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Girl who rejected me, wants to keep me as a friend, why?


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Which doesn't matter at this point, considering they've just made plans. It's old.


This poster is Confused... seriously the girl in this story rescheduled and explained the reason why she rescheduled. The reason she rescheduled is because she has a 5 hour block of nothing to do today. The fact that she told the OP this is a GREAT sign.


Cause he stuck around. screams " doormat"


Actualy if he had cared so much about a simple reschedule that was more convienent not only for her but admitingly for himself as well that does not make him a doormat.

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The op just needs to keep his priorities straight.

Just like his guy friends, he shouldn't change his plans to hang out with her.


I got a lady friend that is either obviously interested in me or thinks she is stringing me along.


she is low priority.

I was golfing the other night.

She called.

I picked up & told her I was golfing.

She said "oh, well get back to golfing i'll call you later"

I said "ok" & hung up on her.


3 days later she calls me & tells me I hurt her feelings because I blew her off like that & just hung up.


I told her sorry, but your just a friend & if I was hanging out with you & one of my other friends called i'd do the same thing.


Then she said "i guess i'll always take a back seat to the guys" I said" as long as were just friends" LOL!


As long as the OP doesn't let this women take precedense over other friends he will be just fine I think.


Once you start treating a woman you like but doesn't like you back as if she isn't a priority she actually stops being a priority to you i've found.

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The op just needs to keep his priorities straight.

Just like his guy friends, he shouldn't change his plans to hang out with her.


I got a lady friend that is either obviously interested in me or thinks she is stringing me along.


she is low priority.

I was golfing the other night.

She called.

I picked up & told her I was golfing.

She said "oh, well get back to golfing i'll call you later"

I said "ok" & hung up on her.


3 days later she calls me & tells me I hurt her feelings because I blew her off like that & just hung up.


I told her sorry, but your just a friend & if I was hanging out with you & one of my other friends called i'd do the same thing.


Then she said "i guess i'll always take a back seat to the guys" I said" as long as were just friends" LOL!


As long as the OP doesn't let this women take precedense over other friends he will be just fine I think.


Once you start treating a woman you like but doesn't like you back as if she isn't a priority she actually stops being a priority to you i've found.


I change my plans with guy friends all the time. If a guy friend calls me up and wants to switch days to a day that is better for the both of us why the hell wouldn't I switch it.


I really feel that in this exact scenario the OP is doing great.

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I change my plans with guy friends all the time. If a guy friend calls me up and wants to switch days to a day that is better for the both of us why the hell wouldn't I switch it.


I really feel that in this exact scenario the OP is doing great.


I agree with what the OP is doing also.


but, because he wants more than friends with this girl he needs to make sure he doesn't start bailing on his guy friends to hang out with her.


It can happen. I did it a few times when I was younger & I wound up getting the "let's just be friends" when the chick clearly knew I was interested in her & that was the only reason I met her out.

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She's already been to my place so getting her back here won't be hard at all. If anything it's guaranteed.


The question is when should I try to make a move? When I'm walking with her on the pier/beach or after I've already got her at my place. How do I set the mood up? Arg! Too many variables.


This would be a first date no? And a lunch one to boot.


If you want a relationship with her, I wouldn't be attempting to set the mood at your place. I wouldn't try to f*** her on the first date nor would I want to...IF I wanted a relationship with her...BUT, if all you are looking for is to make out with her or get laid...go for it.


You've shown more than enough interest and pursued her. In these scenarios, if you shown restraint and respect on the physical side, I've found is that the woman is intriqued...and will want to see you all the more. But, there are plenty of women who if they are unsure about pursuing a relationship with you, will bolt if you come on too strong. Again, it is all about what your ultimate goal is for her. Hook-up or Realationship....Good luck...

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Sigh, I couldn't pull anything off :(


She got to the restaurant before I did and she was already sitting down. I didn't get to hug her. We talked, ate. After that we had to move our cars and I rode with her to where I was parked.


Then we walked down the pier, our hands touched a couple of times but I was too scared to grab hers :rolleyes: We then got some milkshakes at the restaurant. After that we walked back down to the pier to a grassy area overlooking the beach. She showed me some things on her phone and I was leaning against her looking with her.


Then she wanted to take a short nap on the grass and I complied. After her alarm went off we talked a bit then she said it was time she headed to the computer lab. I tried to get her to come to my place but she declined. I suggested a couple of drinks, before class and she joked that I'd try and take advantage of her. Then we walked back to the cars, she gave me a hug and drove away.


