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Treat them like dirt and they stick to you like mud?


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lol have you read the game? By the end of it style had 5-6 girlfriends at once. Right now the guy I'm reading has multiple relationships, though I can't tell how many. I would GUESS in the 4-6 range but he seems to really like his "primary".


There are others who have just one girlfriend. I remember mystery himself mostly only having one girlfriend.


I mean, calling those guys not successful with women is laughable. Telling my "techniques" don't work is pretty ****ing funny too.


Any man who has multiple women is not successful with quality women who would be in a good relationship. This is where what someone wants comes into the equation. If you just want to screw around, the advice is not the same as if you want to form good relationships with attractive, quality women. Those techniques may work for getting emotionally unhealthy or commitment-phobic women. Some of them may even be hot. Or have other interesting qualities. If that's what a fellow wants, and he is clear about it, that's one thing.


I think the people who wish they were Players but claim not to be are the worst off of all. So silly. They're the people who think you can "win" at bull**** without getting covered in it. You can't.


What those men you're talking about "succeed" at is making the most of a life covered in bull****. They revel in it. They completely accept it for what it is. And they succeed in attracting women who feel the same. That's cool for them. But it all depends on what you want out of life, and I know many men that don't want bull****.

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I can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet.



Any man who has multiple women is not successful with quality women who would be in a good relationship.



And this is what it comes down to. PUA's are never in relationships with quality women. Just because a woman is educated and beautiful, doesn't mean she's emotionally stable. I've seen educated, model-esque women that remind me of Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction. They are NOT quality women.

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Any man who has multiple women is not successful with quality women who would be in a good relationship. This is where what someone wants comes into the equation. If you just want to screw around, the advice is not the same as if you want to form good relationships with attractive, quality women. Those techniques may work for getting emotionally unhealthy or commitment-phobic women. Some of them may even be hot. Or have other interesting qualities. If that's what a fellow wants, and he is clear about it, that's one thing.


I think the people who wish they were Players but claim not to be are the worst off of all. So silly. They're the people who think you can "win" at bull**** without getting covered in it. You can't.


What those men you're talking about "succeed" at is making the most of a life covered in bull****. They revel in it. They completely accept it for what it is. And they succeed in attracting women who feel the same. That's cool for them. But it all depends on what you want out of life, and I know many men that don't want bull****.


since this is you, I will respond. I initially thought it was mary3 or mad max who are unbelievably out to lunch anyways.


The guy I'm reading now groups women he meets into several categories. They are ONS, next, pivot, possible MLTR, backburner MLTR. He was initially screening for just sex potential, which is a combination of how good they were in bed+how hot they were. He didn't care to hang out with them at all afterwards so he didn't bother with quality at all.


He slowly evolves into ONLY dating quality. If I had to guess he had a rotation going for about 2 years. The way he talks, it sounds like he would cycle through most girls in 2 months, occasionally just 1 month. There was eventually one/maybe two that managed to be interesting enough to last longer. He then read some guys posts about quality in MLTR, and he started having the concept of a primary. He found a very good primary (it sounds like), and after this point stops sexing girls who are below at least as good sex as the primary (otherwise he could be doing the primary). He would also only MLTR girls who were worthy of hanging out on their individual own basis. He definitely adopts VERY strict screening and says he screens out 90%+ of them. His main aim is still good sex, and good company to hang out with (as a second option). So he screens for values according to this.


I would guess he stayed with the primary for at least 6 months. He says repeatedly that if she ****s up, stop giving him what he wants, or stops being quality herself he has other girls he will immediately rotate into her position or she could even be nexted. As you can probably tell he has 100% of the control in all his relationships. This is due to pure skill.


Thinking a guy who can have most women doesn't get quality women is lol what? Anyhow this is my last post on this topic. You people are misinformed and just form opinions on thin air, what you hope to be true, or some other derivative and frankly I could care less if you actually believe the things they do or not. It doesn't affect me at all.


Before he learned about this stuff he was already a natural who (I THINK) was good enough for multiple relationships. So basically he was already doing good women, as he says he just couldn't do women who weren't already into him. He believes in pickup as a past time and does it out of reflex even with girls he has NO interest in.


I truly think he is a bad person. Lol.

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You want to know a secret ? I have been around men that weren't particularly attractive but they had alot of * confidance * . Hard to explain how that chemistry works but it does..


He has a certain spicy~ness and he knows how to approach me....I find that intriquing.


