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Will I ever love again

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Will I ever love again. I broke up from a long term relationship over a year ago. I’ve changed so much sometimes I don’t like the person I have become.


The relationship got very abusive and nasty so I left but I truly truly cared and loved him. Its left me feeling empty, cold and I don’t want to be close to a man. Will this feeling ever go away?


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Yes it will go away, but you might need a little help to work on yourself and be proactive in your future.


Congrats on getting out of an abusive relationship! That shows some strength and courage. Take that courage to a counselor and get a little help in sorting out the anxiety and sadness so that you can recover faster.


When we are young we tend to think that "all you need is love" but honestly, love is never enough by itself to sustain a healthy relationship.

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You're going to feel bitter for a while and you'll want to be alone. Let that happen.


You will recover, but you can't force yourself to.


So yes. You will love again. If you let yourself. You can either be bitter for a while and get over it and move on and become a better person because of what you've learned, or you can let it run your life.

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