I enjoy being with her, but the fear of intimate physical contact is messing me up. We had flirty banter, the topic of sex came up a couple of times. I just didn't really show that I was into her beyond touching her arms, joking that I'd keep her warm if it was cold and jokingly suggesting we go skinny dipping.


This was our third time together but I feel like I'm moving way too slow. I hate this fear.


She's out of class at 9 and I'm thinking about saying we go for drinks, but I don't want her to think I'm being too needy. I just want to be around her when I have some alcohol in me, a little bit of liquid courage. My other idea is inviting her out for a movie this weekend. I know she likes action movies and I want to see the Expendables. Frankly I'd see it this weekend with or without her.

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Sigh, I couldn't pull anything off :(


She got to the restaurant before I did and she was already sitting down. I didn't get to hug her. We talked, ate. After that we had to move our cars and I rode with her to where I was parked.


Then we walked down the pier, our hands touched a couple of times but I was too scared to grab hers :rolleyes: We then got some milkshakes at the restaurant. After that we walked back down to the pier to a grassy area overlooking the beach. She showed me some things on her phone and I was leaning against her looking with her.


Then she wanted to take a short nap on the grass and I complied. After her alarm went off we talked a bit then she said it was time she headed to the computer lab. I tried to get her to come to my place but she declined. I suggested a couple of drinks, before class and she joked that I'd try and take advantage of her. Then we walked back to the cars, she gave me a hug and drove away.


I enjoy being with her, but the fear of intimate physical contact is messing me up. We had flirty banter, the topic of sex came up a couple of times. I just didn't really show that I was into her beyond touching her arms, joking that I'd keep her warm if it was cold and jokingly suggesting we go skinny dipping.


This was our third time together but I feel like I'm moving way too slow. I hate this fear.


She's out of class at 9 and I'm thinking about saying we go for drinks, but I don't want her to think I'm being too needy. I just want to be around her when I have some alcohol in me, a little bit of liquid courage. My other idea is inviting her out for a movie this weekend. I know she likes action movies and I want to see the Expendables. Frankly I'd see it this weekend with or without her.

Should have turned it around on her and said that she would take advantage of you if you guys got a drink ;)

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Should have turned it around on her and said that she would take advantage of you if you guys got a drink ;)

I actually did and she just laughed.

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If a girl I'm interested in only wants to be friends, I'm not sticking around. Sorry, but I'm not going to be a doormat and be friends while she whines to me about her boyfriend or whoever she's sleeping with.



The funny part is if you ignore after she says she only wants to be friends, she very well may chase you. But hey, she said she only wanted to be friends, right?

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If a girl I'm interested in only wants to be friends, I'm not sticking around. Sorry, but I'm not going to be a doormat and be friends while she whines to me about her boyfriend or whoever she's sleeping with.



The funny part is if you ignore after she says she only wants to be friends, she very well may chase you. But hey, she said she only wanted to be friends, right?

I wish I could edit the opening posts to give a note to people to not just read the first post but the latest post also.


Getting back on the banter, there also was a time where she spilled some of her milkshake while pouring and she started cleaning it up. I asked why and she said that she didn't like sticky things. I forgot what my comment was but she right away got what I meant.


Then she offered me her cherry (from her milkshake) but I didn't catch it in time and the joke passed. That would have been a great one :(

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Cracker Jack
Sigh, I couldn't pull anything off :(


She got to the restaurant before I did and she was already sitting down. I didn't get to hug her. We talked, ate. After that we had to move our cars and I rode with her to where I was parked.


Then we walked down the pier, our hands touched a couple of times but I was too scared to grab hers :rolleyes: We then got some milkshakes at the restaurant. After that we walked back down to the pier to a grassy area overlooking the beach. She showed me some things on her phone and I was leaning against her looking with her.


Then she wanted to take a short nap on the grass and I complied. After her alarm went off we talked a bit then she said it was time she headed to the computer lab. I tried to get her to come to my place but she declined. I suggested a couple of drinks, before class and she joked that I'd try and take advantage of her. Then we walked back to the cars, she gave me a hug and drove away.


I enjoy being with her, but the fear of intimate physical contact is messing me up. We had flirty banter, the topic of sex came up a couple of times. I just didn't really show that I was into her beyond touching her arms, joking that I'd keep her warm if it was cold and jokingly suggesting we go skinny dipping.


This was our third time together but I feel like I'm moving way too slow. I hate this fear.


