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Should I ask for a chance before I leave?

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We used to be bestfriends a couple of months ago. We would always hang out with each other, call each other at nights, talk until the sun was up. We were ALWAYS together. There wasn't a single day that we would be separated. Some people even thought that we were going out.


But when i asked her out and told her that i was interested in something more she rejected me. I couldn't handle it so we ended up not speaking to each other for a very long time. I guess this was mostly because of me as i couldn't handle being her friend while i had wanted more.


During our time apart, she ends meeting and getting closer to another guy. They spend a lot of time together and basically doing the same things me and her once did. In retrospect, it's as if she had replaced me. One of my friends even said that they had caught the both of them making out. Although, they never really ended up going out with each other.


Now she's going on a trip with a bunch of couples and she's going with said guy. Now I know for a fact that they're not going out. However, since they're going on a trip with other couples, it's very easy for them to end up getting closer and by the time they come back, she might no longer be single. This is something i definitely DO NOT want to happen... not at least until she gives me a chance.


Should I ask her to give me a chance before she leaves on this trip? It's very likely that they may end up hooking up.. and I just wish she would consider me first before making a choice. Would it be wise to do so?


If so.. how should I go about doing it?

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The best thing is to let her live her life and you live your life. What you want to do only happens in movies, not in real life. You will just end up looking like a fool. You don't need anymore heartbreak in your life and you always stalking her and knowing what's going on in her life is eating away at you. Let her go both physically and mentally.


When you two hung out, did you at least kiss her? Did you try to push things forward with actions? Generally people respond better to actions than words.

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When you two hung out, did you at least kiss her? Did you try to push things forward with actions? Generally people respond better to actions than words.


Here's the kicker. While we were still best friends and I wasn't really into her (yet)... we were at a party one time and we were both drunk and dancing on the dance floor and she kissed me. Not like a make out or anything... more of a 2 sec kiss. Right on the lips. I didn't think much of it at the time... but that event did factor in my decision in asking her out a while later.


Also, a few weeks after I had asked her out, and she rejected me, and I went total NC on her, I had a bday/club party thing happening. Anyway, we were both kinda drunk and at the end of the night we were holding hands. Like our hands were interlaced exactly like a couple would've done it. It was like that for a while until we found a cab and she put her head on my shoulder...which I thought was kinda couply and out of bounds on her part.


I talked to her about it a few months later and she said she doesn't remember holding hands with me or doing anything couply for that matter... (which I think is bull****, I mean you lose your inhibitions with alcohol true but you still wouldn't do anything you wouldn't want to do... I for one have never done anything I wouldn't have even when I was blasted out of my mind). I just don't understand why she would lie about it or pretend that it didn't happen.


I don't know... a big part of me feels like I'm just setting myself up for another rejection. However, I'm still very much in love with this girl... and months of NC hasn't changed any of that. I feel like I have to try because if I don't and she does end up getting together with that other guy.. I'm gonna regret not doing anything about it when I had the chance. Sadly, that's just the way I feel about the situation.

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Also, I just want to add that I didn't become best friends with this girl with the intention of hooking up with her. At the time, all I was looking for was a friend, that's all. It wasn't until she broke up her boyfriend that we got closer because she needed somebody there. She had helped me out with my ex-gf so as a friend I did the same. It wasn't until I realized what was right in front of me that I started to fall for her.


In a sense, I just feel like if I can make her see "the light" just as I have with her we would be SO happy together. All I'm asking for is a fair chance to show her what it would be like for us to be together. I just figured being her best-friend and all... it would be an easy decision for her. Unfortunately, it wasn't. In fact, it was like I had asked her to marry me.


Sorry about the last part... just felt like I needed to rant a little. lol

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