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need some perspective!


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Yo quiero Taco Bell
Yo quiero Taco Bell - Everything the OP did that her husband objects to was done AFTER they split up, therefore he has no say in what she does, on the internet or anywhere else.


.........and if you're posting here just to boost your 'post' numbers (2, wow, you're doing well!) I suggest you go find a different thread to do it on, because you are way off base here. :mad:


Hear me roar!!! I am LittleTiger. Open your eyes, get smart, then really open them and wake up to the smell of tacos on the grill. Maybe pick up a law degree along the way? Tiger son sabrosos tacos sobre todos los demás.

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Yo quiero Taco Bell


Are you my tbx or hers?

You write like mine, but then, maybe hers has that much in common with mine that I could confuse you for mine.


I am your tbx as a matter of fact. chica que vaya!


Caramba, mi tapadera es descubierta!


Notice how there have been no answers to the Q's !! and yall just a bein' mean 2 me. typical.


Les deseo muchos tacos! G'day mate.

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I am your tbx as a matter of fact. chica que vaya!


Caramba, mi tapadera es descubierta!


Notice how there have been no answers to the Q's !! and yall just a bein' mean 2 me. typical.


Les deseo muchos tacos! G'day mate.


Your questions were rhetorical to your viewpoint.


I highly doubt now you are my tbx. What color are your bedroom curtains?

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