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The "L" word


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I have been in a relationship for 2 years and have lived with him for 1 year of that time. We have a good, comfortable relationship....but he has NEVER said he loves me. I know he has a VERY difficult time with emotions, but I want to hear it. Should I ask him if he loves me or just assume he does or just assume he doesn't and move on.

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i know how you feel i've been with the same guy for over 11yrs on and off. he still has a problem with saying what he is feeling because "he's a man"!! if i tell him"i love you " when he's had a "few" he says it back. if i say it when hes sober he says he can't say it because "it's not like we live together or anything!" so i don't know what to do either i am really in love with him and he with me (i was his first)!!

I have been in a relationship for 2 years and have lived with him for 1 year of that time. We have a good, comfortable relationship....but he has NEVER said he loves me. I know he has a VERY difficult time with emotions, but I want to hear it. Should I ask him if he loves me or just assume he does or just assume he doesn't and move on.
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i know how you feel i've been with the same guy for over 11yrs on and off. he still has a problem with saying what he is feeling because "he's a man"!!

Now now now...try not to pass judgement like this. Not all men are like that. I know several whom express there feelings.

if i tell him"i love you " when he's had a "few" he says it back. if i say it when hes sober he says he can't say it because "it's not like we live together or anything!" so i don't know what to do either i am really in love with him and he with me (i was his first)!!

You say you have been together for 11 years, but I do not know how old you are there fore I am going to be very careful with my advice. But this sounds like an immature relationship. If it has been 11 yrs and he hasn't said I love you without being liquored up, then you have nothing there. Move on with your life and find someone who can make a commitment to you.

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I have been in a relationship for 2 years and have lived with him for 1 year of that time. We have a good, comfortable relationship....but he has NEVER said he loves me. I know he has a VERY difficult time with emotions, but I want to hear it. Should I ask him if he loves me or just assume he does or just assume he doesn't and move on.

Try not to assume anything with guys. Most of them have a very difficult time with expressing emotion, and all you can do is ask him about it. Guys can be very hard to read some times. But if you show them that you care, and talk about it, you may be surprised at what you find out. So just talk to him......never assume.

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i know how you feel i've been with the same guy for over 11yrs on and off. he still has a problem with saying what he is feeling because "he's a man"!! if i tell him"i love you " when he's had a "few" he says it back. if i say it when hes sober he says he can't say it because "it's not like we live together or anything!" so i don't know what to do either i am really in love with him and he with me (i was his first)!! I have been going out with a guy for a year and a half, and he told me he loved me after a few months, it is now pretty obvious he said it because I thought I needed to hear it (not because he felt it), I don't know which is worse, never hearing it - or hearing it and knowing he's lying as he says it.
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