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my soulmate

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I love this man that I have known for months. We both are in


relationships with other people but there is no spark in either of our significant others anymore. It is a long, complex story and I rather not go into it now.I hope someday


that Carl, that's his name, will reveal his love for me. He is someone I have waited for all of my life. How do I know that Carl has deep feelings for me? I wish that he will show it and we both won't hide how we feel about each other anymore.

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You can also count me in as one who prays Carl will one day reveal how he feels about you. And I hope those are positive feelings he reveals.


I also pray that if you have the chance to spend lots more time with Carl under more personal circumstances, he is able to live up to what you have created in your mind and the impressions he has given you. According to your post, he has not been so successful in sustaining his current relationship.


Meantime, if you are in a stale and unfulfilling relationship, why don't you terminate it and open yourself up to something more suitable for you. If Carl follows your lead, that's great. If he doesn't, he has no guts or he's been lying to you and you don't need either.


Meantime, you must learn that all relationships get a bit flat from time to time. That is why we make committments...to work on situations together...to communicate...to assist each other to put excitement back into our relationships when that is required...and to be very happy with the security and contentment that come with a very long relationship that later on may not have the same fireworks it had in its initial stages.


Good luck in finding someone new, whether it's Carl or someone else.

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