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Take revenge on cheating spouse?

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Anyone ever try to take revenge on that cheating spouse? Or I shall believe that he will get his retribution in time to come???


I feel that the amount of hatred starts to lessen as time goes by. I suppose that's the way.

Anyone care to share any insight......

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Just what sort of revenge were you speaking of? Taking the person to divorce court and soaking them for assets seems an acceptable revenge. Otherwise, things begin to become illegal and not so ideal.

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The problem is my spouse does not have any asset. And we have no children and I am not entitled to maintenance fee (as my country believe that woman can support themselves and I have a high education).

I was just thinking of sending email to his company and let them know he cheated on his wife.This is to reflect on his integrity and character.


Maybe I am just being naive....At first, this thought was firm but now been's a few months down the road. I started to feel that he will get his retribution for cheating on me and deserted me. I do not even want to hear his voice or know what he is doing. We have not talked for past few months and lawyers are comm. now.

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It's stupid and childish, and won't bring you closure. Additionally, the e-mail to his company would likely get ignored.

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