one or the other. Vascular congestion doesn't sound great :eek: although I guess what the article is saying is that this is not supported either. My conclusion at this point is avoiding inverted poses for the first two days of heavy flows, just in case!

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When I went for a routine doctors appointment a few years ago he mentioned I takeup yoga to help with cramps and it has helped me. I was never warned by my doctor or yoga instructor.

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make me believe

It's not a rule, it's just a guideline some people choose to follow & some don't. Personally, I stay away from inversions when I'm on my period because I think they disrupt the natural flow of the blood. It's more philisophical than physiological for me. I just think the natural energy of the body is flowing down & out during that time, so why not work with it instead of against it? So I avoid inversions, and things like forward bends & downward facing dog. I stick to poses that I believe are working with my body, like bound angle pose which is GREAT for opening up the pelvis and is supposed to help with blood flow & cramps.


Here's an example of some poses that I like to do when I'm on my period:


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It's not a rule, it's just a guideline some people choose to follow & some don't. Personally, I stay away from inversions when I'm on my period because I think they disrupt the natural flow of the blood. It's more philisophical than physiological for me. I just think the natural energy of the body is flowing down & out during that time, so why not work with it instead of against it? So I avoid inversions, and things like forward bends & downward facing dog. I stick to poses that I believe are working with my body, like bound angle pose which is GREAT for opening up the pelvis and is supposed to help with blood flow & cramps.


Here's an example of some poses that I like to do when I'm on my period:



Thanks for this!!

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I just think the natural energy of the body is flowing down & out during that time, so why not work with it instead of against it?


So, by this logic, I imagine you sleep standing up during your period? I mean, laying flat is going against the flow, right? ;)


OK, I'm trying to make a point of how absurd the argument is to not be upside down for 45 seconds during your period. lol

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