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Cracker Jack
Your inferior complex is something of grave wonder. I'm nearly two decades younger than you and yet for some reason, I've got more experience and men like me receive abuse from men like you, for your own shortcomings.


Denial isn't a river in Egypt, but you're half way up the creek without an oar and time is running out for you my friend.


Every car has it's day and yours is fasting approaching, unless, you change the way you think about your world and everything that's in it.


Well, I know this isn't directed towards me--but isn't it possible that, no matter how hard you try to change how you see the world and women in general, you'll still not have much success with women? Honestly, I know quite a few men who are positive, and quite outgoing, but due to their lack of ability to garner attraction from women, constantly get rejected by them.


I know it's easy for some to look at certain men and wonder why they see themselves as inferior--but if a man, um, has always had difficulty with women, how is one (Especially one who's quite older) supposed to feel about that?


Based on everything I've read from Gamma, tho--he doesn't seem bitter; just confused as to how to fix this issue.

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I am aware of that too but I am not scared. I chose my fiancee because I trust her enough to not be afraid of her trustworthyness.


I just hope you don't go in blind.


In my first marriage I trusted her fully and gave my all to her and it blew back in my face. I am determined to never let that happen again.

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I just hope you don't go in blind.


In my first marriage I trusted her fully and gave my all to her and it blew back in my face. I am determined to never let that happen again.


I've been cheated on before Woggle. I'm not a moron.


I am smart enough to grasp the concept that every woman is different. Marriage is based on trust, among other things and I will give my 100% trust into her because I am not afraid. If you are anything less than 100% on any aspect of marriage then you should have never gotten married.


I'd rather be scared and alone then have to hide my fear from someone.

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I don't live in fear 24/7 but I am fully aware that a woman can turn on a man in a heartbeat at any given second.


Then you better wear a heavy armour suit and have a loaded shot gun by your bed.

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I've been cheated on before Woggle. I'm not a moron.


I am smart enough to grasp the concept that every woman is different. Marriage is based on trust, among other things and I will give my 100% trust into her because I am not afraid. If you are anything less than 100% on any aspect of marriage then you should have never gotten married.


I'd rather be scared and alone then have to hide my fear from someone.


" Trust " is as foreign to Woggle as ice cubes are to the Sun.

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I get the feeling dispatch you have an issue with people in general rather than dating/women. you seem uptight and angry, you need to chill out


Its pretty clear from all dispatched speeches that he can't get a women with books and he can't get one in real life either..


Ditch the books. You guys look silly believing this stuff....

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Men trusting women these days is a recipe for heartbreak.


Do you keep your wife locked in a closet ?

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Men trusting women these days is a recipe for heartbreak.


so get a divorce. You are so against even trying to fully trust your wife so end it or are you afraid to initiate divorce?

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Do you keep your wife locked in a closet ?


No but I keep my heart on a string so I can pull it back from her at any moment if I have to.

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so get a divorce. You are so against even trying to fully trust your wife so end it or are you afraid to initiate divorce?


There are too many perks that go with this marriage.

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Well, I know this isn't directed towards me--but isn't it possible that, no matter how hard you try to change how you see the world and women in general, you'll still not have much success with women? Honestly, I know quite a few men who are positive, and quite outgoing, but due to their lack of ability to garner attraction from women, constantly get rejected by them.


I know it's easy for some to look at certain men and wonder why they see themselves as inferior--but if a man, um, has always had difficulty with women, how is one (Especially one who's quite older) supposed to feel about that?


Based on everything I've read from Gamma, tho--he doesn't seem bitter; just confused as to how to fix this issue.


You have to kiss many toads before you find your Princess as the saying goes, though she'll never be a Princess, because they're just fantasy really. Life is not easy, but we all find someone eventually and though it will never last, we'll always have that one person who made us feel like a shooting star. Some find her aged 20 and some aged 30 and some aged 45 and some aged 62, but you'll find her eventually and you'll lose her too, but you'll not forget her, she'll leave foot prints on your memory bank, even as you walk slowly down the Green Mile to your final destination, you'll remember her. I know I will...


