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We Finally Went Out

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I haven't posted for a while, but want to share/ update on whats happened...


So referring to my f%$#buddy. I hadnt seen him in a while, because of some things he has done, or very irregularly and anyway, about 6 weeks ago i asked him to come with me to this very glamourous career relate event that i had to go to. As he has a new job that involves travelling it took him ages to commit to going, but anyway eventually he gave me a yes. The event was last night.


And as a bit of background, we have known each other about 2 and a half years or so , and we have never been out anywhere. Just sex.


Actually it wasnt til i emailed him reassuring him that this event was not a "date" and that i know he wouldnt ever date me, and that he was just my escort, and that it was a one off that he said yes. I mean he didnt reply to the email, but anyway i think he was a bit freaked out that we were actually going out together. I know i was anyway..


So we got all dressed up and he came over, and we went out, first to this nice italian restaurant, which was good, and then we walked over to the event we were going to and he put his arm around me as we walked, and then a bit later he held my hand while we were walking..(he initiated) I was a bit surprised at this. It was at that point that it started to feel like a date.


Later on we came home and had passionate sex.


I guess this really was a one off, as i cant see him asking me out, but i feel now that we have done this, i cant go back to the other arrangement. I want to date him.


Is there any chance of this do you think? I just feel a bit sad that that really might have been the one and only time.

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Read your last few threads and all of the advice that was given regarding this leech in your life. Have you followed any of it? No matter what we say, you will do your own thing. So in my mind, it's pointless. You have had literally hundreds of people tell you to distance yourself from him, and yet here we are again.


Best of luck with this, but nothing will change. He'll only do as much as he needs to do to get in your pants.

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