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should I stop wearing perfume?

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When I go to work,I like to smell nice.So I put on perfume and am being told by someone,that I wear to much of it.So today,I put on only a little and she still says its to much.I dont know,maybe,I shouldnt just put it on cause shes going to go make comments.She also told me she didnt like my hair one time,after I put highlights in it.Shes always starting on me at work making comments and Im tired of it.Shes just starting to get on my nerves.She said the same thing yesterday too,about me wearing to much perfume. I look at her and can think of some things to say to her,like she does to me,but I just dont know what to say.If she gets near me tommorow,Im going to walk away before she starts on me.



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Some people complain to complain. Other's complain because they are threatened. Still others complain because they themselves are miserable.


Ask a coworker that you respect if you wear to much perfume, if not, press on baby and live it.

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If perfume bothers her because of an allergy, it would be only right to listen to her. But it seems that her comments are just based on her preferences. She doesn't get to choose your clothes or hairstyle, and you should just ignore any input she may have on these issues.

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I just looooooooove the smell of vanilla! Got vanilla candles all over my lil shoebox of an apartment! (Got this one vanilla/coconut scented one from Dollar Tree that reminds me of my trip to the Bahamas 5 1/2 years ago!)


I also have the world's worst sinuses. Back when I wore cologne/perfume in my twenties, my friends used to tell me I was a bit heavy-handed with the trigger!


What I use now are scented body products - body wash, shower gel, lotions - you name it! A bit more subtle, and gets your wonderful scented message across. I use the line of products from Bath and Body Works in "Warm Vanilla Sugar". And Suave has a line called "Suave Naturals" now. Just got the shampoo and conditioner called "Vanilla Floral", which contains almond extracts and silk protein, and is supposed to be especially beneficial for those with permed or color treated hair.


Can't wait for my next night out... heh heh!!! :bunny:

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Did you know that many workplaces have a policy in place that employees are to refrain from wearing any kind of perfume/cologne/etc......because of the many people out there who have "scent sensitivities", or whose asthma or allergies can be triggered by the smell? Some people are sooooo sensitive to "scents" that it can make them violently sick. I work with a lady like that. I'd always been one to want to smell nice, no matter where i went (though I never overdid it)...but now I have learned to break my morning habit, after showering, of putting on body spritzer...because of her.


If I were you, I'd probably refrain from wearing perfume at work. Who knows, maybe it really does bother her..or give her a headache, or that particular scent triggers a bad memory for her....or she just finds it offensive.


However, you should be free to dress and do your makeup however the hell you like, as long as it's within your workplace code......and if she picks at you, tell her to mind her damn business. Or sweetly smile and say to her, the next time she picks at how you look, "Just curious, does it make you feel important to pick at me?"


Or, "I find your constant picking at me to be harassment. Just thought I'd bring that to your attention." Then smile and carry on with your work. Most people will back off when the word "harassment" is used.

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I like the vanilla too.I also think there is some "sugar vanilla" body wash that I might try.I just like to smell nice and clean for work.



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The policy at my office is no strong perfume or scented lotions. Personally I agree with this policy. I have scent allergies and when I smell something like perfume I get migrains and have to leave. I am by no means a whiner and will ignore it when its mild or not going to get a migrain started.

Thats just a bit of a tip from me. All I say is keep it mild and not over powering, but if someone says it bothers them, refrain from using it.

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Patty -

I noticed that you have a post from a few days ago asking how to get rid of migraines. My first suggestion would be to cut off the perfume entirely for awhile. You have a coworker complaining that your perfume is too heavy and then you are asking about headaches that make you ill.... It just seems like too much of a coincidence.

One other thing to keep in mind is that if you apply scent, you shouldn't be able to smell it on yourself shortly after you apply it. You can't assume that other people won't smell it if you don't.

There's my 2 cents - hope that helps!

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Tell this women to not be around you if it bothers her so much. Keep putting on your perfume and if others don't like it, then maybe consider changing it abit.


I know I mentioned to the backer at my job that he wears too much collone, but with him he puts so much on it is like he has bathed in it. Which he ended up cutting down, but I just could not help but mention it because it was a really really bad smell.


Not everyone is going to like your perfume, just put it on only alittle dab here and there and make sure you don't put it on your clothes or in your hair or any of that kind of jazz. So, I hope this helps you out a bit.


If this women keeps up with telling you about your perfume you should stand up to her, or consider not wearing perfume.

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This person seems very insecure and deciding to make herself feel better by degrading you. Get my jift? Im sure your not the ugliest smelliest person at your work. Does she pick on this person (ugly) or just you? Dont pay attention to what she thinks, unless you have a really bad smell judgment.

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Patty -

I noticed that you have a post from a few days ago asking how to get rid of migraines. My first suggestion would be to cut off the perfume entirely for awhile. You have a coworker complaining that your perfume is too heavy and then you are asking about headaches that make you ill.... It just seems like too much of a coincidence.


I came here for suggestions on what to do.If its a coincidence,Im not going to worry about it.Its just an opinion and it doesnt mean its true.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions.I never realized that people could be allergic to perfume.But now its making more sence to me.I didnt wear any perfume yesterday.I put a little on today.