Your second mistake, the first being your doubtfulness, your second mistake is using the word success in this context. A woman is not a trophy or a prize, you are, so if you are the prize, how can you equate the acquistion of a woman a success?


A successful man shapes the way in which we view our world, the way in which we communicate with our world, a successful man shapes his own world and that of others. Think Golden Gate Bridge, think Apollo 13, think of the Theory of Evolution and that my friend is what success truly is.


Gamma refuses to change, he is Conservative in his own personal reflection. You cannot hope to better yourself with such a thought pattern and process.


Gamma refuses to reach his potential. Gamma refuses to place himself in the centre of his own world, thus finding stability, balance, the happy medium. He isn't out there living his dreams, instead he placing his dreams inside a woman who at the moment doesn't exist. Dream Girl? No! Dreams and ambitions of real men have nothing to do with women whatsoever. Live your dreams first and then find a woman, do not find the woman first, followed by your dreams.


He is nearly forty and still refuses to learn the harsh lessons that nature has taught him. Instead he tries desperately to smash through that brick wall with the same tried and failed methods.


Until he realizes that he is the problem, he is his own worst enemy, he will always struggle and I bet he struggles in other aspects of his life too, because he neglects them for his dream woman.


If Gamma wants advice, all he has to do is ask, but he doesn't like men like myself. He calls us players, he says we restrict his access to good women. We are the worst men out there, but in truth I'm not the problem, because I'm sure there will be plenty of women who would choose him over me. He sees men like myself as competition, when there is no such thing as competition in the dating game, it's all in your head. Just like the "perfect moment", "Romance" and "White doves".


Gamma's problem is Gamma. No one else.

Edited by Sphere
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There are too many perks that go with this marriage.


You would be up in arms if a woman came on here with the same fears and worries as you and gave this explanation. People would take you more serious if you weren't such a hypocrite.

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You would be up in arms if a woman came on here with the same fears and worries as you and gave this explanation. People would take you more serious if you weren't such a hypocrite.


And the women here would be cheering her on so how are they any better than me? You spend all this time defending women but when have they ever stuck up for men?

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And the women here would be cheering her on so how are they any better than me? You spend all this time defending women but when have they ever stuck up for men?


so two wrongs make a right? You are quite insulting to the women on here to assume how they would respond to something. Show some class.


Not one single woman (or guy) on here goes on and on about the same points like you do.


Learn to read and you will find posts and threads on here where women praise their husbands/BFs. Some women on here agree with me on my points about treating people with respect.


You'd see that if you didn't have selective reading by only reading the threads where the woman did something wrong.

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I just wish women here would be as quick to condemn misandry like Megandoll as quick as you are to condemn me.

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Cracker Jack
You have to kiss many toads before you find your Princess as the saying goes, though she'll never be a Princess, because they're just fantasy really. Life is not easy, but we all find someone eventually and though it will never last, we'll always have that one person who made us feel like a shooting star. Some find her aged 20 and some aged 30 and some aged 45 and some aged 62, but you'll find her eventually and you'll lose her too, but you'll not forget her, she'll leave foot prints on your memory bank, even as you walk slowly down the Green Mile to your final destination, you'll remember her. I know I will...


I understand that. And I experienced this (Flawed as it was) to an extent, too. But one can't help but feel hopeless if women simply don't find him attractive, or good enough to have a relationship with. It sucks. I'm only 22, but I've often felt I simply didn't have what it takes to ever have a woman. I was a rebound in my only experience, so I also never experienced true companionship.


Your second mistake, the first being your doubtfulness, your second mistake is using the word success in this context. A woman is not a trophy or a prize, you are, so if you are the prize, how can you equate the acquistion of a woman a success?


