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online bf's new rl gf.

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the answer to your question in my opinion is yes maria, tell him how you really feel. you have to have closure. 4 years of having a dear friend and a prospect in your mind in very real indeed...and to say otherwise in being in denial. attachment are made in all kinds of ways. you DON'T need to see the person to have become attached and have a broken heart. it can and DOES happen over the internet...phone...whatever.


get this out of your system for once and for all and start healing by telling him you felt. hes not married. you guys sound young. who knows maybe you can still meet someday. maybe not. yes you do have to move on with your life..because basically you have no choice. you want to feel joy again somehow and have to survive. but in the interim..call him or write him and let him know you were hurt...on a friendship level to NOT hear from him...just poof off the face of the earth. and that he meant something to you and his calls did...so naturally it was all shocking. stop living in fear. face your fears and you begin to conquer them. talk to him. you only live once. what are you waiting for? the most you will get is answers and closure. yes you might feel a little more hurt. but agonizing is sooooooooo much worse. wondering....what if what if what if. should i tell him? should i? yes...tell him. at this point you have nothing to lose. case closed!. that just my real gut opinion. on life and in general. call. youre not asking him to marry you. 1) you are telling him how you feel 2) you are getting answers

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