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" My unresolved feelings for my ex"


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This concerns a guy i have known for about 11years, We started off as boyfriend and girlfriend as teens broke up after highschool. He was being unfaithful and i was a bit immature as well. But being that he was my first love it has been always hard for me to resist him, so i somehow crazy i always find myself getting back involved or interested in how he is doing and we begin to communicate all over again.


But lately i have been confused about him because i still have some feelings and we have talked and emailed each other a few times here and there and have even visited with each other. But he has been hurt badly by his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him and it seems that he has this big defense block totally mad at women. And when hanging out i wondered if he still had any feelings or atleast attraction still to me since we once shared a relationship. i noticed him stare at me a couple times like he wanted to say something more when we were around one another but then no words came out and he seemed real confused but i wondered to myself if he was just using me as company because he needed to vent or because he actually wanted to see whats up and really enjoy my company. because he has not been calling me lately or contacting me by email and it seems like i have to do all the work now to keep in touch. And Iam also wondering is he any less attracted because i have gained a bid of weight since we were together.

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I think this guy wants to say sorry for what happened long time ago. He seems to have learnt how much you must have suffered, by suffering the cheating from his ex gf. My suggestion is do not live in thge past, it is over. If you have anything else left inside you, thne dig within to find out what it is. Once you know this, then you will be able to resolve it. If you think there is love for him, or something similar....go ahead and tell him without expecting much. It is better to say it, get a NO (maybe a YEs) and then move on. If you see within you will know. DO not wait for him to do much, do what is at your end and leave it upto faith. Hey...at least you wont say to yourself when you are old.."What if..."

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