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Does breast size matter?

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But if you were seeing a guy and he pulled out a two inch dick, you would be fine with that???


**Ive seen your other posts...be careful how you answer here!!:p:laugh:




I would NEVER say anything bad about it. There was one guy that had a surprisingly small one. I told him he was hot and gave him a stellar BJ :p certainly didn't tell him he looked like a tranny....

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But if you were seeing a guy and he pulled out a two inch dick, you would be fine with that???


**Ive seen your other posts...be careful how you answer here!!:p:laugh:






One who discriminates members of the opposite sex based on uncontrollable physical attributes cannot complain when they are discriminated against themselves because of their own uncontrollable physical attributes.


Suck it up and deal with it.

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Hum, I never said I had a problem with men preferring various breast sizes.


My issue lies more along the lines of objecting to plastic surgery as a means to find someone to love you....


Is it wrong of me to be more sexually gratified by larger dicks, yet not want to undergo a invasive surgery to have artificial items inserted into my body?


That's FINE that some guys like big breasts, and its FINE that those men wouldn't be attracted to me.


But I am not going to have surgery in a desperate attempt to have those guys "like" me, or not belittle me.

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This alone makes the comparison invalid. If the woman in question gets sexual attention but the man does not, then the experiences are different.I'm invalidating nothing. I'm simply not finding anything to back up the statement that women with small breasts struggle at the exact same level as men who are 5' tall.


I personally don't know any men who are only 5' tall, but I know several who are in the 5'4" range that struggle. None of the small-breasted women I know struggle to get dates, including the one who had hers removed.


Perhaps I'm misinterpreting your comparison, so I'll ask this question: In what way is the 5' man comparable to the small-breasted woman?


I'd have to agree. 1. "Small" can mean many things to many people. 2. Shape matters. 3. Women also have shapely, hairless behinds, shapely legs, highly sought after genitals, shapely stomachs... 4. Women can get implants. 5. Men have not much else to compensate with if only 5 feet tall.


They are really in no way comparable.

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Hum, I never said I had a problem with men preferring various breast sizes.


My issue lies more along the lines of objecting to plastic surgery as a means to find someone to love you....


Is it wrong of me to be more sexually gratified by larger dicks, yet not want to undergo a invasive surgery to have artificial items inserted into my body?


That's FINE that some guys like bug breasts, and its FINE that those men wouldn't be attracted to me.


But I am not going to have surgery in a desperate attempt to have those guys "like" me, or not belittle me.


I completely agree. My post wasn't directed at you specifically.

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I think having small or no breasts is something lots of younger women struggle with. I know I did. I hated that part of me when I was younger. Women are bombarded with all kinds of messages about their bodies from media, etc... So it is understandable that some of it sinks in.... And no amount of 'he's not a quality guy' type messages ring true when you witness your larger chested friends getting lots of attention.


...but then a funny thing happens... You get on with your life. You develop interests, build a career. Find friends. Find love. I have and did. Those bigger busted friends of mine? They did too. And having those larger boobs didn't save their marriages, or keep them from getting cheated on, or having career problems, or whatever.


When you are younger, it is easy to focus on that ONE thing that you think is making your dating or romantic life difficult... But it is never that simple. If being small breasted bothers a woman that much, then go get implants... But realize that there will be guys who hate implants... And have their doubts about women who get them.


As for me, I came to learn (and observe) that small breasts are a currency that improve with age. And I date athletes, who tend to prefer dating athletic women with smaller boobs. *shrug*

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One who discriminates members of the opposite sex based on uncontrollable physical attributes cannot complain when they are discriminated against themselves because of their own uncontrollable physical attributes.


Suck it up and deal with it.


This thread is mainly about whether ppl subjectively care about breast size or not, not whether it's fair for ppl to screen based on other characteristics while holding whatever breast size opinion. (TFY and RC's analogy sidebar notwithstanding.)


Opinions vary on the menaingfulness of breast size but I don't think we need sermons on tolerance to go with the discussion. :p

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This thread is mainly about whether ppl subjectively care about breast size or not, not whether it's fair for ppl to screen based on other characteristics while holding whatever breast size opinion. (TFY and RC's analogy sidebar notwithstanding.)


Opinions vary on the menaingfulness of breast size but I don't think we need sermons on tolerance to go with the discussion. :p


It has nothing to do with tolerance. To answer the question, "Does breast size matter?", my response would be, "To some people, yes."


Whether or not it's fair is irrelevant. And this same argument applies to men who complain about being short.


A small breasted woman can reject a short guy, and a short guy can reject a small breasted woman. People can complain about the "unfairness" of it all, but complaints are useless. It is what it is.

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Shiningonw,any guys would give Flava Flav sexual attentiom if he had a vjay. Being doable in the eyes of a man is not some kind of achievement.



5ft man seen as girlie, small boobs both are outside the ideals

Random 6ft guy can be hot just cause, big breasted woman is hot just because.


I think you aretrying to say its not hard for women bc men and women dont have exactly the sane problems. We have collectively had this debate many times on ls already.