My reasoning for doubtfulness varies, due to being told many different things in regards to why I wasn't good enough. Mainly things I could not physically change. Okay, success was a wrong choice of words. The ones I speak of never had the opportunity of experiencing true companionship with a woman before, and often feel if it hasn't worked for 28-30 yrs of their life, it won't now.


Wanting to change and actually changing are vastly different from one another.


Gamma refuses to reach his potential. Gamma refuses to place himself in the centre of his own world, thus finding stability, balance, the happy medium. He isn't out there living his dreams, instead he placing his dreams inside a woman who at the moment doesn't exist. Dream Girl? No! Dreams and ambitions of real men have nothing to do with women whatsoever. Live your dreams first and then find a woman, do not find the woman first, followed by your dreams.


Yes, but for someone who has experienced much more than he has, despite being much younger, that's a lot easier to suggest. Not that it's your fault; no one is suggesting that so don't take it as such. I'm just saying if you look at it from the standpoint of someone who's close to 40, never had so much as a kiss with a woman or a relationship, the thought alone feels pretty....grim. Kinda hard to focus solely on dreams (Whatever those are) when you're outstripped in the area of companionship by teens. It's just human nature to feel like you're less than others.


I know needing a woman to make you happy can be hazardous as many suggest, but it can also work wonders, too. I also know that simply ignoring it and trying to go with your life will not allow a woman to drop into your arms, either. Some sort of attraction has to be there to draw her in.


He is nearly forty and still refuses to learn the harsh lessons that nature has taught him. Instead he tries desperately to smash through that brick wall with the same tried and failed methods.


Do those lessons work for every man, tho?


Until he realizes that he is the problem, he is his own worst enemy, he will always struggle and I bet he struggles in other aspects of his life too, because he neglects them for his dream woman.


So, eliminating the majority of the focus on women and focusing on other aspects of the life is the main key? Once this is done, things will get better? I'm actually asking not just for Gamma, but for myself as well.


If Gamma wants advice, all he has to do is ask, but he doesn't like men like myself. He calls us players, he says we restrict his access to good women. We are the worst men out there, but in truth I'm not the problem, because I'm sure there will be plenty of women who would choose him over me. He sees men like myself as competition, when there is no such thing as competition in the dating game, it's all in your head. Just like the "perfect moment", "Romance" and "White doves".


Well, if he doesn't like you for this, I don't agree with that POV. I feel like there's no reason to dislike the guy for being good enough to win women over. I often give them props, and acknowledge that they're pretty good, while I am not good with women. Honest praise has always been my thing.


Gamma's problem is Gamma. No one else.


I don't think Gamma would disagree with this.

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mr.dream merchant
I just wish women here would be as quick to condemn misandry like Megandoll as quick as you are to condemn me.


They won't, because people suck. And because we live in a world of men who are suckers for women, and women who are gluttons for male attention and being pampered.


As a male you'll have the most success when you speak on what you believe in, and hold your ground. Do I give two ****s if some bitter female stranger on a forum calls me a <insert negative label here> because I choose to only **** and not date easy women? Hell no. If anything, their offensive distaste for my personal beliefs and opinions are only an indicator of their lack of maturity.


Everyone has their own sets of belief, some people just suck at being neutral about it and respecting another's beliefs.

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I just wish women here would be as quick to condemn misandry like Megandoll as quick as you are to condemn me.


it may not be to your satisfactory but I have seen women on here condemn the misandrists. I feel that you purposely ignore most, if not all of those posts because you choose to see and pay attention to only the worst of the women population and ignore the rest.

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Interesting discussion between Sphere and Cracker Jack.

You have to kiss many toads before you find your Princess as the saying goes, though she'll never be a Princess, because they're just fantasy really. Life is not easy, but we all find someone eventually and though it will never last, we'll always have that one person who made us feel like a shooting star. Some find her aged 20 and some aged 30 and some aged 45 and some aged 62, but you'll find her eventually and you'll lose her too, but you'll not forget her, she'll leave foot prints on your memory bank, even as you walk slowly down the Green Mile to your final destination, you'll remember her. I know I will...