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Hey Patty,


Do what I would do...take the bottle of perfume to work with you and next time she says something, take out the perfume and spray it in her face....kinda' like how the perfume lady at the department store does it!


Of course, I'm just kidding, that would probably get you fired...so don't do it. Also, don't react to her by making negative coments....that just lowers you down to her level. Just keep showing her that you are the better person by ignoring her. If you really feel it necessary, wear just a tiny bit. Try spraying it on right after you get out of the shower, not on your clothes...that seems to help the "strongness" sometimes.

Take care...and don't let "the man" get you down hun!



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People can be verrrry alergic to perfume. My dad cant handle me even just one spray of the weakest perfume his nose is just too sensitive. Try not wearing perfume for a day and if the migranes go away, you know the culprit.

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You know PATTY, alot of perfumes are very gaggy because of the strong odor, so maybe instead of wearing that kind of perfume, why don't you wear nice scented oils. But not too much, just a light scent. I know with myself, I would love to wear perfume, but alot of them are just plain gaggy and could be causing you to get the migrains and to get this one women to keep commenting about your perfume.


Personally if this goes on where she keeps saying something, yeah I would think it would be great to spray it in her eyes, but that would be wrong so then just no wear it anymore. And then tell her that she smells and make her believe that she stinks. That would be kinda fun. Tell her that you have noticed that she has been smelling funny lately. But make it up of course. Then she will get a complex and that is that.

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Obviously some of you have never had an allergic reaction to something if you would tell someone to spray perfume in anothers face.


I have an allergy to Eucalyptus oil which is often used in perfumes and body care products. I can wear Shalimar with no problem but if I am exposed to someone wearing Chantilly, Emerald, Tommy Girl and a couple of others, I find myself struggling to breathe.


My throat closes off and my eyes begin to burn, my lips swell and I feel tingling in all my extremities. If I do not get an antihistimene I end up in the emergency room.


This person may just be being a pain in the butt, but if she really does have a serious allergy and you spray her you could end up being charged with assault.


My advice to you would be to ask her what perfumes do not bother her, bring in some samples and ask her which are not offensive to her.


You may find that being considerate of her might just change how she treats you in return.


One other thing, I recently picked up a magazine to read while having my hair done and it had a perfume sample in it, My throat seized up and I was struggling to breathe. I had to have an ambulance called.

I just wanted to mention this as I used to work with a girl who used to leave her magazine sitting on the desk before I realized I was allergic.


The Faithful wife

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Unless you have unbearable body odor that needs to be covered up, I dont see any reasons to wear perfumes at work. you might think your perfume smells nice, but to others, it might be just another kind of air pollution. since you SHARE the work place with others, if they dont like it, why would you insist to annoy them?

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Thanks everyone for your responses.You all have very good ideas,that has helped me in this situation.I think I will not wear any perfume,just out of respect.And if she still keeps saying stuff after,I tried that,the only other thing I can do is to say is to stop harrasing me.If she was allergic to it,I think she would of told me.Cause after the first day,she told me,I wore it,I knew that day myself,I did over do it and the next day,I wore a little less and she still came up to me complaining that it was to much.So,I only think shes trying to be a pain.She has always picked on me for no reason and other stuff,besides the perfume.


I just dont like her much after that time she started yelling at me for no reason at all.She was yelling at me saying "do your work" which I thought was offending.I do, do my work,but Im a little slower then the others cause of a learning disabilty.I dont think the same way that others do at work.So that I think causes her to shout out things at me.Actually once she wanted me doing her work,plus mine.Im like" excuse me,I have enough of my own work."Im responsible for what I have to do at work and she is responsible for her own work".


But that is part of working,you meet people you like and there will always be people that you dont like.But Im not going to wear any perfume,just out of respect.Unless if its an emergency,Ill put a little on,but other then that,I dont think I'll wear it.I like to go in to work with good hygiene.Plus I like to use mouthwash too.



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I look at the whole situation like this. If the women is allergic to the perfume, don't you think she would say something to Patty by telling Patty she is allergic? That would be the appropriate thing to do. And if Patty is such a nice person which we know she is could always not wear the perfume if it is something that makes this women allergic. So, PATTY, keep wearing the perfume unless she tells you she is allergic. MAke sure you don't bath in it either, only a small amount. And if she gives you any problems and is nasty about it, there is always the trick of spraying perfume in her eyes.

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Originally posted by longlegzs80

there is always the trick of spraying perfume in her eyes.



Yeah that option is up next to letting the air out of tires.

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Very well said.You are right,no one that goes in to work are mind readers and it is up to the person that is allergic to the perfume,to tell us whether they are allergic to the perfume,otherwise we dont know.They got to come right out and say "I'm allergic to that kind of perfume" I would appreciate it if you didnt wear it".If she was really allergic to it,I think she either would of passed out or would have been rushed to the hospital.So I take it she is not allergic to it.But it is up to her to tell me.I will continue to do what Im doing but out of respect,I will be careful.



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Patty...if I were you, from now on I would just ignore this person...you say she always finds something to pick on you about. Next time she has a comment for you, say... "Were you a bully in High School too, or is this a recent thing?" Good luck. :)

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