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To all ladies! (and guys if you can help)

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There is one thing I can't understand about women: When a guy likes someone, and the girl knows it, why do they sometimes lead you on to believe that they like you when they really don't? Why do women like to torture guys like this!?? :mad: WE JUST WANT YOU TO LIKE US!!! :(

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My friend, everybody seems to do this. Just imagine all the pain and grief which could be saved if we all could read each other's minds or had little flashing indicators on us to show how much we like someone.

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Women like to flirt. We like attention. Look at the bright side if she thought you were repusive she wouldn't even give you the time of day. Us ladies only flirt with guys that could be a posiblity, if situations were different. Their is a guy that is a customer were I work, when he comes in we aways flirt with each other. He knows I'm spoken for. We both know that nothing will come of it. It makes you feel good to know ya still got what it takes. My bf doesn't mind me flirting b/c it makes him feel good to know that he's got what someone else wants.

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The flower girl

I would never flirt if i did not like the guy, what's the point. Its cruel and its for ego sake. I would put them straight right away and say, "I can only be your mate, I hope you think Im worth that, because its all I can offer" I promise that its always 100 per cent the right thing to do.


Having said that, if your in a club, or your talking to a stunning girl who has a rep for flirting, and you need to know where you stand then why dont you just ask. After all many things are said in jest that are well meant. But dont take it personal if that's all it is, that's what's flirting is about.




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I don't know Sparky....I do it myself all the time....especially at work! I think it's just a form of getting attention. I've flirted with guys I wouldn't even be seen in public with. :(


Rule of thumb. People who are big flirts...DO NOT flirt to make the other person feel better. They flirt to make THEMSELVES feel better. When two flirts find each other though....ahhhh....what great fun they can have! They form a wierd bond and understand each other.


For those who DO NOT APPRECIATE the art of the flirt....I could see where it would be nerve wracking and confusing.

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I can undestand what flirting is, but how do you know when someone is flirting with you?


I've had girls that actually come up to me and say I'm cute, kind of tease me, and say "hi" very often. This is all pretty obvious that they like you.


But most of the reaction I get from girls are the second they see you, they run and hide, or try to avoid you. Is this a sign of flirting? And how do you approch someone like this?

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The flower girl

Sometimes girls run off if they like a guy, like if im in a shop and i see a really cute guy and I dont have my makeup on - im running faster the Forest gump! lol

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Originally posted by Sparky

There is one thing I can't understand about women: When a guy likes someone, and the girl knows it, why do they sometimes lead you on to believe that they like you when they really don't? Why do women like to torture guys like this!?? :mad: WE JUST WANT YOU TO LIKE US!!! :(


Take it easy, young stud. Could you give us a scenerio?


Women, as well as men, like to flirt, but it doesn't necessarily mean that we like that person. It's all fun and games!



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When women like a man, they would probably show a sign of affection, like a smile, run-away, or always blush. But the problem is that it's not always a sign of affection. :( Can someone give me an example when a girl likes a guy and when she doesn't like a guy?!

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Originally posted by Sparky

Can someone give me an example when a girl likes a guy and when she doesn't like a guy?!


Check out a womans body language -


'Preening' (tossing of the hair) means she's trying to get your attention and is attracted to you.

Smiling with her eyes usually means that she's pleased with you.

If she leans towards you, she's attracted to you and interested.

If she has her legs crossed and her toe is pointed to you, she is attracted to you.

If she makes eye contact with you, she interested in you.

If the palms of hands and wrists are exposed, she is making herself vulnerable to you.

If she licks her lips, she's attracted to you.

If she constantly looks at your lips, she may want to get closer to you.

You'll probably never see this one, but it's interesting -- If you see her pupil's dialate, she's attracted to you! No bulls**t!


Now if she leans away from you, as well as putting her hand in front of her face, she is protecting herself.

If her leg goes in a kicking motion, she is annoyed or frustrated.

If she won't make eye contact with you while talking, she's probably afraid or nervous.


Hope this helps!



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Some girls flirt unintentionally. They don't even know that they're doing it. And dont worry, most guys can't tell one way or another:)

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