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Too far away to hug them when they're down :(

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Does anyone find it hard when they're so far away and they're not feeling great and you want to be there for them but can't be, not physically?

I feel upset if he is feeling a bit down or stressed about anything and I can't hug him, it's horrible :( In my last relationship I made the mistake of being so busy the last few years that he felt neglected, I want to learn from it and I want my new partner to feel loved and cared for, but it's frustrating when I can't put it into practice properly, although he says I am there for him.

I miss him basically.

At times I am not sure I can handle an LDR, he has been in one before and often saw her way often than we meet, so he's used to it.

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Yeah I feel this way from time to time in my LDR. My boyfriend will tell me about how his day went to hell in a handbasket, and all I can say is that tomorrow is a new day and I hope it'll be better for him. But that's about all I can do being so far away from him. :( And yep it gets me down, but you know what? The fact that your SO has someone to vent to and knows you care, is almost as good as a hug. At least for me it is. I know when I vent to my boyfriend and tell him how horrible my day went and he just listens and tells me everything will be ok, it's like getting a verbal hug from him.

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Does anyone find it hard when they're so far away and they're not feeling great and you want to be there for them but can't be, not physically?



You can get through this. Think of all the guys who are deployed. They don't get to hug their girlfriends everynite either. But most of us got home ok and made it through. (although I must admit my gf dumped me the minute I got home.) But 99% of us got through it just fine and so will you.

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Citizen Erased

It's hard but it makes me proud when he's doing well, makes me think of how he will do once he does have me there at his side. :love:

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Does anyone find it hard when they're so far away and they're not feeling great and you want to be there for them but can't be, not physically?

I feel upset if he is feeling a bit down or stressed about anything and I can't hug him, it's horrible :( In my last relationship I made the mistake of being so busy the last few years that he felt neglected, I want to learn from it and I want my new partner to feel loved and cared for, but it's frustrating when I can't put it into practice properly, although he says I am there for him.

I miss him basically.

At times I am not sure I can handle an LDR, he has been in one before and often saw her way often than we meet, so he's used to it.


I know right. I really don't like it when that happens. I'll feel absolutely helpless when that happens cause there's absolutely nothing I can do to make him feel all better. :( Just comforting words.

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