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I was dating the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life and we recently broke up. The thing was that I've never been as superficial as I feel this moment. I've always dated pretty ladies and was once married to but this one was drop dead gorgeous...super model looks with a playboy body...every where we went heads and eyes turned to look...even the women took a 2nd look. Problem was she was sweet in the beginning but her jealousy, insecurity and controlling behavior took over as time went on. She wanted us to spend all our time together and actually got mad if I suggested we have some alone time or time with our friends apart. She didn't understand that I had other interests such as work and helping kids ( I coach athletics) and would be upset cause it interefered with her time. My problems were insignificant and her's always needed to take priority. There is no hope for us to get back together but I still miss being with her...love or lust???? An emphasis of her outward beauty was made by all and now I'm so obsessed with it that I comparing everyone I meet with her and no one is comparing...what do I do to get over this obsession and to move on to find what I hope is my true soul mate...ladies I need your help too!!!!

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It sounds like she was not at all the type of person you would ever want to have a long term relationship with. If you're so caught up in the physical thing, just spend your life dating really pretty ladies. The law of averages says that one day you'll run into a drop dead gorgeous lady that will have all the wonderful qualities you are looking for.


I don't know what you're heartbroken about. The girl really showed her ass in a big way. There are lots of very attractive women who just aren't that way. This lady had many qualities you would not want to have tolerated for a long period of time. Bid her a fond farewell!!! What's the heartbreak all about...because she wasn't the sweety you thought she was. That's your fault for misreading her, not hers.


I don't think it's superficial to be attracted to very beautiful ladies. There are many men who for one reason or other will only date that type. They are sometimes very lonely in these relationships but because of their weak egos or low self esteem they relish the attention they get when the are out in public with these ladies. Others are just sexually attracted and when the sex gets old, it's all over. Still others just get a rush from the aesthetics.


I don't think this is something you can work on...this is just the way you are.


But if one day you find yourself attracted to a nice but more average looking lady, you will find that a world of happiness may be awaiting you. Gorgeous women know what they have, know men want what they have, and often if their demands aren't met, they just move on with no regret.


You will drive yourself crazy comparing one woman with another. They are all very unique. I don't think that is something you will do for a long time. We all sort of do that when we start dating again after getting out of a long relationship.


If you are going to insist of dating the beauties, you will have to pay the price every time, no matter what it is. But the price may be worth it to you.

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