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Treat them like dirt and they stick to you like mud?


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women respond like that because it's simply human nature.


If your going to go down the "its a natural animal instinct" road let me remind you that scratching our buts and eating it was also quite a "natural" thing to do if you look back thu our "natural history"


We have evolved to know better now thank god hence any women who allows that sort of treatment is simply not mentally healthy its not a "natural" thing to want to be treated like crap no matter how much some guys want to believe otherwise.

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well i dont believe this garbage at all....i treat women extra well and i have never been dumped before.....but then again i am an alpha male and i guess women sense that... i can see that low self esteem women might tolerate abuse.....but i only go for classy women...so i wouldnt know

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Sounds to me like you were treated like dirt in the past, used and dumped and you're still pissed about it. There's not a reason in the world to be mad forever about it. Only thing I can see that makes sense to being sooooo against being a dick to girls.

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Sounds to me like you were treated like dirt in the past, used and dumped and you're still pissed about it. There's not a reason in the world to be mad forever about it. Only thing I can see that makes sense to being sooooo against being a dick to girls.


Looking at all your idiotic posts and clueless behavior is why you are a loser with women.


Don't blame me.

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Sounds to me like you were treated like dirt in the past, used and dumped and you're still pissed about it. There's not a reason in the world to be mad forever about it. Only thing I can see that makes sense to being sooooo against being a dick to girls.


You may be right about her for all I know, but why on Earth would someone need a severe reason to be against anyone being *******s to anyone? I find it pretty amusing when people try to claim someone has "baggage" and link it to them being against mistreatment in the world.


I pretty much think everyone who's not an ******* themselves should be against people being *******s. And nobody should be *******s. So, that'd be everyone.

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Looking at all your idiotic posts and clueless behavior is why you are a loser with women.


Don't blame me.


haha that's cool.


What exactly do you find so offensive about my post you feel the need to personally attack me?


I'm actually mad that for a second you affected me.

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haha that's cool.


What exactly do you find so offensive about my post you feel the need to personally attack me?


I'm actually mad that for a second you affected me.


You gave outdated lame 1970's advice .


Numerous posters have told you the ideas are antiquated and not working.


Don't be mad. Just stop wasting your life on silly web sites where fools congregate and give eachother useless advice.


Remember : All those sites with all those guys telling you how to mistreat and be a jerk to a women : Newsflash : NONE of them have a girl long term. Or at best , none have anyone at all .


Is that where you want to learn how to get and treat a real woman ?

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Newsflash for you Mary, most of those men are Pick Up Artists who see women as a past time.


Gamma has been on this website for months and is still in the same boat and that's despite reading and engaging in hours upon hours, days upon days, weeks upon weeks and month upon months of debate on here.


A guy has to find what works for him and if being jerk works for him then fair do's to that man. It doesn't work for me and I don't like being one, so I'm not.

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Newsflash for you Mary, most of those men are Pick Up Artists who see women as a past time.


Gamma has been on this website for months and is still in the same boat and that's despite reading and engaging in hours upon hours, days upon days, weeks upon weeks and month upon months of debate on here.


A guy has to find what works for him and if being jerk works for him then fair do's to that man. It doesn't work for me and I don't like being one, so I'm not.


Then its an * illusion * that it works for them. A normal emotionally healthy women would not tolerate that garbage.


A disturbed one might. So you might want to have them rephrase it : " How to get troubled low self esteem chicks you can abuse "

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Then its an * illusion * that it works for them. A normal emotionally healthy women would not tolerate that garbage.


A disturbed one might. So you might want to have them rephrase it : " How to get troubled low self esteem chicks you can abuse "


It does work for them though.


I have seen plenty of guys like them and they are happy just sleeping with women. They don't want marriage, 2.4 children and a white picket fence.


It takes two to tango and many women are just after no strings attached sex too, let's not lay all of the blame at the doors of those men.

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I think unhealthy women often end up with jerks.

Healthy woman seem to want confident good guys.


There are some guys such as me that are neither that may never find any woman at all.


Funny that, I am a confident guy and though there are women who want me, I don't want them because they aren't what I'm looking for. There are plenty of healthy minded women who date jerks or wind up with the stereotypical James Dean fella. All you are doing is trying to make yourself feel better about your lacklustre situation by painting false pictures that women on here have conjured up for you.