That word confidence to me is the most overused cliche in the dating world,its impossible to gauge soembodies confidence when u first meet them and nobody is always confident or unconfident

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That word confidence to me is the most overused cliche in the dating world,its impossible to gauge soembodies confidence when u first meet them and nobody is always confident or unconfident

why is it then that women can smell confidence or the lack of it from a mile away?

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I think the people who wish they were Players but claim not to be are the worst off of all. So silly. They're the people who think you can "win" at bull**** without getting covered in it. You can't.


Interesting -- but I don't get it. Reminds me of early in my relationship with my wife -- we were still dating -- when I made a comment about how I didn't like that I was never very good at attracting women or getting first dates when I was "single". She replied that if I was able to pick up women like players/PUAs do, my personality would be so fundamentally different that she would not have wanted to date me in the first place. And I still don't get it.


To me, it seemed that if I had options, my attitude about relationships wouldn't change. I would simply have a better chance of finding the best LTR partner for me -- more importantly, I would actually be able to choose my partner . . . what a concept.

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It's really sad you have to read from a book to know how not to act like a man....


A woman's perception of what a man should be and what a man really is are two entirely different things.


A woman telling a man how to be a man is about as useful as a car with no wheels.


Women for too long with the help of the oppressive feminist doctrine have been trying to emasculate men in order to mould a man into what a woman desires, fortunately there are enough men out there who refuse to buy into such nonsense.


I read from a book and it gave me a new perception of my world and it inspired me to change, I didn't take the book literally, and I didn't agree with everything I read, but it prompted me to change for better and change I most certainly have.


If you want to mock self improvement be my guest, but I reserve the right to laugh at how hideous your pictures are.

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I don't even buy into the PUA thing. That whole culture sort of creeps me out. These guys have no interest in life other than getting laid/. Men need to stop putting so much focus on women anyway. There is more to life than love and getting laid.


You just have to read a few threads in this forum right now to see what being a loving and faithful men gets you. There is one right where woman admits to having a great husband but just can't help herself around other men.


I don't know if treating women like dirt is the right word but a man should let a woman no there are consequences to her actions. If she cheats even once he needs to be ready to throw her ass out. A woman has to respect a man in order to be attracted to him.

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A woman's perception of what a man should be and what a man really is are two entirely different things.


A woman telling a man how to be a man is about as useful as a car with no wheels.


Women for too long with the help of the oppressive feminist doctrine have been trying to emasculate men in order to mould a man into what a woman desires, fortunately there are enough men out there who refuse to buy into such nonsense.


I read from a book and it gave me a new perception of my world and it inspired me to change, I didn't take the book literally, and I didn't agree with everything I read, but it prompted me to change for better and change I most certainly have.


If you want to mock self improvement be my guest, but I reserve the right to laugh at how hideous your pictures are.


Very true. Men screwed up by letting women define manhood for us. This is why men need male figures and role models growing up. Without it they turn into what men are today.


This frankenstein of a man that we have today partially created by feminists is completely undesirable to most women.

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why is it then that women can smell confidence or the lack of it from a mile away?


Most women can't actually assess your confidence so much as your actions. When men aren't confident they fail for loads of reasons, mostly related to what they do.


Emotional healthy people (men and women) can smell true confidence/emotional health from a mile away, but you can't fake that from a book or anything else.

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since this is you, I will respond. I initially thought it was mary3 or mad max who are unbelievably out to lunch anyways.


The guy I'm reading now groups women he meets into several categories. They are ONS, next, pivot, possible MLTR, backburner MLTR. He was initially screening for just sex potential, which is a combination of how good they were in bed+how hot they were. He didn't care to hang out with them at all afterwards so he didn't bother with quality at all.


He slowly evolves into ONLY dating quality. If I had to guess he had a rotation going for about 2 years. The way he talks, it sounds like he would cycle through most girls in 2 months, occasionally just 1 month. There was eventually one/maybe two that managed to be interesting enough to last longer. He then read some guys posts about quality in MLTR, and he started having the concept of a primary. He found a very good primary (it sounds like), and after this point stops sexing girls who are below at least as good sex as the primary (otherwise he could be doing the primary). He would also only MLTR girls who were worthy of hanging out on their individual own basis. He definitely adopts VERY strict screening and says he screens out 90%+ of them. His main aim is still good sex, and good company to hang out with (as a second option). So he screens for values according to this.


I would guess he stayed with the primary for at least 6 months. He says repeatedly that if she ****s up, stop giving him what he wants, or stops being quality herself he has other girls he will immediately rotate into her position or she could even be nexted. As you can probably tell he has 100% of the control in all his relationships. This is due to pure skill.