If I was looking for a princess your post would have given me some encouragement. But I'm not looking for my princess, at this point I'd be happy with a chambermaid. After 28 years I should have gotten something by now.


A woman is not a trophy or a prize, you are, so if you are the prize, how can you equate the acquisition of a woman a success?

I've heard both those ideas many times. Honestly it's very hard to not see women as trophies. I'd actually argue that women are prizes. Dating/seduction is very similar to a sport or competitive game. If you make the right moves you win and get a girl. If you mess up, you lose and get nothing. Sometimes if you mess up, you get a consolation prize, her friendship.


Also the very thought that I am the prize, when I've never won anything is ludicrous. I know it's a bad thing to depend on external sources for validation. But I can tell myself every day that I'm the greatest, but when I go to bed alone every night, it's really hard to believe that.


The ones I speak of never had the opportunity of experiencing true companionship with a woman before, and often feel if it hasn't worked for 28-30 yrs of their life, it won't now.

I can't but help and think that you are referencing me. Even if not, I haven't experienced companionship with a woman. I've only ever had light friendships with girls, nothing intimate at all. I have no idea what it's like to even see a girl two days in a row.


But giving up is not a valid thought. Just because it's not working now, doesn't mean it won't work in a couple of months. The key thing is that the person needs to keep trying and keep learning. Some have it much harder than others but that just means that victory will taste sweater when it's achieved.


So, eliminating the majority of the focus on women and focusing on other aspects of the life is the main key? Once this is done, things will get better? I'm actually asking not just for Gamma, but for myself as well.
I don't even know if it's possible to eliminate focus on women. Short of taking libonal, the sex drive will always be there. There is also a human need for companionship and intimacy.


I can be completely caught up in work or school, but as soon as I get any free time, my focus instantly shifts to girls. It's impossible to control.

Edited by somedude81
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Cracker Jack
I can't but help and think that you are referencing me. Even if not, I haven't experienced companionship with a woman. I've only ever had light friendships with girls, nothing intimate at all. I have no idea what it's like to even see a girl two days in a row.


Yeah, I was mainly referring to some of my older friends, but I'm in the same boat. Well, for a few months, I thought what we had was companionship, but she used me to fill a void--and was basically seeing her ex at the same time. So, I don't even know where my situation falls under.


I also know about the black hole aka the friend zone, also. One of the reasons why my interaction with women had stopped for awhile, tho I'm trying to get back out there now.


But giving up is not a valid thought. Just because it's not working now, doesn't mean it won't work in a couple of months. The key thing is that the person needs to keep trying and keep learning. Some have it much harder than others but that just means that victory will taste sweater when it's achieved.


I agree. Giving up is the last thing I want to consider. Picturing a life without ever experiencing companionship isn't nice. I'd rather fall 100 times and try for 101 instead of stopping and eliminating all of my chances of ever having a possibility of companionship.


I don't even know if it's possible to eliminate focus on women. Short of taking libonal, the sex drive will always be there. There is also a human need for companionship and intimacy.


I can be completely caught up in work or school, but as soon as I get any free time, my focus instantly shifts to girls. It's impossible to control.


Completely agree with this. You would think being busy with certain things would take women off of your mind, but it really doesn't. Hasn't for me no matter how hard I tried to stop thinking about them. It's just natural.

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No but I keep my heart on a string so I can pull it back from her at any moment if I have to.


You must have an amazing marriage ...:eek:


Sleep good at night ?

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it may not be to your satisfactory but I have seen women on here condemn the misandrists. I feel that you purposely ignore most, if not all of those posts because you choose to see and pay attention to only the worst of the women population and ignore the rest.


lf you have any links I would like to see them. I just get the feeling that if I were a woman it would be a whole different story on these boards.

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