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The optimist turns idiot!

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Hello everyone. It's me Jen again with just a minor situation, and I just want to vent. I consider myself an optimist (not always a good quality, cause ya get hurt), but now I feel like an idiot. I got an e-mail from the new guy I'm seeing after our big talk that simply said "I hope you don't hate me, I really don't want to hurt you in any way. I want to see you again." That was it. Not sure how to interpret that. Well, he called last night after being away all week-end. Actually I wasn't home when he called, and I was considering not calling him back at all until the next day, but after thinking about, I called him back 2 hours later. He said was just calling to say "HI" We talked about our week-ends. Mine was great, his so-so. After about 30 minutes, he said that if he doesn't talk to me the rest of this week (he's going on family vacation this Thur-Sun), he'll call me next week. I said, okay have fun. I just feel like an idiot, and yeah maybe a little bit hurt. I WANTED to say don't bother since you have no time, I WANTED to say, this just ain't gonna work, I WANTED to say why did you ask me out in the first place? I WANTED to say were you BSing me last week with all the nice things you said? But, I didn't because I still have some twisted hope left that he's going to miss me and he's gonna want to see me. But, it looks like it just ain't gonna happen and I WISH I would've had the nerve to just say FORGET IT, it was nice, but I need more and I'm moving on (sigh.... I am such a wimp). Maybe I am impatient, but I just think I deserve better.

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Until you find Mr. Right, you have to continue to look. This guy certainly wasn't gung ho right off the bat and that was your cue to see him some if you wanted but not to put your life on hold for him.


No telling where his head is coming from. Some men just move a bit more slowly than others. Obviously, you are extremely confused and frustrated. Perhaps it would be a better idea to write him off and look for a guy who responds to you more to your liking.


I think this guy is fond of you but he doesn't show it very well and there's no telling when or if he will ever show you to your expectations.


There is no point in you continuing to be unhappy. That's not what life is about. There are guys out there that won't keep you guessing about how they feel. I do caution you, however, that in the initial stages of a relationship or dating situation, it is not in your best interests to expect oo much too soon. Some men just act with more swiftness than others.

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