There are guys like you who refuse to change your situation and instead prefer whinging and as such do not warrant a woman in the first place.

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It does work for them though.


I have seen plenty of guys like them and they are happy just sleeping with women. They don't want marriage, 2.4 children and a white picket fence.


It takes two to tango and many women are just after no strings attached sex too, let's not lay all of the blame at the doors of those men.


If a man wants NSA sex or / a woman and are not looking for a R then they make that choice . I don't choose to have a man deposit his DNA and walk...not very cool...


I don't advocate FWB's for women because the sex alone they can become attached but in the end will be used sexually for no other purpose other than sex.

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Why would anyone be not deserving of love?


How am I supposed to be confient when so many women say there's something seriously wrong with a man that's not in a relationship by 30?


How am I suppose to be confident when some men have told me to just give it up and pay for sex, which I will never ever do?


Im with you im 30 and never been with a women..How am i supposed to turn a switch on and be cofnident when all my life ive had no sucess and only been rejected by women?


People think its easy becasue theyve had sucess..When youve never been told you are attractive and never had a women seem tbe attracted to you its nearly impossible to gain some confidence in the field of the opposite sex..

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Why would anyone be not deserving of love?


How am I supposed to be confient when so many women say there's something seriously wrong with a man that's not in a relationship by 30?


How am I suppose to be confident when some men have told me to just give it up and pay for sex, which I will never ever do?


You don't deserve anything in this life my friend, you have to work hard for all that you wish to have.


Your sense of entitlement is disgusting and for a man of your age you ought to know better.


Not all women think there is something wrong with a single man at the age of 30, and not all men will tell you to pay for a prostitute.


Why do you listen to other people? Why not begin to change? Why are constantly stuck in rut?


I'm trying to help you here, but I'm not getting through to you because you are so stubborn it's unreal.


If you want a woman then you need to break your old habits and makes changes.

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If a man wants NSA sex or / a woman and are not looking for a R then they make that choice . I don't choose to have a man deposit his DNA and walk...not very cool...


I don't advocate FWB's for women because the sex alone they can become attached but in the end will be used sexually for no other purpose other than sex.


The woman knows exactly what she is agreeing too, if she gets attached and gets hurt then that's her fault, no one asked her to agree with it.


We all have choices to make and we all have to strive to make the right ones, if you choose the wrong one and get burned then let that be a lesson to you for the future.

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Im with you im 30 and never been with a women..How am i supposed to turn a switch on and be cofnident when all my life ive had no sucess and only been rejected by women?


People think its easy becasue theyve had sucess..When youve never been told you are attractive and never had a women seem tbe attracted to you its nearly impossible to gain some confidence in the field of the opposite sex..


I've been in your position, but I changed who I was while maintaining all my Great parts and worked and improved on the areas of my life that needed work and guess what? After months/years of hard work it's starting to pay off.


Remember your life is yours to control, if you are letting your enviroment control your life then you aren't living a life worth living, and if you want to alter that? YOU CHANGE. It's simple, it's not easy and there will be a lot of set backs along the way, but marks my words, it's worth it.


Take it from someone who once in your position.

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What makes me so mad is the jerk men who mistreat women have a lot more success than we do in dating and relationships.


I dont think its necassarily that women like jerks is just that women dont approach Men much and a jerk may aprpoach numerous women and isnt afraid of rejection so of course hell evnetually get one


Or the jerk just may be very good looking and a women will put up with it for awhile until she relaizes he wont change

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I've been in your position, but I changed who I was while maintaining all my Great parts and worked and improved on the areas of my life that needed work and guess what? After months/years of hard work it's starting to pay off.


Remember your life is yours to control, if you are letting your enviroment control your life then you aren't living a life worth living, and if you want to alter that? YOU CHANGE. It's simple, it's not easy and there will be a lot of set backs along the way, but marks my words, it's worth it.


Take it from someone who once in your position.


Believe me im trying but its hard..


When women you are about to approach look at you like youre imposing on them just by breathing the same airspace and your shy and afraid of rejection to begin with and never had sucess its a really hard thing

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Believe me im trying but its hard..


