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Friends of Facebook

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Recently I did some "culling" of friends from Facebook. These are friends who either we never talked or at some point or I had a romantic interest but nothing ever budded.


I thought I would go back over my friends list and sure enough, there are plenty of people I had a romantic interest in who I didn't even notice they are dating or engaged. There are also plenty who were on my list but other than adding me to their friends, we never-ever talked.


If we never really talk I don't feel they warrant space on my friends list when in essence, they really weren't friends.


I even had to delete someone I really cared for (immensely), but I was really getting tired of hearing about her "next, new flame". You remember the old adage "Never make someone a priority in your life when they only see you as an option." Well I guess I am finally tried of being an option.


She's the only one I feel bad about but to be honest, we don't/haven't really talked. The last time we did, it felt awkward to me and all I really wanted to do was walk away.


I don't really have a question. This is more of a statement. Well, I take that back. Have any of you ever gone through your FB friend's list and just started deleting? Not just one or two, but lots???


I deleted a lot of them and honestly, I'm not trying to be vindictive. FB is a place where my family and friend's communicate and if we don't communicate, what's the point??

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I've never done the deleting thing, except once when an ex got all pissy about an attractive girl on there. Even though we didn't communicate, she was married with kids etc etc.


It seems to me having friends who were exes is a bit of an odd thing to do anyway, and just stacking the numbers is another odd thing to do.


Cutting them down because you don't communicate sounds sensible to me. The purpose of a social net is that it used for communication, no? Too many people appear to need the bolster of being able to say 'I have twenty six thousand four hundred and thirty two friends'. I think it shows that you are using FB for what its meant for.

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I've only deleted two people from FB. One got cut I saw some bizarro comments on her wall (FB automatically notifies friends when someone posts). It was an old friend of mine that I kinda sorta went on a date with once when I was in Japan, so it wasn't a big deal. I deleted a Thai girl after she went nuts and, after I had made it clear that I only wanted to be friends, demanded to know why I wouldn't date her. Other than that, I don't delete people, even though I feel tempted at times. People post some really weird sh*t on FB. I used to be hooked, but now I've seen so many unnecessary dramas, and I'm basically a private person anyhow. I think FB is for attention whores and networking. Obviously the latter's not such a bad thing, but the former I can do without.

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I've only ever deleted one person on Facebook and that was after we had a huge fight and I knew I was never going to speak to her again.


Other than that, I've hidden tons of people. The only updates I see are from my close friends and family.

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Yeah I deleted my Ex girlfriend and her closest friends from my facebook. I dont hate her or her friends I just did it so I would'nt have to see her updates and crap. I deleted her friends because I would sometimes go on her friends page and look at pictures of my ex on there. Remove the temptation and you cant act on it ha ha.

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Ok then it makes sense. Only one I am disappointed about but you know, life goes on. People come, people go. When you don't really talk and don't hang out I don't think they qualify anymore as a friend.


And as grateful as I've had when I really needed a friend, haven't heard from that particular person in some time.


C'est la vie.

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an alternative to deleting, if you feel it might be a bit awkward: create a 'limited' list. ie, no wall access, etcetera. almost as if you never friended them in the first place.


i've got a few on my list who just want me on their's for whatever reason. fine. whatever. ...onto the limited list then. click !

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most of the people on mine are friends from highschool and people that i never run into because we live in different cities. I dont use it for finding love or anything liek that.


i have a fan page also , but would never use that for romantic purposes

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