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Of course not, I don't carry grudges. That's a girl thing

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I said that above to meanon, as a lighthearted joke.


But it provoked some thought--I'm wondering has this happened to anyone else? My mother has, on MORE than one occaision dreamt that either me or my father had done something bad. I've refused to apologize for what I did in her subconscious, and she's held the grudge throughout the entire day. Am I in the wrong? Should I pretend to be contrite about what my dream-self did? :bunny:

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no, if it was a dream then you are not responsible for it.



But carrying grudges are not just for girls. I have carried a grudge, just one for 5 yrs now, and its not gonna change, but to get to that point is a lot harder then it is for girls.

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Yes apologise for dream sins - you know it makes sense.


I once dreamt that my boyfriend pushed me off the top of the tallest buiding in Jamaica (where I was living at the time). He was not contrite and I never quite felt the same about him again :laugh:


DA - remind me never to get on your bad side :eek:

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My mother has, on MORE than one occaision dreamt that either me or my father had done something bad. I've refused to apologize for what I did in her subconscious, and she's held the grudge throughout the entire day.


My mom does this. I don't apologize.


I do this. No one apologizes to me, but I don't really expect them to.



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Originally posted by Darkangelism

The person tried to get me expelled from HS, so she deserves it.


It's been five years though, what does that acheive.


I remember I was pissed to HELL at this girl in the eighth grade, I'm not even going to go into why. We were graduating in a couple of weeks, and she said, "I know you're mad, but we're graduating, you're moving away. What good does holding onto it bring you?"


And she was right. I wish I could have told her that, but I think she'd wonder what the hell I was talking about nowadays.

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