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6 months on. is it progress or am i stuck somewhere?


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so im coming up on 6 months broken up and spoke to her for the first time in 5 months this last week. ..for about 6 seconds the convo went something like this


me: thank you for calling "place of business" this is monkey how can i help you

her: hay monkey its me can i talk to my mom:

me: yeah hold on




it effed me up for about na hour then life back to normal.


n e way, i am on my 3rd girl with the same name (like they all have the same first name as my ex) since her and she is also half israeli like the other girls and the ex and has the same short stature, perfect ass, similar face, skin color, etc... different personality but the same basic look and presentation.


is it weird to keep finding the same or at least very similar things in girls? yes i am extremely attracted to them all! and i find myself very drawn to this archetype. could this be some unknown force pulling me in the same direction that my breakup pulled me away from? like another stage of the grieving process.


btw, till i actually heard my exes voice on the phone, i have been very happy and well adjusted for close to 2 months. i didnt know that just hearing her voice would bloody my self esteem like that.

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My two ex-girlfriends were also the same, short, petite, cute, extroverted, friendly with many people.


Somehow I think who we choose as a partner is a reflection of our inner self. ;)

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