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dealing with all these years of pain

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So that's my stoty, I am now 28 and even a mother of one little boy, since I was as young as my boy is (less than 2 yr. old) I've been molested by my father, no need to tell more details. it happened since I was a baby until I left the house, I've got married at 19 yr. and left the house. in 1998 my sister who suffered from the same abuse which included by the way neglect and verbal, enotional and physical abuse, killed herself. I left Israel shortly after that, divorced and few years later re-married to a great guy.


I am now dealing with all these years of pain, I have a therapist, it is not easy, i have lots of flashbacks, and problems.


today was my birthday, no body called me, not my parents, not my friends no body but my husband. so its hard to maintain "normal" life and keep your friendships when you have to deal with all of this emational baggage.



Thanks for listening.



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I'm so sorry that your life has been so difficult. I'm glad you have a therapist. Things will get better for you, you have to believe that.


And Happy Birthday! :bunny:

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HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! GLAD YOU WERE BORN!!! sorry about all the things you've gone thru. keep your head up. when you hit rock bottom there's only one way you can go, UP. drop me a line if you need to talk and dont want everyone knowing your biz.

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I was proud of the posts here......these are some great people who really care about other people. Know why???? Cause many of them have shared your pains.


I think one of the best things in life is when you are carrying a burden......only to find out...you aren't carrying it alone. People who have been there...will help you. And in the future...you will help others.


It keeps the horrible circumstances of life from being bigger than we are as humans to deal with it. We can combat ANYTHING with enough care and support!!!!!!


Thank you for sharing with us and giving us a chance to help..... :)

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i say screw the people for not supporting you. you dont need them. by telling your story you're on your way to a healthier, happier life. and on top of that you're a STRONGER person for doing so. shyt i dont know you and i'm proud of you. too many people out there are too scared and feel ashamed for what happened to them when they shouldnt be. you are doing a good think. hell you're paving the way for others. who knows you might be saving/helping someone as you type or read this.

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Hi..... Happy Birthday!


Feel free to write me I am a rape crisis counselor. I am very familiar with incest. I see clients who were abuse years ago and are still in emotional pain.

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