She's out of class at 9 and I'm thinking about saying we go for drinks, but I don't want her to think I'm being too needy. I just want to be around her when I have some alcohol in me, a little bit of liquid courage. My other idea is inviting her out for a movie this weekend. I know she likes action movies and I want to see the Expendables. Frankly I'd see it this weekend with or without her.


Dang, dude. I was really hoping you would've had a better update for us.


Oh,well. There's always next time. I don't see an issue with inviting her to the movie, tho. Btw, why do you fear intimate physical contact with this woman?

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Dang, dude. I was really hoping you would've had a better update for us.


Oh,well. There's always next time. I don't see an issue with inviting her to the movie, tho. Btw, why do you fear intimate physical contact with this woman?

Yeah I really wanted to post a better update as well. I appreciate the support.


Now that I think about it, I don't think I'm afraid of the contact, I'm afraid of the potential rejection. Trying to kiss a girl for the first time is a huge risk. I feel like I'm opening up my soul to her and letting her see deep inside. Which gives her the opportunity to reject who I really am. It's much more scary than asking somebody out.


It's almost the same thing for trying to hold her hand. It's an expression of physical interest that can't be played off. I dance salsa so holding a girls hand is perfectly fine with me as long as there is a reason to do so. But when the only reason is because I want to, that's when I get freaked out.

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Sigh, I couldn't pull anything off :(


She got to the restaurant before I did and she was already sitting down. I didn't get to hug her. We talked, ate. After that we had to move our cars and I rode with her to where I was parked.


Then we walked down the pier, our hands touched a couple of times but I was too scared to grab hers :rolleyes: We then got some milkshakes at the restaurant. After that we walked back down to the pier to a grassy area overlooking the beach. She showed me some things on her phone and I was leaning against her looking with her.


Then she wanted to take a short nap on the grass and I complied. After her alarm went off we talked a bit then she said it was time she headed to the computer lab. I tried to get her to come to my place but she declined. I suggested a couple of drinks, before class and she joked that I'd try and take advantage of her. Then we walked back to the cars, she gave me a hug and drove away.


I enjoy being with her, but the fear of intimate physical contact is messing me up. We had flirty banter, the topic of sex came up a couple of times. I just didn't really show that I was into her beyond touching her arms, joking that I'd keep her warm if it was cold and jokingly suggesting we go skinny dipping.


This was our third time together but I feel like I'm moving way too slow. I hate this fear.


She's out of class at 9 and I'm thinking about saying we go for drinks, but I don't want her to think I'm being too needy. I just want to be around her when I have some alcohol in me, a little bit of liquid courage. My other idea is inviting her out for a movie this weekend. I know she likes action movies and I want to see the Expendables. Frankly I'd see it this weekend with or without her.


This post broke my heart its as if you just forgot or didn't care about anything I told you to do. The big thing WAS NOT GETTING her back to your place... yet you invited her... THE BIG THING WAS trying for a kiss... YET YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY.


Dang, dude. I was really hoping you would've had a better update for us.


Oh,well. There's always next time. I don't see an issue with inviting her to the movie, tho. Btw, why do you fear intimate physical contact with this woman?


It may already be screwed up. 2 dates and you don't even try for a kiss... He is being the oposite of romantic and confident.


He fears rejection, but in his fear of rejection and fear of being himself he is lowering any chances of sucess.


Yeah I really wanted to post a better update as well. I appreciate the support.


Now that I think about it, I don't think I'm afraid of the contact, I'm afraid of the potential rejection. Trying to kiss a girl for the first time is a huge risk. I feel like I'm opening up my soul to her and letting her see deep inside. Which gives her the opportunity to reject who I really am. It's much more scary than asking somebody out.


It's almost the same thing for trying to hold her hand. It's an expression of physical interest that can't be played off. I dance salsa so holding a girls hand is perfectly fine with me as long as there is a reason to do so. But when the only reason is because I want to, that's when I get freaked out.


That not your soul you are opening up... its called being REAL its called being yourself around her. Of course its a fear of rejection and you really should have faced that fear on the first date. Now you have had a second date... and once a gain you CHICKEN out. If you by some luck of god get this girl to agree to a third get togather YOU MUST KISS HER>


WHY DID YOU CHICKEN OUT... WHY? Don't you realize by chickening out you mathimaticaly make yourself have less of a chance. Its like not guessing on a multiple choice question. YOU GAVE UP. YOu gave into fear.


