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Wht Signals Given........

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What signals do men give off when they want to be more than BWF??


My ex-boyfriend and I have been doing the FWB or two months now....i think! LOL...I know my bad.


Now he is acting like he may be moving in another direction but giving mixed signals or what I think are mixed signals?


What classifies BWF and what classifies Girlfriend/Boyfriend ..

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I don't know in my culture when you kiss and hug before being girlfriend boyfriend and he doesn't say you guys are something... it's cause you are just not boyfriend girlfriend.

If you guuys are just dating without physical things.. its clearer to know.

I guess for everybody it's just different.


If you are just dating without kissing and stuff, and he flirts with you, asks you out, makes himself present, treats you nice its because he likes you and wants to hang out. It's weird a man that searchs out for a girl just to be friends with her.. They rather be with the dudes. I believe.

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I'm not forcing you to think about my opinion, but, do you really chose you partner, or just picking him up ? :eek:

If you are with someone, that would means you have already know how hi is, how much you can trust him, and how you'll have to interract with him, no ? :confused:

if this person seems not to be meriting you, WHY GIVE HIM INITIALLY A CHANCE TO ENTER YOUR LIFE ?? :eek:

I'm just not native English so sorry if any fault, an d sorry if I wasn't able to share my opinion with you, but this is my limits of the language, hope you can personally develop the idea and think about it more deeply, then wich you a good luck for what is comming after ;)

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