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bf says i'm a nympho

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my bf is 22 and still acts like a teenage boy who's hormones are on overdrive. he constantly makes sexual innuendos and is a fan of porn on a consistant basis. taking these things into account, i thought these were signs that he had a huge sexual appetite. it seems sex is on his brain every couple min. or so. so, i started initiating sex way more to the point of at least once a day, maybe twice. i started opening up more, and became more relaxed and comfortable with my own sexual appetite.. and began "mirroring" his behavior in that sense. the thing is, when it came down to me acting like i was equally as interested or maybe even more so, he backed off and wanted to know why i think sex is so important. that had me floored. i thought that he wanted lots of sex and whatnot. instead, he called me a nympho and said that we didn't need to have sex everyday. he also started telling me that just because we had sex didn't mean that he had to come everytime.. sometimes he didn't even want to. i'm confused now.

aside from asking him why he acted this way.. i am curious to others opinions. thanks lots!

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Human beings, generally, tend to desire more that which is not readily available and to have less desire for that which is made accessible to them often. The more you keep your legs together, the more he'll want sex. Homosapiens are weird creatures.

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In my experience young people want sex as much as you do and want their partner to enjoy it too. Tell bf to take a hike unless he stops calling you names. He has a problem in expressing his sexuality within the context of a mature relationship and you may want to help him sort it out - but how likely is that when his attitude to you is so hostile?

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Human beings, generally, tend to desire more that which is not readily available and to have less desire for that which is made accessible to them often


It is clear, Tony, that you have never lived with a man who likes to have lots of sex. Most of 'em are overjoyed if they get what they want, contrary to your theory. Which is why this gal might as well dump this guy. Seems he's all talk but less action. He was probably trying to act 'macho' around her - but it backfired on him.

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When you grow a penis you will be more capable of understanding men. Meanwhile, take my word for it. A great many men want what is NOT available. Why do you think so many women come here complaining about the diminishing frequency of sex after marriage?


I don't know what to tell you about growing a penis but once you get one I have lots of emails I can forward to you to help it get longer.

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A great many men want what is NOT available. Why do you think so many women come here complaining about the diminishing frequency of sex after marriage?


Sorry, but I'm not buying that cause-effect theory. Certainly that hasn't been my experience.

I seriously doubt men don't want sex they can get. There are other reasons why they quit having sex with their wives. Let's see, shall we?

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