Thinking a guy who can have most women doesn't get quality women is lol what? Anyhow this is my last post on this topic. You people are misinformed and just form opinions on thin air, what you hope to be true, or some other derivative and frankly I could care less if you actually believe the things they do or not. It doesn't affect me at all.


Before he learned about this stuff he was already a natural who (I THINK) was good enough for multiple relationships. So basically he was already doing good women, as he says he just couldn't do women who weren't already into him. He believes in pickup as a past time and does it out of reflex even with girls he has NO interest in.


I truly think he is a bad person. Lol.


From your posts, I kind of think you will never get how emotional health works. At least not until you actually experience it. I don't mean that to sound like an attack. . . it's just. . . this shows so clearly how you don't get it. It's like trying to explain quantum physics to a cat (or, really a person choosing to be a cat, since the cat can never be anything other than a cat, and I don't mean to imply that in this case), and I'm growing weary. No healthy, attractive woman would be with a fellow like this. It really is all about the kind of people you want to attract.

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Most women can't actually assess your confidence so much as your actions. When men aren't confident they fail for loads of reasons, mostly related to what they do.


Emotional healthy people (men and women) can smell true confidence/emotional health from a mile away, but you can't fake that from a book or anything else.


If that's a sly dig at me then I'll have you know, it taken many years to gain confidence, it wasn't an overnight thing. I became confident by confronting my demons.

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You shouldnt treat a girl crap what you should do is treat her like she is just another girl and she is nothing special. Dont answer all her calls, dont text her right away, dont agree to take her out every time she wants. Show her you have a life outside of her and she is not the most important person in your life.


When you do take her out make sure she has fun by doing action dates, try to be funny and talk about interesting subjects.

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What is so wrong about looking at the opinions of both women and men?


A woman isn't a man and a man isn't a woman.


I don't need to say anymore.


A man should know how to be a man, naturally. He shouldn't need a woman's advice, if he does seek a woman's advice then he is little more than a child seeking his mothers apron strings in adult life.

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A woman isn't a man and a man isn't a woman.


I don't need to say anymore.


A man should know how to be a man, naturally. He shouldn't need a woman's advice, if he does seek a woman's advice then he is little more than a child seeking his mothers apron strings in adult life.


Exactly. It's like a cat asking a dog how to be a good cat.

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Very true. Men screwed up by letting women define manhood for us. This is why men need male figures and role models growing up. Without it they turn into what men are today.


This frankenstein of a man that we have today partially created by feminists is completely undesirable to most women.


A woman isn't a man and a man isn't a woman.


I don't need to say anymore.


A man should know how to be a man, naturally. He shouldn't need a woman's advice, if he does seek a woman's advice then he is little more than a child seeking his mothers apron strings in adult life.


Ok, fair enough that a man shouldn't let a woman tell him how to be himself. Just like he should never let his friends, brother, father, etc. tell him how to be himself. Don't put this on women like we're somehow trying to be ballbreakers.


And this so goes both ways. Women shouldn't need a man's advice either coming from that logic. To me, it seems healthy that if someone want their partner's opinion, that is normal and healthy and doesn't make them any weaker.


And this "Frankenstein" of a man is so much more appealing than living in the era when women were little more than unpaid sexual and domestic servants, and when getting married went from having to ask their father's permission for everything to having to ask their husband's permission for everything, oh, and had absolutely no protection when their husband turned violent!

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Why on earth would I try and tell a woman how to be a woman?


Being a "man" and being a "woman" is an idea that the more naive people of the world have. Men and women are individuals. You're not like any other man out there, I'm not like any other woman out there. And if someone isn't truly crazy about you for being the individual you are, then time to move on to make room for someone who is.

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We are talking about dating here. Seeing things from both perspectives is the most helpful.


It's best to see what BOTH men and women say and then make a judgment.


Why would you listen to a woman's advice on something you should know immediately? Dating isn't rocket science mate, it just takes an incredibly thick skin and a certain amount of fearlessness.


Women in reality often say they want "a decent man", well Gamma you're a decent man, who is nice to people and where has that gotten you? I don't see women swarming over to you, in fact it's the opposite isn't it? They aren't going anywhere near you, should that not tell you something about the advice you are getting from women? The same woman who is giving you advice probably is dating someone who challenges her and who doesn't pander to her every whim.


Women say one thing and more often than not do the complete opposite, I have seen it with my own eyes time and time again.