YOu didn't TRY. You just went out with her and played it safe by being this fake guy who doesn't try. Words and talk are cheap. A KISS was all it would have taken. She really probably doesn't even realize she was on a date.


You knew it was fear... YOu also know the only way to deal with fear is to FACE IT! KISS HER.

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Sorry for letting you down Green.


It was nothing but my own fear. The fear that she'd get upset, say something mean then want nothing to do with me.


Right now I'm pretty mad at myself. The fact that I was too scared to even try to hold her hand just screams pathetic to me.


If I told my counselor that today felt like a failure because I didn't kiss her, he'd be pissed at me. It's way too easy to only see where I screwed up and ignore the things I did right. Thoughts like that will do nothing for my self-esteem.

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Sorry for letting you down Green.


It was nothing but my own fear. The fear that she'd get upset, say something mean then want nothing to do with me.


Right now I'm pretty mad at myself. The fact that I was too scared to even try to hold her hand just screams pathetic to me.


If I told my counselor that today felt like a failure because I didn't kiss her, he'd be pissed at me. It's way too easy to only see where I screwed up and ignore the things I did right. Thoughts like that will do nothing for my self-esteem.


failure is what you learn from. Please don't beat yourself up, I really didn't care what the outcome was I just wanted to hear that you TRIED. You didn't try but you will get many other chances with this girl and other girls. You just need to start TRYING. I just feel like you are afraid to be yourself around girls who you find attractive. BE YOURSELF stop HIDING behind what you think is safe. What you think of as safe (not touching, not kissing) actualy kills your chances at a romantic relationship.


No reason to feel bad about yourself. Its in the past now. But you need to start living in the hear and now and stop being so afraid of some posible future. If you had kissed her today and she had been disgusted and called you names.. .I WOULD BE PROUD OF YOU. Truth is she most likely would have liked the kiss and even if she didn't she wouldn't make a big deal about it because girls generaly don't make a big deal about things.


I just want you to realize that your fears hold you back. Its not just with women that these fears are holding you back. Be yourself and go for the things you want in life. There is no secret or trick that will allow you to not get rejected... you just have to face your fears and see that rejection is all in your head.


Remember if this doesn't work out just use it as a learning experience. There will be other girls and you shouldn't beat yourself up. Just KISS next time. ON a FIRST Date you TRY to kiss. All the talk in the world is cheap compared to that all important KISS.


Well good luck to you, I think you'll do fine as long as you face your fears sooner then later

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Cracker Jack

I agree with Green completely. We've all been there, somedude. I certainly know I've frozen up more times than not whenever it would come down to initiating physical contact, so you're not alone. However, you have to just...how should I say this? Let go of your fears and just try something new at some point. I mean, rejection sucks--big time. I understand that. But if you never show her a bit of intimacy, and simply stay...neutral, how will things move forward in a positive light?


Now, what happened yesterday isn't the end of the world by any means. Don't get too down. You're still in a good position. Next time just hold her hand, get closer to her, and don't hesitate. Hopefully if you guys are at your place, you could be watching a movie--which'll, in my opinion, be a perfect time to give her a nice kiss. Or to at least cuddle with her.


It all comes down to taking a risk. As much of a chance as there is for her to reject your advances, there is a chance of her embracing it and not fighting it one bit. You sound like you really like this woman, so you're in a good position.


Sometimes a little push like that could work wonders. The worse feeling is looking back on a situation with regret, and wishing you did something different. Really, that feeling sucks. I know you're cautious in these situations, as I tend to be--but holding yourself back won't allow you to improve.


So, please, get in contact with her, set up another day to hang out, and give us some good friggin news, man!! We want you to succeed.

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Sigh, I couldn't pull anything off :(


She got to the restaurant before I did and she was already sitting down. I didn't get to hug her. We talked, ate. After that we had to move our cars and I rode with her to where I was parked.


Then we walked down the pier, our hands touched a couple of times but I was too scared to grab hers :rolleyes: We then got some milkshakes at the restaurant. After that we walked back down to the pier to a grassy area overlooking the beach. She showed me some things on her phone and I was leaning against her looking with her.


Then she wanted to take a short nap on the grass and I complied. (1) After her alarm went off we talked a bit then she said it was time she headed to the computer lab (2). I tried to get her to come to my place but she declined. I suggested a couple of drinks, before class and she joked that I'd try and take advantage of her. Then we walked back to the cars, she gave me a hug and drove away.