When women you are about to approach look at you like youre imposing on them just by breathing the same airspace and your shy and afraid of rejection to begin with and never had sucess its a really hard thing


The key is to remember that rejection is nothing to be scared and that a woman is just a woman and nothing special.


I've conditioned myself into this train of thought and believe me, it is invaluable.


When a gorgeous woman walks into a room, I'm always the last one to look and when I do, I look for a few seconds and carry on with what I'm doing because I know that I'll see several more beautiful women throughout the day.


A woman is just a woman at the end of the day, she is a human like and some people have that look about them, I do, which is why I've never been approached but remember looks can be deceptive.


What I would like to have you and Gamma do is go to a bar and approach as many women as possible throughout the night. Just walk over, say hello, grab a seat, sit down and iniate a conversation. Get used to doing that and once you do, it will be so much easier for you.


Remember the only way to conquer a fear is by confronting it.


P.S You can approach women anywhere, I suggested a bar because it's harder and will help you face up to rejection.

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The woman knows exactly what she is agreeing too, if she gets attached and gets hurt then that's her fault, no one asked her to agree with it.


We all have choices to make and we all have to strive to make the right ones, if you choose the wrong one and get burned then let that be a lesson to you for the future.


Actually no Sphere , this is not the case for all women.


Some women want a relationship and equate chemistry + good sex = relationship when it does not.


The man wants no string sex but may convince the woman that what they have is a relationship. ( partially her fault for not recognizing that all they had was occasional sex but it may take her weeks to see what they really have for what it is...)


To wade through the BS women, need to know what they want and observe the signs that what she HAS is not a relationship it all.


I can't tell you how many times on LS through the years where women did not realize or did not want to realize that their so called boyfriend was just someone who slept with them but there was not much more to it than that...


And the attachment comes from the repeated sex encounters. You can take a woman who is okay with an FWB , gets seriously attached and the FWB is not okay anymore...


Some women get burned but it is in their best interest to try not and repeat that by knowing the definition of a boyfriend versus a sleep _****___ buddy .

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Mary, it's simple the woman demands to know what is going on with the man she is seeing, now I am bluntly honest, if I want an FWB with someone then I will be honest about my intentions.


I expect a woman I'm getting serious to demand what my intentions are and I have no problem telling her, not all men are like that, but it is up to the woman to stand firm and not crumble in regards to knowing where she stands with a man.


If she doesn't do this then I can have no sympathy for her when she is used and winds up being emotionally shattered, none whatsoever.

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The key is to remember that rejection is nothing to be scared and that a woman is just a woman and nothing special.


I've conditioned myself into this train of thought and believe me, it is invaluable.


When a gorgeous woman walks into a room, I'm always the last one to look and when I do, I look for a few seconds and carry on with what I'm doing because I know that I'll see several more beautiful women throughout the day.


A woman is just a woman at the end of the day, she is a human like and some people have that look about them, I do, which is why I've never been approached but remember looks can be deceptive.


What I would like to have you and Gamma do is go to a bar and approach as many women as possible throughout the night. Just walk over, say hello, grab a seat, sit down and iniate a conversation. Get used to doing that and once you do, it will be so much easier for you.


Remember the only way to conquer a fear is by confronting it.


P.S You can approach women anywhere, I suggested a bar because it's harder and will help you face up to rejection.


A normal healthy male will LOOK right away......:)

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I'm sure most of these same women would turn me down in 30 seconds for not being physically attractive enough for them. :rolleyes:


gamma, I can give you lots of tips :)

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A normal healthy male will LOOK right away......:)


You would know this how exactly? I have seen so many gorgeous women in my lifetime, seeing more makes no difference to me whatsoever.


A woman has to impress me to catch my attention and a woman looking doesn't impress me, any woman can look good, so what? Not many women are capable of impressing me.


Also, I exercise self control, there are times where I'll give a woman a proper investigation, but she really does have to be something special. Like this Iranian woman I saw the other day on the train, so beautiful. :love:

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gamma, I can give you lots of tips :)


And if you have any sense Gamma, you wouldn't listen to a single one of them.




"Judge a woman on what she does, not what she says".

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