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Dating Hot girls is easier then Ugly girls


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Changing the subject.


I hung up on my hairdresser today.


why did you do that?


This thread is retarded.



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I wonder...is dating green people easier then yellow?




could you see yourself dating a Simpson? That is the question you need to ask yourself.

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could you see yourself dating a Simpson? That is the question you need to ask yourself.


No. But the father from the Family Guy, now he is one sexy beastie. :love:


Edit, he's not yellow. Oops!

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That girl.


Find an example where I made hateful generalizations about men.


I have posted that the misogynists on this board are hateful, but I think you, woggle, and a few others are just messed up. I don't have any problem with normal, non-woman hating men.

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Find an example where I made hateful generalizations about men.



There are a few. The one where you compared men to Klan members was enough for me. Unless I missed it, it has been deleted.


I will not be expanding on that, or you in regards to that comment any longer. The thread has gone way off course already as it is.

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About 27 times in three months isnt enough. Got it, thanks.


Carry on.


You meant username that girl. I thought you meant that girl referring to the one who made the Woggle like comment. My mistake, but you are incorrect. She is not a man hater.


Jersey Shortie


If you would've noticed she hasn't posted in over a month now. She is banned.

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There are a few. The one where you compared men to Klan members was enough for me. Unless I missed it, it has been deleted.


I will not be expanding on that, or you in regards to that comment any longer. The thread has gone way off course already as it is.

I have no idea if the Klan comment was deleted, but I compared virulent sexists like you to Klan members. The issue was your hateful comments not the fact that you are a man.


And if you didn't want to interact with me, you shouldn't have named me.

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JS is banned? God knows I didn't always agree with her but she shouldn't have been banned.


Agree, wondered where JS had gone. The "tattling" on this site gets ridiculous sometimes. The "Alert Us" button is supposed to be used for spam, ads, and obvious over the line posts, not just because one poster and another poster get crosswise.


Someone who resorts to the "alert" button unduly shouldn't be on the internet at all, or should stick to the many heavily-moderated forums that are uniformly boring and one-sided.


At the very least, how many times a poster has used the "alert" button should be part of their profile so that adult posters can avoid interacting with the hypersensitive tattletales who abuse the function completely.

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Agree, wondered where JS had gone. The "tattling" on this site gets ridiculous sometimes. The "Alert Us" button is supposed to be used for spam, ads, and obvious over the line posts, not just because one poster and another poster get crosswise.


Someone who resorts to the "alert" button unduly shouldn't be on the internet at all, or should stick to the many heavily-moderated forums that are uniformly boring and one-sided.


At the very least, how many times a poster has used the "alert" button should be part of their profile so that adult posters can avoid interacting with the hypersensitive tattletales who abuse the function completely.


Agreed. JS was pretty cool, actually. some people are trigger-happy. I never read one of JS's posts that could be considered so outrageous that it was worthy of a ban. I've done way worse myself, outright calling people stupid and got banned not for that but for calling into question the validity of a particular poster's identity. Voicing strong opinions are the very reason for internet forums. If that's the standard for dismissal, we might as well all quit.

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Actualy DATING is about going after some one you are attracted to. Sorry if the word "hot" offends you. Some guys are afraid to go after girls they are attracted and Settle. This thread is about not settling and has nothing to do with being shallow as you should date people you are romanticly attracted to and not just platonicly attracted to.



Actually "hot" doesn't offend me its just another made up label we use to put everyone in a box kinda like "fat" and "ugly" or "shallow" I'm old enough and hopefully wise enough now to realize that people are so much more then any one label makes them out to be


I read three pages and lost interest . . . but still felt the need to comment. Chalk it up to ADD.


I think that green on the one hand has a point, why would anyone date someone they aren't interested in? Its silly and something most people get over while they are still young.


On the other hand, green's entire criteria seems to be based on appearances of the girl in question. This is where I have a problem. And not because I'll never be a "ten", but because there is so much more to a relationship than how the other person looks.


I'm not a ten in appearance, but I do know that I have a great personality, I have my **** together, I have a good job and I'm fun to be around. So, being not a ten, why should that make me less of a mate than a girl who is a ten but who may have other flaws.


I'm not saying all tens are flakes, nor am I saying that all fives are stable brainiacs, but I do wonder why the criteria is so narrow?


Or maybe I just don't get it.


I agree with this

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I wonder...is dating green people easier then yellow?




Only if they are from mars! :p

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JS is banned? God knows I didn't always agree with her but she shouldn't have been banned.


Really? thats crazy I didn't always agree with her views but she was passionate about them and I respected that come to think of it I haven't seen her in a while what a shame why not just warn people instead of wamo banned..Eh wonder if she will be reborn to LS..

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IMO, the only criteria is whether your attracted to her or not. If you are, flirt, ask her out, etc. If not, what's the point?


I had been thinking about this recently with one of the girls I met. She is nice and all, but the attraction wasn't there.


Also, what might be considered "ugly" for one guy might be be so for another.

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