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what do you think this means?

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alright, well this all started out when i got into a fight with my bestfriend. this guy who i knew for a while ( but we didnt really talk) talked to me on facebook and asked me what happened. out of the blue, we started vibing, and soon we both told eachother that we like eachother. everything was good for a while, until i noticed he was in a relationship on facebook. i asked him about it, and he said it was just his friend. so i shrugged it off because from the looks of things they didnt really talk. We even started hooking up in the hallways and after school, and i really started to like him and he told me he felt the same way. We continued our "fling" into the summer. We would stay up throughout the night talking and video chatting. I even became good friends with his cousin. Then my bestfriend (yes we are friends again) decided to post something on his wall. she wrote "i think its time you ask out you know who <33" and then the girl who he was in a "relationship" with on facebook's friend commented and said that he was actually going out with her. then we got into a whole fight, and the boy told my bestfriend that he liked the other girl instead of me. ofcourse i was really hurt. i got drunk and basically wanted to die. he meant so much to me. then a week later he told me he does like me a lot and is willing to break up with the other girl. it took me a while but then i forgave him, and i told him i still loved him but i wouldnt do anything with him while he is in a relationship because i didnt want to cheat with him. he said "it wouldnt be considered cheating because he is on a break". i didnt agree with this. a few days later he texted me saying he reallly loves me and things were about to change for the better. so it thought this meant he would break up with the other girl. but actually things got worse. we stopped talking frequently, and it came down to only texting for a few minutes a day. i dont know why this happened but it did. we eventually stopped talking. a few days later, a whole formspring situation blew up and i was called a homewrecker and what not. because of this, i started talking to the girl he is dating. we are on okay terms and i apologized because i didnt know that they were dating when i hooked up with him. after that i stopped caring about the guy for a little, until he called me asking why we dont talk anymore. we never really finished that conversation, i dont know why but it just never really got anywhere. that was 6 days ago. i miss him terribly and i reallly want it to work but i know in my heart i could never trust him. im just so confused. Oh, did i mention he is going to a different school this year and he deleted his facebook so i dont know what is going on in his life. why doesnt he talk to me anymore? what do you think is going on with this whole situation? :(

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What do I think is going on?


You're history, he's gone, you need to move on.


You sound extraordinarily young, so trust me, this isn't the end of the world.


Focus, honey.

It was never anything even mediocre, and now it's just all a load of crap.


leave it, it's not worth even thinking about.


I mean.......... really, so what?

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