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Aren't men more than their penises?


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Even after reading and participating in countless posts about affairs and other lover scenarios, I still have a hard time accepting that men *cheat* because it is basically a biological imperative....


This past week alone I have heard from male friends and co-workers that when sperm builds-up in a mans body, it can result in psychological

problems and can cause acting out....


What does that mean?...Do guys get irritable, aggressive, socio-pathic?........huh? :eek:


Is fidelity so difficult that being married for 20 or more years sans an affair makes the husband eligible for sainthood?


My parents have been married for a long time, and as far as I know, both parents have been faithful to one another..

In fact I am sure of it, because my father is a pretty miserable guy...hahah...no joke, he is a surly fellow, but perhaps that has little to do with all the self-sacrificing done throughout the marriage.......tongue definitely in my cheek.


Getting back to my wonderment....Does nature dominate and we construct rules to navigate and hopefully manage mans' drive to reproduce..........?


Is that what all our rules are about...controlling the penis?

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Originally posted by Skittles

This past week alone I have heard from male friends and co-workers that when sperm builds-up in a mans body, it can result in psychological

problems and can cause acting out....


What does that mean?...Do guys get irritable, aggressive, socio-pathic?........huh? :eek:


No, I believe we go to the rest room.

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Dyer and DarkAngel..Thanks for your input...but I am talking about a guys need to get something" strange or different"

as they say at my office wc..and not a date with "Rosey Palm"....

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Im not sure, im a virgin and Im not insane or anything. I dont have crazy urges too hurt people or anything.

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I don't think it has much to do with biological imperatives. Many women cheat too. I guess maybe there are more sexual predators who are men but even those are in the minority. Most are like everybody else, they just make a mistake somewhere along the line.

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This past week alone I have heard from male friends and co-workers that when sperm builds-up in a mans body, it can result in psychological problems and can cause acting out....


Oh puleeeze :rolleyes:


Scientific fact: when sperm builds up, men will have night emissions (wet dreams).


Honestly. And they actually expect you to believe this garbage?


a guys need to get something" strange or different


Again, bah, humbug. That's just an excuse, Skittles. Do not give credibility to this dreck.

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I asked a guy at work why men were always wanting some 'strange'. He said it was because men really thought each woman was going to be different! I laughed like hell....cause it's not as though the container has that many OPTIONS! HAHAHAHA!


I do know that at certain ages men are VERY consumed by horniness....and maybe there is SOME merit to being a dickhound if you aren't getting enough at home. I don't know.

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it was because men really thought each woman was going to be different


A fool such as myself would then surmise that it would not take a huge sample size before they figured out that it was not the case. What, pray, is their excuse for continuing once that revelation has become apparent?

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"Aren't men more than their penises?"


Nah...that's pretty much it!


Pity they aren't. Think how easy it would be to figure them out! You'd know when they were happy and when not; what they liked and what not - and you'd not even need them to communicate! Hmmm... this could be a very good thing! :p:bunny:

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Originally posted by moimeme

"Aren't men more than their penises?"


Nah...that's pretty much it!


Pity they aren't. Think how easy it would be to figure them out! You'd know when they were happy and when not; what they liked and what not - and you'd not even need them to communicate! Hmmm... this could be a very good thing! :p:bunny:



Only when we are naked, and in the morning.

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This past week alone I have heard from male friends and co-workers that when sperm builds-up in a mans body, it can result in psychological

problems and can cause acting out....


Psychological problems? lol, I suppose, but they would probably be self-induced.


Other guys say physiological problems result, which is pure BS. Moi is right, your body will figure it out for you if you are unable (HA!) to masturbate those physiological-problem-causing spermies out of your bod.


I suppose some anthropologist could attempt to make a case for a "biological imperative" in the human species for preserving the species that results in males instinctually attempting to impregnate every female they meet...


But, I think that just plays into the hands of the fact that most guys have affairs for pretty simple reasons - physical. Now, that is my very un-scientific, non-professional observation... sort of like how most women in affairs have them for emotional reasons.


Now, my wife and I have differing appetites for sex. I can get pretty edgy and grumpy when I go for a week without (and Rosey doesn't help anymore...). I would get all worked up. I felt badly because I felt like I always had to ask for it. One day we were talking and she said to me, "we're married, that's what married people do! Fer Crissakes, if you want to just do it!" What she said helped a lot.


Our brains are what separate us from the animal kingdom - at the risk of using again an over-used truism.

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If men are no more than their penises, I'm not sure what that says about my TBXW. What I thought was a committed, faithful marriage was, unbeknownst to me, an "open marriage".


What's ironic, I guess, is that she described herself on a number of occasions over the years as having a "masculine temperament". She has many more male friends than female friends.


Who knows... maybe that should have given me an early clue.

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Originally posted by moimeme Scientific fact: when sperm builds up, men will have night emissions (wet dreams).


I've never had a wet dream. :o

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Originally posted by moimeme

Well, that's if the sperm hasn't exited for other reasons :p


lol I don't do that much either :p

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