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Potty Training Ideas


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I just sat my daughters on the potty and kept repeating to them "do you want to go wee-wees?"

and when they did, I praised them to high heaven and gave them some cut up nectarine and grapes, or whatever fruit I had.

They loved fruit.....



It's the basic reward-for-positive-action premise.

They were both potty-trained in less than a week.

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florence of suburbia

I don't have boys but I've heard it works well to throw a Cheerio into the bowl and challenge them to "hit the target".

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Anyone heard of any ideas to poddy train a boy? Other then frequency?




We had a hard time at first training our daughter to use her potty chair until we started giving her a sticker every time she successfully used it.


It was eventually covered with stickers.


We also kept it close to her for awhile.

If she was playing in the living room we put it right in the living room with her.

If she was able to see it she was more likely to remember to use it.

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Great suggestions already provided.


I used to take my little ones (during the latter stages of the potty training period) to the toilet in the night also just to sit there for a few minutes until a wee wee happened. I stuck to around about the same time each night. After a number of nights I would hear little footsteps running to the toilet on their own, even though they had night time pull-ups on.


.. Lovely memories! They were so small and cute back then.. :love:


Best years of my life..


Take care,

Eve xx

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I don't have boys but I've heard it works well to throw a Cheerio into the bowl and challenge them to "hit the target".



I Can attest this works! Two sons loved that way....Sometimes though they found the box and poured the entire thing in the toilet...That was endearing later to recall, but sure wasnt at the time!


They didnt care for the potatoe trick in the training pants, Used to encourage them not to mess in their pants...Just like puppies though they let me know when they had to have a sit down time at the potty verses the cheerios stance....THey'd give this UT OHH Look when it was sit down time...

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wife and i are potty training our son now.... we're trying a timer system where we take him to potty every 15 minutes or some other standard time... seems to be working I hope... but i'll try these other ideas too... cheerios idea sounds kinda fun to dad too! :)

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