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Did anyone have a HAPPY Valentine's Day?

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Did anyone have a HAPPY Valentines' Day? We have alot of sadness on this site with all these break ups and divorce and cheating. Lets show these broken hearts that there is such a thing as true Love and happiness, after all this is the LOOOOVVVVE SHACK. :love::love::love:

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I slept in late, and finally got my guitar restrung and tuned. I also have tommorow off :)

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it was lonely...i told the girl i like that i like her and sent her an animated ecard that i made from scratch, but she was away and couldnt see me in person.

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My bf got home at 1 am on Feb 14 and wanted to give me my presents right away so we did that . I got a charm braclet with hearts and a DVD. We went to sleep got up and spent 2 hours together b4 I went to work. When I got home we had Chinese food watched "Under the Tuscan Sun". I made a trail of chocolate lips for him that lead to the bedroom. I lit some incense and about 6 candles turned off the lights got into my sexy red see throw teddy then I yelled at him that It was safe to come upstairs now, then.................well you don't need me to tell the rest, use your imagination. :love:

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Originally posted by carla

well you don't need me to tell the rest, use your imagination. :love:




Oh I am....jk lol

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Sleeping in and having the day off thats pretty nice, restinging and tuning your guitar........If only I could learn to play the dust collector in the corner. I'm glad the girl liked your ecard so did you ask her out?

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Hmmm, let's see....


I worked until 11pm, went out with a "guy-friend" to a club/bar, had to pay my own admission, and all of my drinks plus a few of his (Grand Total = $46). Yeah...not too exciting. Of course he expected some "lovin" last night...I pointed him in the direction of the couch (too drunk to drive home). Needless to say I won't be seeing him anymore!

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My picked me up and he had beautiful roses for me-red with pink-:)...then when i went inside his car he had more!! there was this cute green bag of a butterfly form with a teddy bear, my fav chocalate and a sweet valentine card:) besides that he smelled Awesome!! then we went to eat at a cuban restaurant, and walked around city walk (universal city) lots of shops anmd cool stuff to look at...then we went over back to his place where we shared some sweet warm kisses!! so far so good..i love my bf alot!!! ;)

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Originally posted by Darkangelism

see dyer, im not the only person who used this thread to complain.


You were at the time :p

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Every Valentine's Day before this sucked so I was expecting this one to, but the exact opposite happened!


I met a very nice man last weekend...at a bar, where I was not interested in meeting anyone at the least, but we exchanged numbers anyway. We went out a few times last week and I began liking him more and more. Well he had to work on VD, so he took me out for supper on Friday night and presented me with a single rose, later on was spent *snuggling* all night at his place. Today we met for coffee on a beautiful sunny day and went for supper yet again, after another *snuggling* episode. Unfortunately I had so many things to do I had to leave him all too soon...but I can't get him out of my head!


Happy Valentine's Day to me!!! :bunny:

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Sent some flowers (of friendship) to the ex...sent some flowers (of peace) to my mum. A start? I guess. Silence has followed...but hey, maybe both parties will do some thinking as I am...or maybe the delivery man didn't get there...or maybe he got em mixed up?!?!?! Oh well...enough with the thinking, Dar! Enough I say! Enough! (That's me trying to whip myself into shape).

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Oh...I just received an email from my ex yesterday. I had sent some anon flowers to her.


The msg was brief...Hope you're well. Wish the best for you. Hope you don't mind asking...but did you send flowers on sat?


To which, yes, I replied that I did.


Confirms in my mind that she really wanted them to be from someone else I guess.

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I've had some sucky Valentine's Days in the past - but this one was great. For the last few years I haven't done anything special for it, but I got to have fun this year. I didn't do much until the evening, but come 7pm, I was gone until 2am. Spent the night with a bunch of people at a big V-day party. My crush and the band she is in was there playing that night - and we got to hang out, have fun, good times. She danced with me a bunch - and I had a blast. She drug me up on stage too - I thought she was gonna dance with me down there - so I took her hand when she offered it to me, and she turned around and pulled me up on stage instead - lol. One of these days I'm gonna scrape up enough courage to ask her out...hopefully sometime soon. I really like her a lot. I can't get rid of the feeling that she might like me too - so before too long I'm def. gonna say something. It was the best V-day I've had in a very very long time.

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katy_katt: someone new.....wow that's exciting. It always happens when you least expect it. Hope all goes well ;)


dario: I don't think that the ex was wishing they were from someone else, I think that she was tring to say Thanks in around about way, look at the bright side, she e-mailed you therefore she was thinking about you. :) Don't whip yourself to hard it may hurt. ;)


RedneckRomeo: So your a band groupy ;) I'm glad that you had a wonderful VD. I think that you better ask your crush out, it sounds like she may have a crush on you.

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I made my boyfriend chocolate covered strawberries and raspberries the night before he came in from NYC. Friday night, we shared the sweets, and watched some of the second season of 24 on DVD. The next day, we woke up late, then went to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner (the only place we both wanted that would take us with no reservations), and walked around at the mall where he bought me truffles from godiva. We were both kind of sniffly, but it was still nice, and low-key. Since we would have eaten dinner, anyway, we ended up spending roughly the same as we would on any other weekend.

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So your a band groupy


Yeah, I guess so. lol. I get strong signs from her - I just am way too cautious sometimes. I saw her this weekend (somewhat unexpected, but I knew there was a chance she'd be where I was) - but next week its back to being a groupy again. lol. Thanks for the suggestion to ask her out - its what just about everyone I talk to says about me and her too - I see her the 5th, and I'll try to get my nerve up to ask - I think its gonna be easier now though with some input from another friend. I hope I can get the nerve and that it all goes well.

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