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A Letter to Venus. by ME :D

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Dear Venus,

We met the day I descended to the bottom of the well of my loneliness, in that space-less point at the very center of my heart. Then you were a tree, planted by the creative hands of the almighty who see through the curtain that veils my needs. Planted in the fecund soil of my imagination, constantly watered by my loneliness and cared to by my needs. My needs manifested as fruits upon your branches, I walked around them and behold! The fruits were as countless as the stars.

There I enjoyed your company inside of me, but due to the dual nature of existence I could not eat of your fruits and fulfill my needs until I met your physical reflection. And so it was that the day I found you in my heart marked the beginning of my search for you outside of it.

At that very moment, you transformed from a tree to a beautiful girl, sat next to the mini me and together silently waited for the material me to find the material you. For the material us to find ourselves.


I love you, how can I not when by doing so I love me, am I not the substance from which God created you?... But where are you my beloved?

For how long will my feet walk on mirrors that reflect my fears of not finding you, as my dreams seek asylum to the dark side of the moon, driven by the shame of their very existence.

For how long will the mini me and mini you wait in my heart?


Duality dawns upon me as a mist of hope, for if I exist physically and you exist as a prototype in my heart, then you must exist physically and I must exist as a prototype in your heart. That more than anything else keeps me searching... For you and for my prototype that dwells in your heart.

Allah says in 51:49 what could be interpreted as "and of everything we have created a pair, so that (hopefully) you may be reminded"... Yet if Allah does not wish for me to find my pair, if Allah has other plans for me, then so let it be, and I will still enjoy your company, when I close my eyes, open the jukebox of my heart and listen to its melody.

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And now, MY letter to Venus:


You've been spamming me, junk-mailing me, and cold-calling me for the past 30 years with offers that are too good to be true. Despite my doubts and protestations, you've continued to dangle the same illusions before me. I am not amused. Please remove me from your messaging list or whatever you've been using, because you're never going to deliver on the happiness you promised me. Moreover, I've obtained a substitute for your service, and I daresay I'm more satisfied with it than I could ever be with yours.


If you persist, I'm going to have no choice but to contact Big Daddy himself and petition for the revocation of your divinity, with all THAT entails. The next move is up to you.




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