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ok im 23 and this girl i know is 18. We started dating over 2 years ago when she was 16 and i was 21. I was her very first boyfriend. Me and her became the very best of friend and did everything together. Me and her are so much alike its scary, we act alike and even think alike. We in my oppinion are 2 of a kind. We fell in love with each other and was even talking about a future together. She broke up with me about 3 months ago saying she wanted to see what it was like to see other people because she never dated anyone else but me. I think another reason was because of the age difference. Well, we remained friends and we still talk every day on the phone and go out sometimes on the weekends. No matter what we do we always have the most fun that we ever have with each other. I don't want to brag on myself but im a very good looking guy and i got money, a nice job, a VERY nice brand new vehicle, and im a very good hearted guy. Most girls tell me that guys like me are rare. Kim, however is not all that good looking, most guys thinks she ugly and she gets VERY lucky to have another guy even want to talk to her. She doesn't have a job, a car, money, comes from a poor family and she is depressed all the time. The only guys she gets to talk to her is guys she meets on the internet. She will started considering them as her boyfriend before she ever meets them in person. EVERY time when she finally meets them, either they are ugly or they think she is ugly.


She just met a guy like 2 or 3 days ago on the internet (he's got the same name as me by the way) and she is already considering him as her man even though she has never seen him. Every time we talk on the phone, most all we do is talk about our current love life to each other. She is extremely jealous of me and im extremely jealous of her. She get jealous when i talk about girls and i get jealous when she talks about guys. It's like all we really do is play mind games with each other. Deep down inside, we both love each other very much and care very much so for each other and i know this for 100% fact. When we started dating, everyone said that me and her are soo perfect together, that we are 2 of a kind, and that they know me and her wil get married someday. I know 100% in my heart that she is my soul mate and that i love her with 100% of my heart. I know she loves me also from knowing her and she also talks about me to her friends all the time. Im soo tired of playing mind games with her. Its the most strangest relationship i have ever had, but i do love her ALOT and there is no doubt in my mind that i want to spend the rest of my life with her. I KNOW she could NEVER do better then me and i could never be with someone that fulfills my heart 100% like she does. Both of us has always had a communication problem with each other. I really want to end this bullsh*t we are going through now and come to a mutual agreement. I want her back in my arms to love and hold. Im sad and lonly alot and i want her back. I KNOW she is my soulmate but i wonder alot how long its going to take for her to realize that. My friends tells me that im going to have to wait on her, that she is still a kid right now, and that they are pretty sure that me and her will get back together in the future. Im sooo lost and confused right now im not sure what to do. I love her sooooooo much and want her back. She is still a virgin and if she would ever give up her virginity to another guy, it would break my heart. PLEASE PLEASE someone give so advise or an insight on this. Does everyone have stupid problems like this with there soulmate?


Any advise is appriciated.


Sorry this is kinda long



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The problem is NOT the age difference here at all, it's HER age. She is 18 and just beginning to develop as a social being. She was tied up in a relationship with you during the years when these important things usually begin to take place so here we are.


She really needs time to be out in the field, to get stepped on, squashed, pulverized, etc. She absolutely must see what's out there and go through all the experiences that a young person must go through in order to evolve into a fully functioning mature human being.


Back off and give her some time to do her thing. If you don't, she will resent it and you all the days of her life. Stop worrying about her beauty, social and financial status. That's her business. Stop comparing yourself to other guys and her to other girls. Your money, car, social status, etc. are not things she is considering at this point. She just wants to grow up in a natural way. When she gets ready to settle down, maybe then she'll want to see your financial statement.


It really does sound like the two of you have something great together. So if you love her as much as you say, then let her do her thing...and you do yours. These Internet flings she is having are wild, immature, and somewhat dangerous. But again, this is a learning experience she has to go through.


You really don't want a girfriend who will be screwing around all over the World Wide Web when she's not with you. Give her the credit for breaking it off with you temporarily so she can do some of these things she apparently wants to do and apparently is enjoing for the time being.


If you she comes back, then it was meant to be. In the meantime, if you meet one of your other soulmates, then that was meant to be.

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ok great advise Tony, just like that tiger "your great". Thank you very much, but what do you mean by give her space? Should i not talk to her at all? Or do you mean just not everyday like we have been? How long does it usually take for females that young to realize reality? She is jumping over a rose and is going to land straight in a cow patty. lol




ps. i almost KNOW that she and i was meant to be together but how do i found out for sure?


The problem is NOT the age difference here at all, it's HER age. She is 18 and just beginning to develop as a social being. She was tied up in a relationship with you during the years when these important things usually begin to take place so here we are. She really needs time to be out in the field, to get stepped on, squashed, pulverized, etc. She absolutely must see what's out there and go through all the experiences that a young person must go through in order to evolve into a fully functioning mature human being. Back off and give her some time to do her thing. If you don't, she will resent it and you all the days of her life. Stop worrying about her beauty, social and financial status. That's her business. Stop comparing yourself to other guys and her to other girls. Your money, car, social status, etc. are not things she is considering at this point. She just wants to grow up in a natural way. When she gets ready to settle down, maybe then she'll want to see your financial statement.


It really does sound like the two of you have something great together. So if you love her as much as you say, then let her do her thing...and you do yours. These Internet flings she is having are wild, immature, and somewhat dangerous. But again, this is a learning experience she has to go through. You really don't want a girfriend who will be screwing around all over the World Wide Web when she's not with you. Give her the credit for breaking it off with you temporarily so she can do some of these things she apparently wants to do and apparently is enjoing for the time being.


If you she comes back, then it was meant to be. In the meantime, if you meet one of your other soulmates, then that was meant to be.

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Just stop obsessing about her...do your own thing...don't make her the center of your universe. By giving her space, let her do what she wants. Minimize your contact with her. Let others revolve their life around you, not the other way around. Take some charge here!!!

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