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Treat them like dirt and they stick to you like mud?


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Well gamma is free to ask you or me or anyone here for help. He might find it through friends too..:)


He asks for help and yet when he is given it, he comes out with more excuses and reasons why this won't happen, why he can't do this. He could be given solid advice for the next decade and he will still be in the same position because he refuses to change.


He has to accept that he is the problem here, not society, not women, not other men. It's him. The way he thinks is totally wrong and self defeating to the point where it becoming self destructive. The way he acts will highlight this to anyone who is socially aware.


Your advice to be himself is the reason he refuses to change; he shouldn't stay cacooned in his shell, he needs to break free and explore uncharted territory.


Unfortunately, until he admits he is the problem and realizes that he needs to change himself and improve himself, he will be stuck at base one.

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Those statistics must be outdated. Most women I know would cheat in a heartbeat if they had the chance to do it and get away with it.


There are exceptions of course and maybe I just happen to have been unlucky enough to be around some bad women.


Taking this as a good sample is as wrong as Mary's assertion that women rarely cheat. It sounds like you've been around some bad women and you also project a bit.


I think less than the majority of men and women cheat -- far less. Mary's numbers don't seen wholly out of range in this way, though no idea about the gender ranges. I am always skeptical of statistics without sourcing or without reading the detailed methodology because I am a stats nerd. (Also, those stats only relate to marriage per the writing here.)

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There's no way you could even pretend to know what the number should be. Even from a feel sense. Do even have a feeling for how many people are in the united states? Hell in the state of massachusets? Really you have no idea whatsoever. Going on personal experience for the probability of something like that is a bad idea. I'm sure you realize this, especially if you are a stats geek.


Another problem is a lot of those studies are going to be conducted by magazines that target woman (not men). Since men don't read about relationship stuff.


Another problem is it's dealing with something that is inherently dishonest and not well defined. What IS cheating? Did you cheat accidently and it didn't count? Both sexes are going to have a tendency to rationalize whether they cheated or not.


Another bigbig problem with using the statistics you did is its for married couples! It isn't for unmarried couples.


The players of the world make it sound like all woman cheat. But they really would only run into woman who would cheat/would focus on them. It is alarming that a lot of the time it's easier to get with a girl whose in an unhappy relationship than a single girl. But anyways.

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Married women are so easy to pick up for a player it is almost absurd. Many times you can smile at them and they will be ready to leave their husbands for you.

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Married women are so easy to pick up for a player it is almost absurd. Many times you can smile at them and they will be ready to leave their husbands for you.


Ive probably been with close to a hundred married women..Women have little control of their emotions and feelings so if you trigger feelings inside them married or not there gonna stray possibly if not physically at least emotionally..


The workplace is where it happens the most..Married women build relatiosnhips with Men all the time and gain feelings for that person that there with over time..

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How and why does this work? Seems like when I'm nice to any woman I want to sleep with she loses interest. But the ones I ignore and treat ****ty want me.


What's the proper way to use this on women?


Humans value something more if they have to work for it vs it being handed to them on a silver platter. Men who are aloof, don't supplicate, nor put women on a pedestal become a catch and a challenge. That's the broad strokes of why women like "jerks" instead of "nice guys" who are known for giving attention and validation to women who quite frankly just haven't earned it yet.

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Married women are so easy to pick up for a player it is almost absurd. Many times you can smile at them and they will be ready to leave their husbands for you.


Nah, they usually wait until their caught then leave their husbands.

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That's usually the case, ever notice? It works for both men as well as women. Act like you like the person, they turn cold on you. Act like you're not interested in them, they're all over you. It's the thrill of the hunt for all of us.


I apologize to everyone that I made this public, because a woman who is spit on and takes it has no self esteem. I have reached a point in my life where I can't imagine how or why someone will take a bad comment or two and not see the person for who they are. When I see this behavior, I immediately back off and walk away.

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Thanks. :)


I wish I was better at being able to discern when a woman is interested compared to when she is just being friendly.


I need to read your DM :)

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Those statistics must be outdated. Most women I know would cheat in a heartbeat if they had the chance to do it and get away with it.


There are exceptions of course and maybe I just happen to have been unlucky enough to be around some bad women.


Woggle I don't cheat. I detest cheaters , seriously. My theory is this : If I am not happy with you anymore then I am going to end it . Thats what I have done my entire life.


Its so cowardly to sleep behind your bf/gf/h/wife back.

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Those statistics must be outdated. Most women I know would cheat in a heartbeat if they had the chance to do it and get away with it.


There are exceptions of course and maybe I just happen to have been unlucky enough to be around some bad women.


And might I add : Most women I know ( friends / family ) won't cheat . Its not in their fiber. They feel like I do.

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He asks for help and yet when he is given it, he comes out with more excuses and reasons why this won't happen, why he can't do this. He could be given solid advice for the next decade and he will still be in the same position because he refuses to change.


He has to accept that he is the problem here, not society, not women, not other men. It's him. The way he thinks is totally wrong and self defeating to the point where it becoming self destructive. The way he acts will highlight this to anyone who is socially aware.


Your advice to be himself is the reason he refuses to change; he shouldn't stay cacooned in his shell, he needs to break free and explore uncharted territory.