I enjoy being with her, but the fear of intimate physical contact is messing me up. We had flirty banter, the topic of sex came up a couple of times. I just didn't really show that I was into her beyond touching her arms, joking that I'd keep her warm if it was cold and jokingly suggesting we go skinny dipping.


This was our third time together but I feel like I'm moving way too slow. I hate this fear.


She's out of class at 9 and I'm thinking about saying we go for drinks, but I don't want her to think I'm being too needy. I just want to be around her when I have some alcohol in me, a little bit of liquid courage. My other idea is inviting her out for a movie this weekend. I know she likes action movies and I want to see the Expendables. Frankly I'd see it this weekend with or without her.


Start thinking about changing your self talk to being much more positive. The first line specifically shouldn't be a thought that is ever in your head. It should more be "Maybe it's not meant to be" or whatever.


(1) what happened here? What happened just before she "wanted to take a nap". Somewhere you messed up. Up until this point everything was fine, but you said or did something she didn't like. Just a hunch but there is no reason for her to "want to take a nap" in this situation. I'm not sure if she was trying to break her own state or what.


(2) "Headed to the computer lab". Lol I would definitely reply with "Didn't realize you're a huge nerd. What was I thinking coming here?"..cocky funny joking obviously. Her mentioning she's "going to a computer lab" is definitely negative. It's the opposite of doing something cool, she's doing something very dorky and uncool. If she was really into you she'd definitely want to hide this. Furthermore, she's withdrawing right now. You don't want to try to escalate things when she is withdrawing (obvious). So when she says, yawn I had such a good time but I should get going. This is the wrong time to invite her somewhere. You need to invite her on an emotional high. If you can't create that high before she leaves definitely don't invite her anywhere. My response is replying with a negative (oh you're such a dork. Who the hell goes to the computer lab except star trek nerds?) to a negative. Making fun of how dorky she is. If she does something cool then invite her to your place as a reward.... and have something you want to show her there as an award.


Anyhow, hope this helps. Figure out the spots she's withdrawing (first notice she's withdrawing) and the why's. I agree with Green in the sense you need to be more bold about things at times. If you had escalated physically there would be no need for talking.

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After lunch she said she was feeling drowsy. So after we walked she wanted to lie on the grass. We played with her phone for a bit then she wanted to take a nap. I really don't think it was anything I did or said and it was probably her intention to do it after we ate. We were very close to each other when we were sitting up and her wanting to take a nap basically broke that connection.


She didn't actually say computer lab. She said she was going to the CBA building to study. CBA stands for College of Business Administration. Inside the CBA building there is a computer lab and study tables. It made more sense to use the term "computer lab" so that the reader will automatically know what I'm talking about. The class she's in right now is kicking her ass and she thinks she might fail.


She may be withdrawing but I really don't know. Frankly I got a lot more from her this time than I did the last time I saw her.

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Somedude, I don't think this girl has any interest in you to be honest. I mean she said she wants to be friends and she is taking naps in your company? I don't think you can get anything out of this, except maybe practicing conversation with females.

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After lunch she said she was feeling drowsy.


Next time, don't order the turkey sandwich ;)


Personally, I'd idle this one, perhaps remaining in casual contact, and ask other ladies out on dates. She appears to not have sufficient interest to override her other distractions, but that's always subject to change. Stopping the 'friend' mode now leaves the door open for possible romance later, IMO.

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After lunch she said she was feeling drowsy. So after we walked she wanted to lie on the grass. We played with her phone for a bit then she wanted to take a nap. I really don't think it was anything I did or said and it was probably her intention to do it after we ate. We were very close to each other when we were sitting up and her wanting to take a nap basically broke that connection.


She didn't actually say computer lab. She said she was going to the CBA building to study. CBA stands for College of Business Administration. Inside the CBA building there is a computer lab and study tables. It made more sense to use the term "computer lab" so that the reader will automatically know what I'm talking about. The class she's in right now is kicking her ass and she thinks she might fail.


She may be withdrawing but I really don't know. Frankly I got a lot more from her this time than I did the last time I saw her.


I think your date with her went GREAT other then the fact you were afraid to touch and kiss her. Once you start kissing and touching finding ways to pass the time will be EASY.


Somedude, I don't think this girl has any interest in you to be honest. I mean she said she wants to be friends and she is taking naps in your company? I don't think you can get anything out of this, except maybe practicing conversation with females.


Tell me other then yourself what experience do you have with dating women? What does it even matter if she is interested in him at this point? He is interested and that is all that matters. He can build interest if she feels the spark when they kiss. She continues to hang out with him knowing very well that he likes her. The only thing he needs to do now is kiss her.

