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2 Months after a break up


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Christ sake here goes.. I eventually found a Job 'bout 1 month after, I felt really good but I made too many mistakes and they let me go within 1 week! I tell ya call center those nasty customers!!!! Anyway, after losing the Job I didn't really go back to square one. I felt down but, before I got the Job I had already spent a great deal of time being busy. I went to a few parties, I'm a drummer and there was a drum kit and I basically rocked the night away, felt very good! Especially being.. off my face. At times yes I do think about her, only when triggered by couples or anything to do with her I will think about her. As I have been through this a few times before I already knew that I would think about her less and less. Word of advice, this ones out to the people who don't know, fill your subconscious with other people, to do that you must find a group of mates, hang out with them as much as you possibly can. You will think about those people MORE than your ex. You will begin to be more curious about your mates. It has helped me a lot I'd say. But having been only 8 weeks I am still In the early stages as I still have those wishful thoughts where I'd be watching the TV and I'd Imagine her walking through the back door with a smile, or laying on the couch with me or.. hmmm :( Just stopped typing for a lil while there. Anyway, I have high hopes that I will be alright soon enough. Time heals wounds, how quickly those wounds heal, are entirely up to you.

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You need to do two things:


1..Get out there 24/7 and find a job.


2..Put her behind you and move on..

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