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Does he like me or not???????????

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[font=arial][/font][color=darkblue][/color] Okay...There is this guy, named Jarred. i have known him for years. He apparently liked me in 7th grade, but I didn't know he liked me before that or still did. Well, he moved away for a couple of years and now he is back and when I saw him the first time in years I was like damn he looks fine. Then one day I noticed that I was crushing on him. My friend told him and that same night I went and spent the night with that friend who blabbed. Well, he ended up spending the night with her brother. Me and him stayed up until 4 in the morning just flirting around, we were the only ones up. Well, he kept talking about me after I left and he is still doing it now. He told a bunch of people that he likes me and then he told one of them that he was probably going to end up going out with me. Well, he plays hot and cold around me. Like, when we are alone or at someones house he flirts like hell with me and when we are at school he doesn't talk to me...well unless I strike something up and usually then it isn't even a convo. But, he has a girlfriend and they are 3 years apart and she isn't supposed to have a bofriend but he is still with her. Is he leading me on or does he really like me? :(

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He prolly likes you, but usnt going to act on it, until he is done with the other girl or will try to have you both.

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