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a girl was put in my life some years ago.....and we sort of grew up together.....i knew her family.....then years later....she winds up back in my life......but we are both in places where ...ther is no need to be involved with anyone.....we are bothj single....but there is such a strong attraction between us....its totally mutual ....now the right thing to do is not act upon it...until last nite we did hook up....only a little kissing.....i know the right thing is not to get involved just because we are attracted to each other.....and the timing is not right.....but my question is.....the big what if??.....like what if it is supposed to happen like this and im turning it away.....is she gonna be there??? when the time is right?? or is it right....now?? im lost.....i always wanted to hook up with her years ago....and here it is now......i never had such a strong attraction right away to a girl.....and the feeling is mutual....but if we did get invloved....where we are both at in our lives it could be total chaos.....so i am so stuck....in this need some advise.....how do i know she wil be there later???

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Why is the timing not right? How would it create chaos? Until you explain that, I don't think anyone here can give you a reasonable answer to your questions.


And by the way, there are a lot of times when it can seem like the "timing isn't right" for a relationship. But in those cases, is the timing ever right? Or will we always make excuses? Sometimes, you have to decide that a potentially great thing is more important than perceived negative consequences of bad timing.

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Originally posted by neely

a girl was put in my life some years ago.....and we sort of grew up together.....i knew her family.....then years later....she winds up back in my life......but we are both in places where ...ther is no need to be involved with anyone.....how do i know she wil be there later???


Why can't you act upon it? What's wrong with it? That's what I'm not understanding about your post. But in answer to your question, you won't know if she'll be there later. Chances come around sparingly. Go with your heart and your gut feelings. If you feel like right now is a good time to go for it...go for it. Don't let fear run your life. If there's some kind of logical reason why you two shouldn't be with each other or anyone, I wouldn't be able to tell you what to do, cuz no where in your post did you say the reason for this opinion.

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