Unfortunately, until he admits he is the problem and realizes that he needs to change himself and improve himself, he will be stuck at base one.


I like gamma. He is pretty cool. I don't get any bad vibes off him. He's just someone who wants to be out in the dating world and be happy :)

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Taking this as a good sample is as wrong as Mary's assertion that women rarely cheat. It sounds like you've been around some bad women and you also project a bit.


I think less than the majority of men and women cheat -- far less. Mary's numbers don't seen wholly out of range in this way, though no idea about the gender ranges. I am always skeptical of statistics without sourcing or without reading the detailed methodology because I am a stats nerd. (Also, those stats only relate to marriage per the writing here.)


I could so some extra work to get better statistics :)

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Married women are so easy to pick up for a player it is almost absurd. Many times you can smile at them and they will be ready to leave their husbands for you.


Speaking for myself, as some believe its rare for a woman not to cheat, this is not something I see.... Married women openly, freely cheating .


I just have not seen that much in my life.


Have I ever known a women that cheated ? Yes , personally I did know one out of many friends.


She got attached in the emotional sense. And yes they had sex. It creeped me out and made me feel uncomfortable to know she was doing that.


They eventually ended it. She said it was the best love experience she ever had. Yikes .


I guess theres only one way to say it for me : Cheating is wrong. Please end the R and go on with your life if you want to sleep with others.

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How and why does this work? Seems like when I'm nice to any woman I want to sleep with she loses interest. But the ones I ignore and treat ****ty want me.


What's the proper way to use this on women?


A lot of women cannot make up their mind as to whether they like a man. A lot of those women seem to like a guy more if he's kind of an a-hole.


However, sometimes women decide right away that they like a guy for whatever reason. In my own experience those women are the most desirable because they put forth a lot of effort themselves and the guy doesn't have be an a-hole because the woman already finds him very attractive.

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I like gamma. He is pretty cool. I don't get any bad vibes off him. He's just someone who wants to be out in the dating world and be happy :)


Who doesn't?


He wanted advice and all you could suggest is that he carries on being himself and things will work out eventually.


That's not advice, that's just telling him that he should continually bang his head against the proverbial brick wall until he strikes gold, but in truth life just doesn't work like that.


He needs to change and he needs to chase what he wants. If he doesn't this then he'll get nowhere in life.

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Who doesn't?


He wanted advice and all you could suggest is that he carries on being himself and things will work out eventually.


That's not advice, that's just telling him that he should continually bang his head against the proverbial brick wall until he strikes gold, but in truth life just doesn't work like that.


He needs to change and he needs to chase what he wants. If he doesn't this then he'll get nowhere in life.


I would hope gamma never changes from the caring insightful man I have learned to know on here. :)

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With all due respect Mary3 if you think women cheating is a rare thing you are very disconnected from modern day relationships.

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With all due respect Mary3 if you think women cheating is a rare thing you are very disconnected from modern day relationships.


With all due respect if you think its normal for a woman to cheat then you are disconnected and poisoned by your past experiences.


I feel bad for you Woggle. You are attractive but have so much toxicity inside you that I wonder if you can ever be okay with how you feel about women.


Wouldn't you like to get some help ? Not sure if you are in counseling but if you were, was there any progress ?


You have a public forum, much of which you have spent with 12,000 posts claiming how women are cheaters , liars and possibly whorish .


When would you like to end this never ending tirade about women ?

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Just look at this forum. Women are pretty much cheating left and right these days and they use every excuse in the book.


I wish I was wrong about modern day gender relations but I can't deny what is right in front of me. What does it say when I try to convince myself with every bone in my body that my beliefs are wrong yet I keep coming to the same conclusions?

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Unfortunately Mary, he is correct


This is sad.


I try to think of men friends and past boyfriends and I can't think of any of either category that told me they were cheated on.


My brother , my father , my uncles , my guy friends , my past bf's ( with the exception of the guy who's wife cheated for 20 years ,with that in itself being a sick ball of wax for him to stay that long and yes he knew - that directs the cheating to him being a whipping boy for putting up with it )


Secret : Anytime someone cheats on you. END it . Bam ! Then if they did try that with you at least you can move forward and know they were _ up and not right for you in the first place.


Dont ever let someone's a----le actions dictate what happens to you for the rest of your life . WHY do you let that women have THAT kind of control ? There are other women out there for you.


Its quite apparent here of the men who were cheated on they never let this go . If you did you would not be posting here. Can I get an Amen ?

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Just look at this forum. Women are pretty much cheating left and right these days and they use every excuse in the book.

I wish I was wrong about modern day gender relations but I can't deny what is right in front of me. What does it say when I try to convince myself with every bone in my body that my beliefs are wrong yet I keep coming to the same conclusions?


If this is true there are alot of women walking around with some nasty sores on their private parts.


Your beliefs are much like someone who is insecure ( as an example ) not to say that's your exact problem but trying to convince an insecure person that you are not cheating on them is like trying to convince someone in Death Valley they don't need air conditioning even though its 122 degrees in the Summer....

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It's not just about being cheated on but everything else as well. No offense to any women that does not fit this description but I think many women are just completely heartless cold to men and play with our hearts with no remorse whatsoever. I see it every day with the people I know.

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