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Genuine Classy Lady or a Retired Jump Off?

mr.dream merchant

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I don't define spiritual in this way, at all, nor does it have to do anything with others. . . but the behavior of others doesn't "bother" me, as in impact my life or inspire me to change them.

It bothers you enough to use certain labels. Labels that in the hands of most folk signify discomfort and a need, consciously or sub-consciously to control this feeling. Now, whether my (spiritual) thinking has anything to do with spiritualism or simple personal growth of some sort, who knows, but my idea of piece and what not, in relation to human interaction anyway, is to reach a stage where comments by the likes of the OP has little to any bothersome affect whatsoever.



Not to mention all words are labels of a kind. You don't happen to like my words, and that's fine, but your reasoning for why I use them is flawed.
‘Ugly’ isn’t a label in my book. Hypocrite, double standard, jump-off, whore, cheapskate etc, etc – they’re what I’m talking about when I’m talking labels. And trying to apply the first two labels in what is very much an uneven playing field, in my book, simply isn’t appropriate







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Hmmmm, so how much of a "past" is intolerable for you?


She made love with one person?

Had sex with two different men?


Where did she become "trash"?


Have you ever had sex?


Hmmmm, thoughts to ponder.


Maybe, you're just afraid of getting hurt.


Welcome to the human race.

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meerkat stew
This thread is still going. yikes.


You didn't realize in making your OP that you had stumbled over the main sexual sacred cow in all of feminism did you? The one that allows women (misguided ones anyway) to rationalize via bogus double standards acting however they please sexually with no accountability and expect us men to just blindly accept that.

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