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Here's another scenario which might help. Start talking to another lady you're interested in. Then, having diffused the singularity of attraction somewhat, and caring less about the outcome with this lady after idling her for a bit, *do* kiss her on the *next* occasion you are together. This will do three things. One, ramp the experience up, meaning clearly escalate the current dynamic with this lady. Two, provide clear evidence of whether she's interested or not. Three, provide good experience for the dynamic with the new lady you're talking to.


You're single. Enjoy it. You're not married to each lady at a time. Kiss many.

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Somedude, I don't think this girl has any interest in you to be honest. I mean she said she wants to be friends and she is taking naps in your company? I don't think you can get anything out of this, except maybe practicing conversation with females.

At this point it really doesn't matter if she's into me or not. Though due to her high level of comfort it means I can get braver with my physical touches. So I would be practicing a lot with her.


I also get the feeling that she's like only two drinks away from making out with me. She seems like she's trying to avoid situations where alcohol will be present because she knows something will happen.

Next time, don't order the turkey sandwich ;)


Personally, I'd idle this one, perhaps remaining in casual contact, and ask other ladies out on dates. She appears to not have sufficient interest to override her other distractions, but that's always subject to change. Stopping the 'friend' mode now leaves the door open for possible romance later, IMO.

Schools out for a couple more weeks so there are no other ladies at the moment. But once it starts again I'll be talking to a bunch of girls. I just really hope that next semester will be the one where I can finally see more than one girl a week.


Before I got together with this girl, I was talking to three other girls. The other ended up having weird circumstances and I couldn't get close enough to them.


We may be in "friend mode" but I'm going to be constantly pushing that boundary. I want to see how far I can take it before she becomes fed-up with me.

I think your date with her went GREAT other then the fact you were afraid to touch and kiss her. Once you start kissing and touching finding ways to pass the time will be EASY.

Next time I see her I'll push things a little further. Even if I never see her again I can use what I've learned on the next one.

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Here's another scenario which might help. Start talking to another lady you're interested in. Then, having diffused the singularity of attraction somewhat, and caring less about the outcome with this lady after idling her for a bit, *do* kiss her on the *next* occasion you are together. This will do three things. One, ramp the experience up, meaning clearly escalate the current dynamic with this lady. Two, provide clear evidence of whether she's interested or not. Three, provide good experience for the dynamic with the new lady you're talking to.


You're single. Enjoy it. You're not married to each lady at a time. Kiss many.


Basicaly he really should be talking to and trying to date other girls. I mean he hasn't even kissed this girl and its like he stopped trying with other women.


At this point it really doesn't matter if she's into me or not. Though due to her high level of comfort it means I can get braver with my physical touches. So I would be practicing a lot with her.


This is a great attitude. Think of it more like you just have fun with her and enjoy her company and who cares what she thinks of you.


I also get the feeling that she's like only two drinks away from making out with me. She seems like she's trying to avoid situations where alcohol will be present because she knows something will happen.


I get that feeling from your stories too. That she is almost flirting with you about the alcohol thing. But seriously forget the alcohol and just kiss her sober. Obviously if you have to have a few drinks thats fine but it would be better if you just kissed her even if you don't end up having drinks.


Schools out for a couple more weeks so there are no other ladies at the moment. But once it starts again I'll be talking to a bunch of girls. I just really hope that next semester will be the one where I can finally see more than one girl a week.


School is out Forever for me yet I see attractive girls all the time (my gf being the most attractive). Don't ignore them, go up and start a conversation. I do agree that school is LIKE THE BEST place to meet women. But I NEVER dated while in college because I was to cowardly. I didn't get my confidence until the REAL WORLD as they call it. I did date girls who were still in college after I graduated lol.


Before I got together with this girl, I was talking to three other girls. The other ended up having weird circumstances and I couldn't get close enough to them.


We may be in "friend mode" but I'm going to be constantly pushing that boundary. I want to see how far I can take it before she becomes fed-up with me.

Next time I see her I'll push things a little further. Even if I never see her again I can use what I've learned on the next one.


I wouldn't necesarily say you are in friend mode but you really haven't challenged her or been that romantic. I do get the sense that you have in a LAME way done enough to show her you are atleast interested and thats a great sign that she still hangs out with you. If she was still hanging out with you after kissing her that would be the best sign. You don't have to push things a little further... JUST KISS HER

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