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I think you're underestimating the power of your boobs hotpotato. They all have magical power, big and small. I'm on the smaller side too and I still have guys get transfixed and obsessed over them.


All boobs rock, and that's not just happy talk. :)


Well, thanks. :)

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5ft man seen as girlie, small boobs both are outside the ideals
I agree that both are outside of ideals. I do not agree that they are outside the ideals on the same scale.
I think you aretrying to say its not hard for women bc men and women dont have exactly the sane problems. We have collectively had this debate many times on ls already.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that small-breasted women do not face difficulties on the same scale as 5' men do. If you had said "A woman having small breasts is like a man being 5 ft, 7 inches tall.", I would have agreed with you.
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I agree that both are outside of ideals. I do not agree that they are outside the ideals on the same scale.I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that small-breasted women do not face difficulties on the same scale as 5' men do. If you had said "A woman having small breasts is like a man being 5 ft, 7 inches tall.", I would have agreed with you.


Tell that to women who get called sir, have men walk out on them, people in general laugh at them. Believe it or not, that is hurtful and not that uncommon. Heck, i got called a tranny. Id definitely call that a dating issue.


Like the 5ft tall man, i can compensate in other areas.


No, men and women dont have exactly the same isdues, but that is bc of the male sex drive.

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I don't know why either a short man or a woman with smaller breasts needs to feel inadequate. There are tall men who can't use their bodies like a shorter man can. Same goes for breasts. Work to your strengths.


When I was younger, I felt my breasts were less than ideal, but I feel the opposite now. I think they are perfect. I love them.


same with other parts of my body. Younger people are so horribly hard on themselves.


If I have any wisdom to impart its this... Your health is the most precious gift you have. Be grateful for every day you can wake up and make your body do what you want it to do most days. I am not at the age where I have to worry about ill health, but I watch my friends and family age. Some not so well. Breast size seems so trivial in the big scheme of things.

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Tell that to women who get called sir, have men walk out on them, people in general laugh at them. Believe it or not, that is hurtful and not that uncommon. Heck, i got called a tranny. Id definitely call that a dating issue.


Like the 5ft tall man, i can compensate in other areas.


No, men and women dont have exactly the same isdues, but that is bc of the male sex drive.


As I pointed out before, women have much, much more to compensate with, physically, than a guy. Be thankful for that.

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I would think it takes more than small breasts to be mistaken for a man....


And I agree, women have more to work with in general. I am not willing to go under the knife, but I do hit the stairs 5 days a week, as they are great for my booty ;)

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I would think it takes more than small breasts to be mistaken for a man....


And I agree, women have more to work with in general. I am not willing to go under the knife, but I do hit the stairs 5 days a week, as they are great for my booty ;)


Nope, some girls get called sir even with long hair.

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As I pointed out before, women have much, much more to compensate with, physically, than a guy. Be thankful for that.




Twn characters

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Does breast size matter??


Well, it must matter to someone....I mean, even the damn weather channel is wall to wall titties..


Everywhere you turn....boom-pow...DD's in your face..Infomercials, news programs, sports shows...you name it..And they dont make ANY attempt to cover them bad boys...thats fer sure...:laugh:


Even though she is kind of a dumbell, I do sometimes fixate a bit on this morning show...






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Nope, some girls get called sir even with long hair.


Well... Some girls must look pretty masculine in their face / hands / hips / body etc. Surgically applying some boobs won't change much I wouldn't think.


I am from SF, and see plenty of trannies / cross dresser etc. Boobs do not make a woman!

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Well... Some girls must look pretty masculine in their face / hands / hips / body etc. Surgically applying some boobs won't change much I wouldn't think.


I am from SF, and see plenty of trannies / cross dresser etc. Boobs do not make a woman!


Boobs certainly do help to add that femininity. A lot of fut girls have fake boobs and for good reason. Obviously, having breasts helps if people -women and transgenders- buy implants or augment themselves to enhance femininity. Id actually say trannies have better boob jobs from what ive seen...

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I am slender with small breasts. Definitely more Kate Moss/Audrey Hepburn than Pamela Anderson/Sophia Loren.

I have never had the feeling that this was a disadvantage. Some men like slender women. These men will not be attracted to women with big breasts.

My boyfriends always told me they liked the fact that I was slender, they liked my breasts and thought I was very feminine.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't look for problems where there are none. If everyone would have the same taste, there would be a lot of single people.


I'm kind of like you, except for some reason, My rear end is, well, let's just say it's hard to get pants that fit right unless they are stretchy. If not, the legs are way too big for me and the top doesn't fit because it will be too small in the back.


When I was younger, i would judge my attractiveness based on being not very well endowed up top, but way too well endowed in the rear end. Let's just say butt padding will never be something I need. I had a really negative view of myself, until I met the man I married, and he thought i looked great. That made me feel a lot better about myself. and he pointed dot just how often I was getting hit on. I think I never noticed itbecause i was so sure it wouldn't happen.

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