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Being a "man" and being a "woman" is an idea that the more naive people of the world have. Men and women are individuals. You're not like any other man out there, I'm not like any other woman out there. And if someone isn't truly crazy about you for being the individual you are, then time to move on to make room for someone who is.


Thank you Sherlock for that outstanding piece of advice, next time try not be so patronising.


All men should inspire to be like a Spartan warrior or a Greek God, they should not inspire to be feminine like these emo bands and boy bands who prance around like fairies. These people are not men, they are women with penises, there's a fundamental difference between those people and your average male.

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Thank you Sherlock for that outstanding piece of advice, next time try not be so patronising.


All men should inspire to be like a Spartan warrior or a Greek God, they should not inspire to be feminine like these emo bands and boy bands who prance around like fairies. These people are not men, they are women with penises, there's a fundamental difference between those people and your average male.


Oh, and me being a strong woman makes me a woman with a penis?


Spartan warrior isn't such a good thing for a man to aspire to, maybe Greek God, but one of the less aggressive ones like Apollo.


But then I am sensing a lot of insecurity from you, which is one thing that often makes men feel the need to act like a Spartan warrior.

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From your posts, I kind of think you will never get how emotional health works. At least not until you actually experience it. I don't mean that to sound like an attack. . . it's just. . . this shows so clearly how you don't get it. It's like trying to explain quantum physics to a cat (or, really a person choosing to be a cat, since the cat can never be anything other than a cat, and I don't mean to imply that in this case), and I'm growing weary. No healthy, attractive woman would be with a fellow like this. It really is all about the kind of people you want to attract.


They are just "unhealthy and unattractive" because by your definition they are defined as such. He gets the kind of women he wants to get. He values sexuality, good sex, and a healthy sex drive over everything else. As can be seen by his initial goals. He gets exactly what he wants from a variety of partners.


I pretty clearly stated many times I don't like this guy+don't have similar goals to him. I do not do the same things he does or take the same approach. However, his way at looking at things is veryveryvery unique and thought provoking+I get self improvement out of the new concepts he occasionally provides.


No, I'm not about to apply his methods directly to my dating life. I'm also not attempting to get 5 MLTR's. It isn't a goal of mine. He does get the women he wants as much as he wants, and he knows how to get a different type of women if he so chose. This is what makes him an expert. If he valued something else+actually believed love existed he could change his persona to fit the kind of women he wanted.


I am looking for advice on how to seduce. There is no way you can tell me he's bad at seducing. The guy is absolutely fantastic at the seduction part. Sure, he screens for COMPLETELY THE WRONG **** as far as I'm concerned. He also values COMPELTELY THE WRONG **** as far as I'm concerned. But I'm not looking for advice on what I should value, how I should structure relationships, or yadayada. I'm looking for dating advice. Hence why getting advice from married couples is completely useless to me. They don't even have recent dating experience.

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and sphere your preaching to the choir. Woman have this ingrained belief that they know more about dating than any guy. Just like they truly believe they are better than any guy at fashion. It's just a belief, like guys are better than girls at hockey, well girls are better than boys at dating, relationships, etc. So telling them they aren't isn't going to work. It's so much more fundamental than that to them. They would have to have an epiphany, or some kind of deep insight to realize that guys are significantly better at giving dating advice to other men than women are. Part of it is since they were young they've been talking about dating, and guys have always thought girls are better than dating than they are. Guys would go to women and ask them, what should I do, what am I doing wrong, etc. etc. as if they were an authority. It's just ingrained in there.


And you're right. I might give a woman advice like you should probably be screening guys, yadayada. But I wouldn't for one second think I knew more than them about how to flirt or seduce a guy. I have no ****ing clue. I haven't spent ANY TIME trying to seduce a guy. The extent of my knowledge of what girls should do is be very good looking. That's it. No other insights as far as actually getting him attracted to you. Lucky for them for 95% of guys that is enough.

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I haven't read this whole thread, because I can see it's full of people attacking each other and I don't need the negativity.


I can tell the OP that my husband was a wonderful man who brought light into my life. He was never a dick, he never treated me like dirt, he treated me with respect and he respected himself as well. He was funny and he was sentimental about my birthday and our anniversary, he helped me plan our wedding because he cared about it being romantic. When we were dating he let me know right from the beginning that he was pursuing me because he thought I was beautiful and special. He was a strong man who was considerate and thoughtful at the same time. Those are some of the reasons I fell in love with him and why I still mourn him every day.

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