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My first half marathon!

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Any runners out there willing to give me tips for training? I have 3 months. I am really excited but I don't know where to start.

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Barney Stinson's Guide to Running a Marathon:


(1) You start running.

(2) There is no step 2...



I tried it last year in the Marine Corps Marathon...it worked... True story. :rolleyes::laugh:

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Ha! thanks for the tips! You really just up and ran? no training?

Talk about drive...


Heh, yea...well, my brother and I were watching How I Met Your Mother where Barney ran a marathon without training...so we thought it'd be interesting to try, so I showed up with a sprained ankle and ran it...never again... :laugh:


But seriously though, there are countless training programs out there in books and the internet. You might want to check out the book by Galloway, it has quite a few training programs for various race distances and target times. Training really comes down to getting in the miles. I mean, Barney's right in a way...you really just start running and don't stop until the end...

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You did the half or full? Thats craziness with a sprained ankle!

Good show, I would take his advice too! lol


My friend thats running it with me runs just about everyday..she says to just increase your distance everyday..3 miles a day minimum. does this sound right?

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You did the half or full? Thats craziness with a sprained ankle!

Good show, I would take his advice too! lol


My friend thats running it with me runs just about everyday..she says to just increase your distance everyday..3 miles a day minimum. does this sound right?


I did the full. And the sprained ankle was from the night before a wedding the weekend prior...


Are you just trying to finish or do you have a specific goal time?

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Just trying to finish...:D

I'm going to do it for the high, and see where it goes from there I'm not trying to get a medal..but I get addicted to stuff like this so we will see where it goes from there.

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There are a lot of training plans out there for beginners. Here's one I've seen around before:




I'd suggest not trying to keep up with your friend but just take it really easy. Try not to overtrain before the race, make sure you're taking a day off between each training session.


Day of the race, doesn't hurt to take a pocket of jellybeans, munch one every 5ks or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You did the half or full? Thats craziness with a sprained ankle!

Good show, I would take his advice too! lol


My friend thats running it with me runs just about everyday..she says to just increase your distance everyday..3 miles a day minimum. does this sound right?


Oh dear no. If you haven't found a training program, you can PM me for more or any questions. I am more into triathlons now but I have been running for over 15 years, since I was an adolescent with a big weight problem :).


Anyhow, taking an untrained runner and doing that could definitely result in injury. So what you should do depends on how long you have been running, your current fitness status, etc.


A lot of training programs undertrain for performance, but will get you across the finish line. But, really, that is all I'd recommend for your first. Just don't let that set your expectations for your abilities.

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