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Its actually true that personality is more important than looks?!? OMG

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I'm really shocked right now. First some info about myself, I'm 5'11, 230 lbs. I'm overweight and i dont think I'm much of a looker, but over the last 2 years my personality has really developed and I'm very outgoing and funny now. Well my friend just informed me of all these girls that have had crushes on me so far this year, and I'm shocked because they are all completely gorgeous, thin girls who are also very cool and I've had crushes on all of them, and they like a schmuck like me? What the hell?

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I would say looks play a part to a degree, but personality is key. I have met some really good looking women. I have gotten to know some and realized how shallow, materialistic, selfish they are and the attraction dies. Find me someone that is I guess what you would call average or below with awesome personality, I am at least willing to try a date.

Remember when looks fade all that is left is personality, but I think ages also play a role in that.

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Depends on the girl, some are shallow and looks are real important, others care about personality. But I have found that someone who looks good with an average personality can do better then somebody who looks average and has a great personality.

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WEll, you should think of your topic thread like this. Looks can only go so far. Personally, I find if a guy has a good sense of humor, overall good personality then that is much much more important to me then the looks. You end up finding things about their looks that you find attractive such as a nice smile or nice eyes or nice trim figure etc., etc.


So, don't worry about not being inshape, that don't matter, all that matters is that your a nice person and can be alot of fun to be around.

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If you're a Brad Pitt look alike, yeah, chicks might throw themselves at you.


In most cases, though, looks get you the interview but they don't necessarily get you hired. I've seen it happen time and time again: a decent-looking guy who doesn't know how to work it gets smoked by an average guy who can sell dirt to a camel. It's attitude, trust me.


Now, in a lot of cases, good-looking guys have confidence. After all, they've known from an early age that they attracted women.

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