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Maintain the connection or try to bring it to the next level?

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A little background. There is a girl who I had a connection with this summer but this fall we both left, each going to different colleges. I like her and it seemed like she might like me (before I left we tried to hang out, she even invited me to go camping to a popular local spot but I was unfortunatly unable to go). I would like to know either, how I could maintain this chemistry over the course of this semester so we can pick up where we left off over christmas or recently I have been thinking about it and was wondering if it would advisable to, and how I would go about stepping the friendship up to a relationship through online communication (IM, audio chat and possibly video chat). Is it a good idea to try to start like a temporary cyber/long distance relationship, and if so how would be the best way to do this.



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More than likely it was a summer fling and nothing more than that. She's at a new college and experiencing all new people. She's going to prefer actual human contact to a long distance thing.


Focus on meeting new girls and your college. Then perhaps over break you can see where the two of you left off, but expect her to have changed. People always change at college, especially during the first year.

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